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"Hausen, 2020 by Anna Stoeva". Hausen provides the audience with a grimmy atmosphere that at same time makes you love the moments of loneliness, embrace how you percieve those moments of serotonin release. In years I've looked for this kind of prescription and found plus what's even more heartwarming is that the show is German spoke, German cast.

Once again, reminds me of "The Penultimate" but more of keeping the stagnation chord to a minimum using it at certain points then abolish.
To revisit this whole segment of "vein pigmentation" I find it very mechanical too. Hausen started off with a 10/10 "Pilot" EP, then the second was same from the third it started to kinda look for a lifeboat. Do I feel bad for the concept of this show? No because I have that 0-100 in the form of Vincenzo Natallis's "Cube". I think it was 80m per total of those two EP's worth grinding.

In the name of what's happening, I found "Strangers from Hell" to be a blacklist to the genre of arthouse fantasy/noir, I can't for life of me recall how in 2022 I remembered I've saw that trailer and never opened a soda without acid in the way the trailer made me witness to this enlargment of people adoring to have their pupils dillatate to the point of where it become a thunderbolt cloud

Even the film poster depicts this randomly thrown shuffle cards. It has almost 1hr say 40? some like that iirc, pretty similar to most films. I feel like in the axn-ish kaleidoscope could be a dark horse if it wanted but it didn't, and in some parts it did. The victim in hand, our film -- is filmed in a gloomy anglogoth blueish and it promotes some ISO that could be challanged if it was filmed by a decent Fuji camera, and reminds me of the ISO in "Pagan Peak, the Scandinav series", isn't the same by no means is blue there but somehow the light mix with that monochrome in a manner that isn't perpetual and this says from itself.

One of most horrible films I've watched for a big big while
I have ~300 films in my 'To Watch' list.

Sure, some of them are 10 minute shorts like The Great Train Robbery but you also got some 4 hour bangerz like Once Upon a Time in New York or A Brighter Summer Day. Four hours though?? Come on. Absolutely taking the piss.
Four hours though?? Come on. Absolutely taking the piss.
Sergio Leone's 'masterpiece' of a final film, Once Upon a Time in America... biggest piece of garbage I've seen. No film has made me rant so much after viewing, my wife was like, "STFU about how bad it was already CG?!"
One of reasons Red Riding : The Year of Our Lord trilogy is one of best silverscreened crime sagas. "One of", those I cannot call for it as noirs don't make up for it, say "The Conversation" that's a film I don't say but others? similar to what The Dystopian Cabinet of Dr. Caligari did to the supsense genre
I can't be bothered creating a thread but this is probably worthy of one.. Anyway I'll entrust Shady with it 😅

For at least ten years I've been carrying on about octopuses (octopii?) and how they aren't just intelligent, THEY ARE NOT NORMAL.

I didn't even know about how their whole body is a sort of brain and they communicate psychedelically. Terence McKenna mentioned them briefly so I can't take all the credit for this 😉

I've also said stop looking for aliens in outer space -- they're in the sea and easy to find. They've probably already taken over and we don't even know.

So look after the octopus Shady, or you just don't know what it might do 😵‍💫

Hm, you know what I've re-watched the "Hausen" series and happens that what I should've done is simply forget EP.5? 5 it was and that's it. So you have 7 EP's which is like a mermaid in a stary nights sining to pirates. House of Snails, Prey.. I don't even. But yo, the bear! Strong animals indeed.
My Octopus Teacher is magic. Mum and I both cried watching it..

The footage was great, but I prefer the old, stolid National Geographic Special style of nature documentaries. Now it's all "top 10 MOST DANGEROUS," "here's some political commentary," "let's make this into a human-connection story".
The footage was great, but I prefer the old, stolid National Geographic Special style of nature documentaries. Now it's all "top 10 MOST DANGEROUS," "here's some political commentary," "let's make this into a human-connection story".

Human connection story for the win!

My octopus obsession continues and I wouldn't mind a tattoo of one (upper arm, nothing spectacular).

Can I post these ? They are newer

Sorri for the screen size. It's huge.


