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Random Social Chit-Chat v. Illuminati Confirmed

not being able to sleep has reminded me that "roseanne" has got to be one of the best sitcoms ever.

also, i think i must have inadvertently learned my parenting skills from watching this show too much in the 90s
i'm more of a "married with children" fan
excellent characters all round
I am so infatuated with Jason Dohring (veronica mars) it's not funny. :p
goatofthenever said:
The flying trash scene in American Beauty was corny as hell.

LOL I have to admit I agree. At first viewing it was quaint and heart-tugging but subsequent viewings just made me snicker and cringe. Also.....this reminds me of Scary Movie 4 where they parodied it to hell. lmao!
DarthMom said:
he contends sharply with ...oh wait, i sense a great thread idea coming up. oh wait...I DID IT ALREADY. i feel filled with accomplishment.

Yeah yeah yeah. I posted in your little thread. I even mentioned Gary Oldman. I can do it again and again and again and again.........you never know when my praise for Gary Oldman's villain skills will pop up next.
did everyone catch the family guy star wars episode last night?

twas good! not as good as the robot chicken one..but still very much the funny.
i saw the 3-d preview for journey 3-D when it premiered with nightmare before christmas.
looks like it could be, despite brendan fraiser, fun to see. really only because it is a full length, coming directly at your face graphics film.
crystalcallas said:
I love old Sesame Street. This one brings back lots of memories and just makes me feel really warm and squishy inside :)

How Milk is Made

Are you a fan of Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal?

Or is that a supid question?
DarthMom said:
reading IMDB film reviews cracks me up.
the user discussion forums at the bottom of each movie on IMDb are especially entertaining.

but the "no positive male role models" in March of the Penguins = comedy gold.
yeah, i read in the imdb forum on "notes to a scandal", many people whining about seeing cate blanchet urinating, well, sitting and briefly wiping. amongst the rest of the amorality in that story that was the one thing people complained of most.
Chasing Amy is one of those movies that I can watch over and over and never get sick of. Actually the same could be said for a lot of Kevin Smith films. :)
Am I the only one who wishes Corey Haim and Corey Feldman were still mega-stars? Good grief I miss the Corey's.

No really, I do.
Anton Chigurh(Javier Bardem)from No Country For Old Men made for one of the best villains I've ever seen. His character really deserves his own movie. Two hours of pure Chigurh creativing havoc and leaving a trail of dead bodies without Tommy Lee Jones lamenting on how old he's getting.
There needs to be more cop shows like Hill Street Blues. Good lord that show was quality television, especially how it focused not so much on law enforcement, but rather on each character as an individual.
Sam Elliott is THE baddest motherfucker around. Golden Compass was total shit, except for his scenes and the ending. LOVE him!
I don't care what anybody says....I think Ugly Betty is really funny =D

Got seasons 1 & 2 on DVD and it's been an excellent way to spend my free time after I finished my dvd of Weeds a couple of weeks ago. Huzzah!