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Random questions thread - shit you wonder about

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I got a empty unopened bag of chips, and have seen tons of the them. (The little single serving bags.)
Why do some people push the snooze button on their alarm clocks up to ten times or so before they get up? I find this really weird, and don't see the point. If you know you can sleep longer, why not just set the alarm later- and enjoy an extra hour of uninterrupted sleep? In the nine minutes or whatever between each alarm, you can't possibly get any good sleep in such a short time, and you are only prolonging that uneasy feeling of having to inevitably wake up and go about your day. If anyone does this, please enlighten me as to what it achieves. It seems counter-productive in every sense- how quickly you go from being asleep, to awake, and also the quality of restorative sleep, it's a lose-lose situation.
I'm the type of person who wakes up very, very slowly. I lay in bed trying to come to full consciousness before getting up. If I get up right away I get a horrible "jolt" feeling in my head. So in case i fall asleep again i have my snooze button to re-wake me.
SardonicNihilist said:
Why do some people push the snooze button on their alarm clocks up to ten times or so before they get up? I find this really weird, and don't see the point. If you know you can sleep longer, why not just set the alarm later- and enjoy an extra hour of uninterrupted sleep? In the nine minutes or whatever between each alarm, you can't possibly get any good sleep in such a short time, and you are only prolonging that uneasy feeling of having to inevitably wake up and go about your day. If anyone does this, please enlighten me as to what it achieves. It seems counter-productive in every sense- how quickly you go from being asleep, to awake, and also the quality of restorative sleep, it's a lose-lose situation.

Nah yo.....


If i set the alarm to the time i actually gotta wake up, id never wake up.

Some people just CANT FUCKIN WAKE UP unless they get constant reminders.

I gotta set the alarm like a half hour early, so i know that i gotta get up, and by the 5th or 6th snooze-hit its like, Aight, i REALLY gotta get up this time.

Honestly everytime ive set the alarm for when i gotta get up i just be late cuz ill hit the snooze button.

See some people sleep like normal people and some people sleep like giant, Valium-injected grizzly bears with a hangover.

Its funny cuz ill wake up at the slightest sound of someone coming near my room or around my window. and ill jump right the fuck up if i sense someone coming. no one ever been able to sneak into my room when im sleeping without me knowing its just instinct and in a situation where i gotta get up because my safety or shit (as in someone tryina steal my shit while im asleep) im UP and READY.

but when it comes to waking-up time for somethin as non threatining as havin to go somewhere like work or a appointment....when i furst wake up its like tryina reason with a 3 year old w/down syndrome. if you wake me up from the middle of a sleep im like a big whiney baby LOL. "Why are you WAKING me UP!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhh. just TELL ME what you NEED so i can go back to SLEEEEP. why you gotta wake me UPPPPPP?!" standin there eyes half closed feeling like a bull thats been poked with a stick one too many times. i have talks with people in my sleep all the time when they think im awake. usually i dont even remember that shit after i go back to bed and wake up for real. my moms learned to not come into my room at 6 am before she go to work and ask me to do somethin, cuz i will have no idea that she ever said anything. there is no "awake" and "asleep" with me, the gray area there between those 2 is dangerous lol.

but getting up for work is such a fuckin problem for me that i woudl switch jobs because of it.

Anyways to answer your question, i need 'warning time" before i actually gotta get up, so the feeling ov being able to hit the sleep button is like tricking myself that im lettin myself sleep longer. and its easy to do cuz like i said im stupid when im sleepy.

if that dont make sense, dont ask no more, cuz the rest dont make sense to me either.

Why the hell do dogs always go behind a chair or couch or some shit when they plan to yak all over your fuckin floor? they cant simply barf up a huge nazzty ass mess but gotta do it somwhere that you wont find it for a week either til it starts driving you crazy with the mysterious disgusting smell and you gotta search for it.
yeah if i just set one alarm ill just hit it and go back to bed without even realizing it. my mom used to literaly drag me out of bed for school and i would get back in and go to sleep. she would be so pissed but i said to her, i dont know what to tell you, i cant control it if im not even conscious. hence setting 5 alarms and hoping that by the fifth one my sleep has been distrubed enough that I actually wake up.
SardonicNihilist said:
Why do some people push the snooze button on their alarm clocks up to ten times or so before they get up? I find this really weird, and don't see the point. If you know you can sleep longer, why not just set the alarm later- and enjoy an extra hour of uninterrupted sleep? In the nine minutes or whatever between each alarm, you can't possibly get any good sleep in such a short time, and you are only prolonging that uneasy feeling of having to inevitably wake up and go about your day. If anyone does this, please enlighten me as to what it achieves. It seems counter-productive in every sense- how quickly you go from being asleep, to awake, and also the quality of restorative sleep, it's a lose-lose situation.

for me it's not about extra sleeping time, it's more time to wake up.

if i got up as soon as my alarm went off, i'd still be really sleepy, hence spend more time in the shower waking up, and take longer getting ready because i'm still sleepy.
when i first hit the snooze, i'm still half asleep, then i'm not actually going back to sleep, i'm really just lying there kinda dozing, coming up out of sleep slowly over the next 20 minutes, rather than having a big jump from deep sleep to awake if i got up straight away.

it basically means i can spend 50 minutes getting up, showering, dressing, doing hair/makeup, or 20 minutes snoozing and 30 min getting ready. same amount of time really, but the snooze method makes me feel more awake when i get up, and that carries on to the rest of the day as well.
massive said:
This paper plane sim has controls like a flight sim and you can do loops and see far you can get
what are the controls - i can't get it to do anything but launch the plane and watch it fall to earth a few feet later?

1. Set angle, thrust, and elevator by moving the yellow, red, and white circles. Angle represents the angle of throw and can vary between -90 and 90 degrees. Thrust represents the intial velocity of the throw and can vary between 0 and 100 miles per hour. Elevator represents the amount that the wings are bent and varies between -35 and 35 degrees.

2. When you're satisfied with your settings press the LAUNCH button. After the throw, press the RESET button and adjust the settings again for another throw.

3. After completing five throws your results will be displayed. Throws are rated by four different statistics: distance in feet, maximum altitude in feet, time aloft in seconds, and number of revolutions. Your best result in each category is displayed in red.
i'm getting the hang of it now. max so far = 103ft

With the alarm thing, I used to be a chronic snooze button spammer. The best thing I found is to put the alarm (or mobile phone) somewhere where you actually have to get out of the bed to turn it off. I find that once im up and out of the bed, theres no point to actually going back in, allthough lately i've been getting up and setting the snooze and going back to sleep. The cycle is starting again :(

Anyway to my random thought, Why do they allways put these alternative fuel souce systems into these furutistic cars that look like utter SHIT? Can't you just put it in an existing car model thats already successful (Landcruiser, Lancer, Commadore, etc.) The only reason that I can think of is that standard fuel is still the best in relation to

Price of the car
Money the dealer makes (Initial Cost, Maintenance, etc.)
Cost of fuel
Ease of getting said fuel
How fast the car goes on said fuel
Other misc shit

Maybe I just don't understand alternative fuel
^^LMAO!!! so tru!!1

All the hybrid cars i seen look like fuckin developmentally disabled cardboard boxes duct taped together and covered with sheet metal.
Speaking of alarms, I have a regular alarm clock in my bedroom, which undergoes the usual snooze ritual any morning I have to get up early. In addition, I set my home stereo in the living room to come on (quite loudly) at about the time of the 2nd potential snooze, on a radio station playing the type of music I like the least - country. There is absolutely no way on earth I can lay in bed while Dwigt McGriddleytwinks is singing "No Home, No Wife, No Dog" down the hall. ;)
SillyAlien said:
There is absolutely no way on earth I can lay in bed while Dwigt McGriddleytwinks is singing "No Home, No Wife, No Dog" down the hall. ;)

Does woolite for darks substitute for detergent as well? I read the back of the bottle and it implied that but does not say exactly.

anyone use it?
lacey k said:
^^LMAO!!! so tru!!1

All the hybrid cars i seen look like fuckin developmentally disabled cardboard boxes duct taped together and covered with sheet metal.

Yeah, the older ones looked like crap but look at the new honda accord hybrid. This one at least looks decent.

I've always thought electric or hybrid cars are improperly marketed. They all look so lame! They should make them over the top extravagant like an old-school cadillac, with electricity bolts buzzing around transparent fins, like those balls that you touch with your finger and your hair stands on end. They don't have to be so quiet either. People like loud cars, so using speakers and a nice sub-woofer, play some artificial 'rocket taking off' sounds that is synchronised with the accelerator. People want to turn heads when driving unique cars, not be embarrassed that they are helping the environment but have meanwhile no style. It could be a gamble, but making them 'cool' as well as environmentally friendly would be the best way to popularise them.

Knife question: the teflon coating on some blades serves only to protect it from corrosion? When you sharpen such a blade, is it expected that you chip away the teflon coating near the cutting edge? And won't that then lead to minute particles of teflon getting into the food that you are cutting? Like fishing, or cutting fruit.. that can't be good for human consumption. I don't get it. I have a knife which is thankfully sharp enough at the moment, but I suspect I'll have to get it professionally sharpened when it inevitably becomes blunt.
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