EMD PsyTrance Discussion ver. Carn mates, get your doof on!

Highko Vs. Kashyyyk - Wanna Beer

I'm in need of some new psytrance. Anyone got some recommends?

Hard to say what's new and what isn't for a given person. =D List some of your favorites or what you've been listening to lately, and what subgenres you like? Otherwise I fear lots of the suggestions will not be new.

That said, I'll hazard a guess that SOLADRIA is yet unknown to you - have a listen:

Lock On
Paradoxal Potions
Shine Pattern
System Surfer
Terminal Velocity
I was at a party on Friday where a good part of the music was progressive psy, and it made me bust a move like a motherfucker (despite being on mushrooms, hardly my first or second choice for a party drug), so I'll probably have to give it another shot. Previously when I've listened to it I've found it tolerable but never really gotten excited about anything other than Vibrasphere.

This, on the other hand, made me all kinds of excited in my pants:

FUNGUS FUNK - It's Time to Wake Up

As is this:

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^check out zenon records to see the style I'm talking about. While it is prog psy, it sounds minimal and darker.
Ohhhhhh my lord.
I have about 8 days left in Europe. I really dont want to leave this place!!
Went from Freqs of nature to Antaris project, where i saw a surprise ENTROPY set. Entropy, has been my favourite producer for years. I had no idea he was playing there!
After Antaris we hit up ¨Paradise Festival¨ in Austria. The music and decor was amazing, i got to see kindzadza play a 4 hour live set. Ive seen him about 4 times now, and never has he played this sort of music before. Constantly messing around with the tracks and warping the hell out of things. Gahhh, so so good.
3 nights before i fly home, I have been invited to a secret party near Berlin featuring Will o wisp and Megalopsy. Only about 200 invites, this should be worth my while :D
Hoooooooooly shit. You guys wont believe this.
Psychedanic and i started hanging out in berlin over a weeks ago, before freqs of nature, but we had no idea that we had been connecting through bluelight. We ended up spending every night together and partying in the same crew all week at the festival, came back to berlin to run amock for days with our friends. It wasnt until early this morning i mentioned something about bluelight to him and we realized that we had been in touch this whole fucking time.
Such a spin out, seriously cant get my head around this. out of the millions of people in this world, the universe drew us together.
Whats even trippier, we are both named Dan. we both crave dark forest hitec psy, our mothers are bo0th from Scotland and out fathers are both from India. Fucking trippy or what?????

What a fucking surreal moment it was when we found that out! Man, I'm fucking glad I ended up missing my flight for that very reason alone, tbh. :) Was absolutely great to party at Freqs with you, dude. Good to share those moments with awesome people who are clearly also at their life's peak. I'd do anything to be back on the Forest Floor again!!!

By the way, if anyone's interested in checking out pics of the event, my friend took some stunning photos that summed the event up well: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.463891030295589.110030.100000240880269&type=1
Good shit man, really good shit. How epic was that lightning & thunderstorm on the second afternoon of freqs!! I have never in my life experienced such a dramatic storm. That night was funny too. Too much K, i cracked it.. My brain, that is.
So i've been listening to Mark's soundcloud all morning. I can't believe he has been producing for such a small amount of time!! Unbelievable!
Mark Day - Some very nice forest psy. Great chilling out music i think :)
Off to see megalopsy and willowisp tomorrow! Going to be so fun, can't wait to meet more random acidheads!
well Megalopsy is actually two guys. Frantic Noise and Prisma. Damn man, sounds like a blast. take some videos if you can %)
Last night was crayz. I just got back to my hostel, soaking wet because it was pissing down all morning..
The people in my hostel are eating breakfast and looking all nice and fresh. Im sitting here smelling like psytrance and rotting in my own self pity. I need to get back to this party!!
They set up a stage in a tiny park in the middle of 3 passing highways somewhere in the middle of Berlin.
The location was surrounded by trees and shrubs but u could still hear the cars passing by.
Megalopsy and willowisp played all night long, i swear it was crazier than hearing a psykovsky set.
Cannibal Crow made an appearance also. I ended up leaving the party not too long ago because the rain has become too overwhelming, but hopefully cannibal crow will do a set for the people still out there.
I fucking love Berlin. I never expected to have such a random night like that. So fucking stoked.
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Joel from SecretPsyde is helping me out.

Confirmed to play in Sydney later this year with Bombax and others from the NoisyRadical team :)

Aaaaah holy fuck, just discovered this ~

stiTch vs extraterrestrial
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