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Question about MAOIs

If I experience a negative comeup with panic attacks and mood swings, that's all I'll experience for the entire trip. The comeup is one of 3 stages but I won't get to see the other 2 if I don't have a positive comeup.
If I experience a negative comeup with panic attacks and mood swings, that's all I'll experience for the entire trip. The comeup is one of 3 stages but I won't get to see the other 2 if I don't have a positive comeup.

Ah, gotcha. Handful of people that rolling doesn’t work too well for so looks like your one then
I can and have had great rolls but only if the comeup goes well. Right now it's guaranteed to not go well and if one of these meds make me feel perfectly relaxed when I shouldn't be (MAOI) then that's a mistake that'll cost me if I don't watch my step like you and phobos pointed you.
Try and smoke some weed before hand? Or some medication after a few months of practice. If it’s that much of a problem then I’d just give up rolling since MAOIs can kill you as pointed out.
I'm reluctant to type this but I have little else in life to look forward to besides drugs and if I quit rolling I'll end up becoming a smackhead or dead.
I'd smoke some weed beforehand but that increases my feelings of paranoia and the last thing I want during a comeup is worrying about law enforcement busting down my door. When I OD'd a few years ago I actually shut off the electricity to my house and all it took to trigger that was my social worker asking me if I'm alright over the phone (I was so stupid I actually called her while rolling), she didn't even know I was on anything.