Psychedelic rock

But then if we are talking truly DARK and tripped out druggy psych music, what thread would ever be complete without the Electric Prunes and "I Had too Much to Dream Last Night?"

Tame Impala [2014] - Stranger In Moscow

CREAM [1968] - Passing The Time


Ginger Baker – drums
Jack Bruce – bass, vocals
Eric Clapton – guitars, vocals
Felix Pappalardi – producer
My favorite from the "Cambodian Rocks" compilation of pre-Khmer Rouge psychedelic bands, almost all of whom would be exterminated over the course of the 70s:


Science Poption formed in 1965, and consisted of Claes Dieden (vocals, guitar), Anders Gellner (vocals, saxophone), Roger Wallis (organ), Bear Proud (bass), and Ola Brunkert (drums). Gellner is now a local politician in Solna, Sweden, and Wallis is currently a professor.
