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I haven't noticed a thread for the show Person of Interest, it's a great show. (season 4 is on now but prior episodes are available @ Amazon)
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(correction)Its actually season 4 now, considering there is no thread for the show I doubt too many people on BL watch it.
About 15 years ago we had a movie theater built in our town, and about a decade ago they started doing $5 Tuesdays where all movies all day long are $5. It became so popular that other movie theaters in the area did something similar since they were losing too much business on that night. So the next nearest theater now has cheaper Tuesdays with $5.50 ticket prices. Either way, it's a good night to head to the movie theater. I haven't taken much advantage of this over the years, but have been lately. Currently have a 4 week streak of going. Probably won't continue for much longer, but I forgot how great it was actually seeing a movie in the theater.

Due to the popularity of $5 Tuesdays there have been good sized crowds thus far. I had forgotten how much more fun it is with a full theater as we travel through the story together. Experiencing the same emotions together; the ups and the downs, the humor and the sadness, the twists and the revelations. Laughter being contagious makes the funny parts become funnier. Sudden shocks make you jump a little higher. The sound and screen overtake those senses and invite you into the story and away from the modern disturbances of the computer or the phone or the other dozens of distractions that happen while watching a movie at home. It's been most enjoyable.

I've mentioned it numerous times on this board, but I keep a list of all the movies I've seen so I know how many movies I've seen this year. Only new movies (movies that are new to me, not new as in they just came out) are listed. I've seen over 180 movies so far this year and the last 4 weeks that I've gone to the theater are the first 4 I've seen in the theater this year. I had forgotten what a fun experience it was, especially for the simplicity of it. Definitely an enjoyable escape, and much healthier (and cheaper!) than my other substance filled escapes.

So far I've seen The Giver (had read the book years earlier), The Maze Runner (had not read the book), Gone Girl (had not read the book), and last night I saw The Judge. It was good, a little heavier than I had anticipated. Robert Downey Jr. continues to show his incredible range being able to seem like different people in his different roles. He's not Robert Downey playing Tony Stark. He was Tony Stark in Iron Man, he was Sherlock Holmes, he was Charlie Chaplin, and he was an emotionally damaged, strong-willed estranged son in The Judge.

As a heroin addict he gives me hope.
^Very cool. Where I live the avg price for a single movie is about $12. A few places actually have their own gestapo that check tickets. (sometimes mid-movie)

Looking foreword to seeing Birdman and upcoming Jolie movie. (forget the name)

Hope you're doing well Landrover.
sofia coppola directed an adaptation of The Little Mermaid. it doesn't star elle fanning. that's kinda the last straw.
I recently watched Up for the first time and I had a question for anyone who has seen it.

Spoilers for Up (2009)

Did anyone else think the ending was odd for a Pixar movie that is targeted mainly for children? Basically the bad guy falls off the floating house and plummets to his death (not shown). The house that the old man had floated away on floats away and falls back to earth where he had wanted it to end up. The old man and the boy then take the zeppelin-type airship that the bad guy floated around in and keep it for themselves.

So, to sum up: kill bad guy (who had been the old mans idle growing up), take his floating airship house, and then live on with the dead guys airship and his crew of dogs.

What a great lesson to learn. Killing people and taking over their identity is a worthwhile idea and is possible if the other person is old and a recluse

Also, I broke 200 last night with a movie theater viewing of John Wick and then I moved to 201 when I came home and finished watching The Great Outdoors (1988 )
It's not an animated version?

sofia coppola directed an adaptation of The Little Mermaid. it doesn't star elle fanning. that's kinda the last straw.

I'm confused what your disappointed with. That she is directing an adaptation of The Little Mermaid or that it's not starring Elle Fanning? She seems kind of young to play Ariel.

I started giving The Little Mermaid a rewatch several years ago while I was tripping on mushrooms. The animation was looking sweet, but then the bad woman (Ursula?) came on and it was all dark and scary, so I shut it off. She had too many bad vibes, man.

I'm sure a number of y'all are aware of this, but there's always been the different rumors that Disney inserts sexual references/things into several of their films. A number of them are up for debate, but this is one that you can actually see. When Ariel is marrying the dude at some point when they're on the guys boat or it's his dads boat or something, anyways when they're talking to the priest guy who is marrying them while in the middle of talking the priest guy gets a boner. It's very brief, like he got excited and then it went away, but while he's talking all of a sudden his pants tent up because they're full of animated bone, and then they go back down before it's noticeable.

If you're not looking right at his crotch you'll miss it.
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I'm confused what your disappointed with. That she is directing an adaptation of The Little Mermaid or that it's not starring Elle Fanning? She seems kind of young to play Ariel.
ariel is 15, maybe 16. elle fanning turned 16 this year, and they've already filmed. the timing was perfect. she would have been wonderful as ariel. people really fucked up on this one.

yeah, it's live action. ariel is played by this hag. travesty. look how upset Max is.
She looks like a full grown woman when she becomes a human. Plus there's the whole getting married thing.

Statutory rape, noice.
you might be running a fairy tale through an incompatible lens. with the "whole getting married thing," producers probably were as well. people like you, Carl.
Has anyone seen Godard's interpretation of The Little Mermaid? He made it early on in his career for a college course, starring a young, fresh, and still very wet-behind-the-ears Anna Karina.

The only Van Damme movies I remember are The Quest, Streetfighter, and Sudden Death. I'm watching one of his earlier movies, Bloodsport, and I'm surprised by how athletic he is. I remember him seeming strong and quick, but sort of on the leaner side. He's kind of buff in this movie and he is in crazy good shape.
bloodsport is classic. damn that title takes me back to the vhs daze something awful.
it's not about look, but the smell. don't be silly, MP.
If Senzo Tanaka is his shidoshi, then show us the Dim Mak.
What the hell is a Dim Mack?
Death touch.