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Psychedelic with little threat of bad trip


May 5, 2009
Soo, Swims kindof a newb when it comes to triping, He's only done DXM, great doses of LSA and salvia, MDMA and low dose of shrooms once. Swim notices that he tend to have bad trips almost everytime on all of em besides MDMA. He figures its cuz of his lack of experience.

Does anyone know of substance that swim could use to kinda ease his way into the water instead of pushing him into the deep end?? Swim cant swim that well yet. He's looking for something that has little chance of having a bad trip, a pretty clear head high, but still has fancy visuals and makes music sound more magical.
we dont swim much around here friend ;) Welcome to Bluelight and PD! <3

If your looking for the psychedelic with the least possibility of a negative trip I would probably go with DMT. Its quick and very loving/ reassuring even when it gets intense. Others will most likely recommend 2c-b or 2c-i. All of those three are relatively gentle psychedelics. Happy tripping <3

Oh also, if you are prone to BAD trips, it may just be something that you will always have to deal with, psychedelics are not for everyone.

love and lite!
2c-b is relatively light IMO. I started with that, and it was a great time.
Yeah, *L*L* is definitely right.... If you think you're ready to try any of the Phenethylamines, aka the 2C-*** family, make sure you start with an average dose. Dont go thinking that you can "handle" a larger dose, because there is a VERY steep threshold curve after a certain number of mgs. Start out small and work your way up. I learned that one quick ;)

Happy Tripping, and Loveeee <3 :)
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I don't think that bad experiences on everything you've tried means you're inexperienced. Not saying this is you, but maybe something to think about, ime ive noticed that some people just really dont sit well with the psychedelic experience. Of course taking care to make sure of proper set & setting will greatly increase ur chances for a good experience. You most likely won't find a psychedelic that will guarantee little chance of a bad trip. When I have rough experiences I think its important to really let whats bothering me to come up to the forefront of my mind and use the psych to show me what im doing wrong or how i can/should improve myself in some way.

I wouldn't recommend taking these psychedelics to just see fancy visuals and make music good, bc most of the time it probably wont turn out well when you realize its going into your mind. If you're looking for just happy go-lucky fun, it sounds like maybe MDMA is more ur deal. If you havent been turned away by bad experiences, which it doesnt seem you have been, I would try preparing in advance for a nice self-exploratory session and see if you can really let the drug take hold and teach you. Once you learn how to use them and accept what they'll show you, guiding your experience becomes much easier....

Long answer, but hope it helped :)
^That "20mg" threshold varies within the 2cs.

EDIT: @ thatmdmahead

Thanks for that catch, man. I'm used to dealing with my 2CE. Thanks.

<3 Please dont ask for sources on BL, nobody will give you any and you'll just get yelled at by the guys with the modsticks. LOL. Nothin personal ;)

<3 :) <3
Difficult trips are part of frequent hallucinogen use. Once you have worked through it, you will emerge a stronger and wiser person. No worries.
2c-b is relatively light IMO. I started with that, and it was a great time.

Agreed. 2cb was one of the most profoundly visual experiences I have had. It had all of the visual candy with none of the "mindf--ck".

I started out with 2ci and I would recommend that as well for a first-time tripper. It's a very friendly and uplifting compound.
the most important measure to avoid a bad trip isn't the substance you choose, but things like set, setting and research. When you have those covered, 2C-B, 2C-C, 2C-D and 2C-I all provide very manageable trips.
2CD - if you can find it would be pretty much ideal IMO. I'd suggest it's "lighter" psychologically than 2CB can be.
the most important measure to avoid a bad trip isn't the substance you choose, but things like set, setting and research. When you have those covered, 2C-B, 2C-C, 2C-D and 2C-I all provide very manageable trips.

No wonder you're only having bad trips - with drugs like those (minus MDMA).. DXM is a dissociative - which some people don't like.. LSA and Salvia are both notorious for being dysphoric and unpleasurable.

It's already been mentioned but can't be stressed enough when it comes to psychedelics is Set and Setting..

If that's all good.. then you'd probably have a good time on any of the more traditional psych's (LSD etc..) at reasonable doses..

But ye i found 2-cb to be very light on the psyche - would be a good place to start.

Ha no I agree with most that 2c-b would be a good place to start. Also you might try a low dose of acid from the thing you said you wanted out of the trip. Low doses are much less likely to result in bad experiences
2c-i is probably the easiest psych i have tried, 10mg would probably be a good starting point....
I had a bad trip on 2c-I, it is definitely possible. I have never had a bad trip on salvia or LSA or shrooms. I find the natural psychs harder to have bad trips on. Dose low, expect nothing, and move up slowly.
2CD - if you can find it would be pretty much ideal IMO. I'd suggest it's "lighter" psychologically than 2CB can be.

it most certainly is. So is 2cc in my opinion.

I think the best thing you can do for yourself, and im surprised it hasnt been mentioned yet, a low dose of good ol' LSD. Tis quite managable and loads of fun.