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Processing what I just experienced

Experiencing the self includes experiencing others in all kinds of situations.
I realize this is probably too late for the OP, however, I just wanted to say something about this. As others have said, integrating trips is extremely important. The rate at which that happens varies and is totally dependent to the specific trip you had. I've had powerful experiences where as I was having it I understand the meaning and felt the impact on my life, and I've had trips that were hugely confusing and perplexing and at some point later - a week, a month, a year - I suddenly understood or had a realization and the trip became fully integrated. And sometimes it's a series of small alignments, realizations, whatever, that makes the picture more complete little by little.

Regarding your feeling that the experience unlocked the door but the chain was still there so you could only peek through... I've had similar experiences before (in fact I still get that with smoked DMT, I've never gotten through all the way). In one case in particular I remember, at a later time I felt more comfortable with my experience, and tried it again, and did break through the place I couldn't get through the last time, and afterwards, I realized why I hadn't been able to get through the first time, it was because I had to integrate the first experience before I was ready to go further.

Integrating experiences is a real challenge, I find, and one important aspect of communities such as Bluelight. In a broader sense, I feel that this can be just as much harm reduction as any of the other things BL stands for. :) I for one wouldn't mind a specific section dedicated to helping people integrate difficult or overwhelming experiences...

That's actually a really good idea... a mega-thread where people could go to talk to other like-minded people as they are trying to integrate their trips, and get support if they're having a difficult time.
Mind you I'm VERY experienced with psychedelics and drugs in general.

Im not trying to be harsh, but it's kind of paradoxical that you would be VERY experienced with psychedelics and also asking these questions. Just my $.02, there are varying degree's of being experienced and I know that psychedelics are something that people say that about when they've only taken them a dozen times or so. Also, just a personal thing, but I would NEVER call 600ug a "heroic" dose. That's about middle-ground for LSD for me, heroic doses definitely don't start until you get over 1mg, and even then, it's iffy. LSD just doesn't really give you the heroic psychedelic experience.

Ego reduction happens on LSD, but I have never experienced ego death from LSD. It just doesn't happen. Mushrooms are my favorite for ego death.

OK, now for advice: Don't trip when you are depressed, ever. Psychedelics are best used as enhancers, not helpers. A lot of people say that they just amplify what you are feeling. I think that this is an oversimplification, but illustrates the point very well.

1. How does one take these intense and crazy hallucinations and break them down, study them, etc.

This is completely personal, and honestly you would have to give me subject matter for me to give you detailed advice, you never just have "realizations," they are always in regard to something. For me, there is 3 main kind of trips:

1. The recreational trip
2. The introspective trip
3. The mystical trip

The first one is pretty self explanatory, I would get nothing but a good time from the experience.

I think number two is my favorite kind of trip. It is the one where I get very visionary and can mentally slice through all of my minds bullshit and perceive everything with utter clarity.

Trip type #3 is what I think you are getting at, and it is when CRAZY things that really shouldn't be happening are happening and you are trying to make sense of it. Almost every time once I come down off of these doses, I haven't been completely convinced of anything simply because I cannot decide if the experience was real or it it was just a fabrication. DMT is always like this for me. Be careful with these experiences, or you might be he homeless nut who tripped one too many times. Basically, don't buy into bullshit.

2. Should I take an ever higher dose, maybe 800ug so letting go is even easier? Mind you I'm VERY experienced with psychedelics and drugs in general.

Sure, definitely take a higher dose sometime, but only when you are ready. It is generally pointless to ask anyone if you should trip, it never helps you get an answer. ;)
Also, I found this guide on a forum online, it gets my seal of approval for sure. Can't recall where it was posted exactly, but I think it should help you (and a lot of others) tremendously.

Hello all, I have been a psychedelic enthusiast for almost two decades and have been quite well connected for most of the time. I have taken LSD, mushrooms, and DMT hundreds of times each and have explored very high doses. I have extensive experience with mescaline, 2C-B, DOM, MDMA, MDA, the list goes on, but those are the main ones. I hope this guide can be beneficial to all who read it.

You’ll want to start by researching the chemical of ingestion whether that is LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, etc.
Personally, I always have to see the toxicology reports of a substance before I use it. For most psychedelics these are very non-threatening and generally very safe. Learn the effects of the drug, think about how you would personally react to these effects. I have found good sources for this to be erowid, Wikipedia, drug forums, and books on the subjects of course.

Do not mix psychedelics with SSRI’s of any kind.
Do not take a psychedelic drug if you suffer from a mental illness that could mix badly with or be potentiated by the drug. The two most notable illnesses are schizophrenia and major depression.

-----Finding it-----
You can do this hand in hand with finding a reliable source for said psychedelic. You should have no doubt about what the drug is you are taking. Never trust what a dealer has said to you, but it is ok to trust what a trusted friend is selling you. Trust is key.

Beyond that there are test kits. Buy them. Some brands are better than others, for example NIK tests kits are the best for LSD.

Make long-term connections, those are always best.

So now you know what your drug will do and you have presumably bought the drug.

Pick a day 1-4 weeks away, or any time after, that you can take the whole day off, preferably with a day off after, and if the day before is free as well that is great, but completely unnecessary in my experience. I would instead recommend doing the reflection and mental preparation consistently for a while before the experience. As the date dawns on you, be aware of it, and make sure you are living in the moment and have an overall feeling of goodness and are content with life.

Don’t try to use this for anything. If you are reading this guide you are not experienced enough to attempt to use the drug in any direct capacity, as it is harder to “guide” the experience as a novice. If you use psychedelics wisely and respectfully they can open up to the user and have amazing healing potential in a very direct manner.

However, this kind of thinking is counterproductive to what is really conducive to profound experiences. Going along where the drug takes you is best. Be completely open with the experience. Allow the drug to wash completely over you. Always take at least a moment during the experience to lie down and do this, just completely fall into the experience.

Being overwhelmed is to be expected, but a major realizations psychedelics have to offer (IMO) is the deep feeling of peace you get after letting go of your feeling of being overwhelmed. Be OK with whatever happens as well as completely non-judgmental. “Letting go” can be scary for some people, but remember it is for the best. Usually if I surrender to a powerful psychedelic experience I let go of a lot of the negative feelings I may be having in everyday life. It is a rebirth in this manner.

-----Setting up the Experience-----

Here is a list of things to do:
-- As the date grows near, you should feel generally positive overall and feel that you are reasonably well prepared for the experience to come.
-- You should get a plan sketched out for what you will be doing during the trip. Will it be a day trip or night trip?
--What will you do during? Where will you be doing it? You will want to have a place of your own for the experience, free of distractions. That means turn off your cell phone.
-- The space should be comfortable, with couches, pillows, and blankets, have access to good music, food, water, and preferably outdoors. If you want to smoke cannabis or huff no2, have that on hand, and have anything else that you might see yourself using, such as a notebook or art supplies. You should have access to a restroom as well, of course.
-- Within this space, it is a good idea to create a feeling of it being a sort of sacred space where everything is good and peaceful and full of bliss and joy.
-- You should have spent some time each day of the week in quiet mental preparation for the experience.
-- You should feel in touch with yourself, your thoughts, your feelings.
-- You should have a lack of suicidal, dark, or otherwise negative thoughts.
-- You should not intend to delve into any pain, suffering, or misery, personal or otherwise.
-- You should be prepared to have highly unusual experiences, including: experiencing different realities or historical periods; being in a different body of either sex; becoming an animal, plant or microorganism; experiencing your own birth; meeting the divine within in a wide variety of possible forms, including gods and goddesses, divine beings, transcendent light, etc.
-- You should be sure to minimize all interruptions, wherever one might be foreseen.
-- You should wear reasonably comfortable clothing.
-- It can be a good thing to choose the music you want to listen to beforehand, or any films you want to watch, because decisions like that can be difficult. Scrolling through my music library is just overwhelming when tripping – too many options! (Check out “Right Thing / Gdmfsob” by DJ Shadow. It’s a song about that exact problem!)

How you guide the experience is really up to you. I’m not going to tell you what might happen because anything can happen, so be open to everything.

When the day comes you should be feeling good in general. Fasting greatly increases the potency of the drugs, such as LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, oral DMT, and is recommended unless you think you need the food for energy, such as for performing a physical activity. However, I have found that LSD especially provides its own energy. If you are dosing later in the day, then just don’t eat that day. If you are dosing early in the day, skip your last meal the previous night. For drugs such as mescaline and oral DMT, a special diet should be followed for longer before the experience.

Clean up the place you are tripping at. It’s good for things to be tidy. Gather things such as plenty of water, some fruits, good music, and things that are necessary for all planned activities.

It can be a good idea to have a benzo on hand, such as Xanax. Benzo’s counteract the effects of psychedelics, and can calm down someone on a bad trip (someone who likely didn’t read this guide!) or help one calm down to fall asleep at the end of an experience. Users seem to be split on this subject, some prefer natural-livin’ while others prefer livin’ through chemistry. It’s really just a personal choice.

Once you are prepared and know it, it is time to dose.

After you dose, there will be a window of time where you are still sober. During this time I find mindful reflection is helpful.

Ask yourself the following questions:
--What do I think this experience will entail?
--How do I view mystical experiences, God’s/Goddess’s, or the divine in general?
--What are your intentions with the experience? Think of this clearly enough to say it.
--A sort of casual meditation or actual meditation during this time is good.
--If you are tripping with other people, you should know them very well and trust them completely. Make sure they are also educated in psychedelics.
As the drug kicks in, you should affirm that you are willing to do each of the following:
-- Am prepared to lie down, listen to music, observe my breathing and pay attention to any sensations in my body.
-- Am prepared to let go of expectations about session, let go of personal concerns about relationships, personal issues and habits.
-- Am prepared to let go of each experience, feeling or visual event as it occurs.
-- Am prepared to let go of my personal identity and allow physical boundaries to dissolve.
-- Am prepared to experience and deepen my awareness of other dimensions of reality.

For the rest of the experience you can do as you see fit. There are many good things that fit well with tripping and many are listed above. I would strongly recommend that you lay down and meditate sometime during the experience. It always makes things much more intense for me. You may want to have a notepad or voice recorder to keep any revelations you may have. Another must is to get a load of nature. Sometimes this can be more trouble than it is worth, and that is fine. If you think you are too high to handle something, GO BACK HOME.

You will spend the tail-end of the experience re-integrating and then the following day, reflecting on the experience and its insights. It is not a good idea to make any major life changes in the days following a trip, although many people do so. Take a few days to mull it over first.

Re-integrating is perhaps the most important part of the experience. Here are a couple quotes on reintegration that put it as well as I ever will:
“I cannot speak to your individual trip but I am of the opinion that LSD can only point you the way, rather than give you a fundamentally new insight just by itself.

The experience is real and the shift in consciousness profound, but do not let it fool you into thinking it will make you better, smarter, and that it will change your life. It might show you new possibilities - but you have to do the daily work to put them into reality. Your mind is akin to your muscles; you have to exercise it for it to work well. People have wondered about the mysteries of life and universe for thousands of years and hoping for one dose of LSD to make you just 'get it' is akin to thinking a cycle of Testosterone will make you succeed at the Olympic games. Regardless of whether you want to put your stock in spiritual development, philosophical thought, scientific discovery or creative expression through art, you are going to have to work at those specific things; and if you just want to live a good life and learn to feel that serene feeling of being in tune with the world - well, you are going to have to live a good life and work on actually being understanding and accepting no matter what happens.

Perhaps I am way off base here but I think that it is an all too common pattern for people to discard the 'personal' element of personal growth and be content with whatever the drug gave them. The spiritual discovery might start with the drugs, but the real trick is to continue it even after they have worn off.”
--- Anonymous

“As favorable as these trends may be (and whatever else you read in this book that you feel good about or are surprised by or want to share with someone), what matters most how your understanding of yourself and your place in the natural order has been made clearer or richer or of more value because of your actual or anticipated psychedelic- supported experiences.

If the resultant insights are not integrated into your life, they can be trivialized, ignored, or even "pathologized." Huston Smith, probably the world's foremost scholar of religion, says the question is not "Do these substances support religious experience?" but "Does their use lead to a religious life?" Psychedelic researcher and Buddhist practitioner Rick Strassman says, "'Spiritual experience' alone, even repeated, is not the basis for becoming a better person. Rather, psychedelic insights tempered and put into practice, using ethical and moral considerations, appear to be the best way to harness the power of psychedelic drugs."”
--- James Fadiman

You may want to trip again immediately after, however it is not in your best interest. Psychedelics build tolerance rapidly, so taking the same dose the next day will be 1/3 as effective as before. You will need 14 days to return to “baseline,” however many users report needing up to 2 or 3 months to get the “magic” back.

There is a very good illustration of how this tolerance comes into play exactly, on this page:

A note on bad trips:
They are self-fulfilling prophecies. They come in the form of acute anxiety, otherwise known as a panic attack. There are three general ways that these things come about.
1. “I have overdosed, I am going to die.”
2. “I have gone mad. “ / “This is never going to end.”
3. A bad mindset or setting that causes paranoia or anxiety.

Both of the first two are irrational responses that stem from ignorance and can be overcome by simply educating yourself on the effects and toxicity levels of each drug. The third is something that this guide is meant to help you avoid. If you are uncomfortable with or having seconds thoughts about dosing because of mental anguish or lack of proper environment, don’t do it.

-----Individual Drug Guide-----
is the most widely used psychedelic drug. I would recommend a first timer to dose 150-200ug. On the street it is usually $5-10 per hit, depending on the dosage of the hit and how many you buy. Comes is blotter (paper that is with or without artwork), liquid, gel tabs, microdots, and of course crystal. You will mostly only deal in tabs and liquid, and maybe microdots. The liquid kicks in much faster than the tabs.

The effects of LSD leave me feeling more clear-headed than most drugs. I usually feel ecstatic about everything and gain an acute sense of wonder. The open eye visuals are a classic staple of psychedelic drugs. They can include warping of surfaces, tracers on objects in motion, and detailed patterns overlaid across everything. Closed eye visuals depend more on the individual acid – some are amazing while other are rather lackluster. Lower doses aren’t usually much for CEV’s.

Certain acids leave me (and others) side effects. These include the feeling of gas toward the end of a trip, which is kind of like having to fart, but not being able to. Also included is lower-back pain at the tail-end of the trip and a body load in the form of stomach anxiety, as well as the obvious general heavy body load sensation. High quality LSD will lack all of these side effects. I have witnessed people get the highest quality LSD available, and complain about it being weak because they were expecting lower quality tabs with a body load and more of an impaired overall status.

Extremely high quality LSD (95+%) will be very clearheaded. Stuff that is lower usually has more of a mindfuck and body load.

LSD, like other classical psychedelics, reduces ones ego throughout the experience. I have noticed than unlike mushrooms or mescaline, LSD never causes real ego death or annihilation, but only reduces the ego so that the speed of self-discovery is expedited. This is something to take notice of when comparing substances.

LSD should not taste so bitter that it’ll make your mouth numb. The ink may taste bitter but it is not numbing.

“If it’s bitter, it’s a spitter.” --- “If you can taste it, waste it.” --- “If it’s numbing you, it’s dumbing you.”

These are useful rhymes that help remind us, but remember that MANY types of LSD are laid on blotter that has a bitter taste due to ink and other factors. An NBOMe will make your mouth horribly numb, it almost burns.
Most importantly, LSD is orally active, not bucally as 25x-NBOMe is. So if you have tabs that you think could be NBOMe, just swallow them immediately. If they are LSD they will work perfectly, if they are an NBOMe, they will do nothing.

99% of what is misrepresented as LSD is an NBOMe nowadays.

I have been hearing this notion that there is no real LSD around on this forum or another. This is simply ludicris. There is more LSD out there right now than there has perhaps ever been, but definitely since the late 60's. The floodgates have opened. If you can't find LSD anymore, you're not looking.

---Psilocybin Mushrooms---

are mushrooms that are psychoactive when eaten. They are very commonly used entheogens. My recommended starting dose depends on the potency of the variety on hand, but would be around 2.5-3g. You can eat the mushrooms whole, or powder them and put them in food or drink. Powdering them makes them kick in faster and be shorter in duration, but will be more intense.

For me, the headspace that mushrooms give me is a mixed bag. Sometimes I am extremely lucid and I am more in myself and confident and capable than when I am sober, while at other times I am completely lost, mindfucked.

Mushrooms have got the classic CEV’s. Open eye visuals are very good in the dark, but not as noticeable in daytime.

Mushrooms really seem to transport me to another place way more than LSD does. Mushrooms can make me feel super excited about life, and extremely energetic and other times fairly sedated. Depends on the shrooms, depends on the mindset, depends on the atmosphere.

Certain mushrooms make me yawn constantly and on higher doses my balance is impaired.


is a powerful psychedelic compound that is notable for being found in trace in humans, among other things. It is most commonly vaporized in crystal or changa, or taken orally with an MAOI, which is effectively ayahuasca.

Most DMT nowadays is vaporized. Vaporizing about 30mg of good DMT will send you into a completely new dreamscape. It lasts 4-6 minutes, unless extended by the aid of an MAOI or additional psychedelic. But a sufficient dose will always feel much longer.

I am not sure how long to spend on the contents of a DMT experience because I could go on forever about them, and this is meant to be a brief, practical guide, after all. But I will say that the contents vary drastically each time, but throughout the experiences there are many female entities trying to tell me (and others) something. It looks more vivid than real life a lot of the time. One time, I smoked DMT, and I was at work for about 40 seconds, then I spoke to this guy and we were in another room. It was weird, because it was as vivid as real life, and retrospectively I think I felt as lucid as my sober awake self, but I digress… anything can happen in a DMT experience. Never underestimate it.

When you vaporize DMT, you want to do it in a certain environment. My preferred setting is alone or with one or two very trusted friends, on a bed or a coach, in a very chill place that won’t be interrupted. I cannot stress this last part enough. It’s rather jarring to be yanked out of hyperspace.

Music is a good addition, especially if you are in a place with a lot of background noise, so that can be canceled out with comfortable headphones. The best music is that which is unobtrusive to the experience, the sort of music you would meditate to. Ambient music works very well. Some of the best (IMO) are Brian Eno’s ambient works, such as Music for Airports and Apollo: Atmospheres.

Get the DMT ready, however you are smoking it.

Take a moment to meditate and try to feel at peace with everything inside you and around you.

Sit up in bed to take the hits with the music at the ready if you are using it. Either smoke it with a dim lamp on or have your friend turn the light off as soon as you are off. You want it to be dark. Something to consider is to position your ass as you take the hits so that all you have to do is lean back and your head will be perfectly on the pillow. Make sure you’re comfortable, relaxed, and at peace, ok to go forward and once again:

-- Am prepared to lie down, listen to music, observe my breathing and pay attention to any sensations in my body.
-- Am prepared to let go of expectations about session, let go of personal concerns about relationships, personal issues and habits.
-- Am prepared to let go of each experience, feeling or visual event as it occurs.
-- Am prepared to let go of my personal identity and allow physical boundaries to dissolve.
-- Am prepared to experience and deepen my awareness of other dimensions of reality.

You will want to vaporize the DMT crystal in a few different types of smoking devices:

-- Pipe/Bubbler – A pipe might work, but a good bubbler or bong will be even better. Load up a 60% full bowl of any smoking herb, and sprinkle on your dose of DMT, then add the last 40% of the smoking herb. After this grab your torch lighter (which you definitely need) and from a distance light the right side of the bowl and take a hit. Then light the left side of the bowl and take a hit. Then light the whole fucking bowl and take a monster hit and hold it in for as long
as you can and lay back.

-- The Machine – The machine is the name given to any homemade device used to smoke DMT. These will remind you of meth pipes, in that they are used in vaporizing crystal. I have never made one myself, but there are plenty of guides out there on making them.

-- GVG or Glass Vapor Genie is an excellent pipe for vaping DMT. Like the machine, you should be able to adjust your hits, so that you only need one or two, instead of three. Using a torch lighter is best. You should make sure to throw like 10 screens in there to make sure the DMT doesn’t slip through, or you can throw it on a smoking material in the same fashion
as listed above.

-- Volcano vaporizer is a very good device for DMT consumption. You should load up a bowl of vaped bud, throw your dose of DMT on top, set the volcano to “8,” then only fill up about 2/3 of a bag – just enough for 3 hits. Immediately inhale the vapor, the DMT will not be nearly as potent as it originally was within seconds. This method seems to be my new favorite. Also, it does not mess with the smell of your unit, vaping buds is still golden.

It is often very hard to recall the experience clearly after it is over.

DMT may be taken orally with the aid of a MAOI
I Also, just a personal thing, but I would NEVER call 600ug a "heroic" dose. That's about middle-ground for LSD for me, heroic doses definitely don't start until you get over 1mg, and even then, it's iffy.

I don't mean to be argumentative here, but here's my arguement..

Can we stop using this language of "heroic dose"? There's nothing really heroic about taking piles of drugs, it's quite a bit too self-congratulatory IMO. It gets into dicksizing territory, which we try to avoid. I think this concept of "heroic doses" can encourage the new and young to challenge themselves with potentially dangerous doses (psychically, or otherwise) and is harmful.

Nothing wrong with taking a large dose of something, if you feel so compelled and have measured the risks. But to colour it as "heroic" I feel dose more harm than good. It makes others feel like they ought to be heroes too. Can we use neutral language, like big dose, small dose, large dose, or better yet, just plain milligrams etc.

Anyways, Language Police, over and out.
Awesome guide! thanks for posting entheogenius .. extremely valuable as I've only really been on psychedelics during recreational times, I've been delving into the spirituality aspects more sober and am excited to experience them with psychedelics. I agree with the guide and with perpetualdawn 's last comment of "heroic" doses...that is a form of ego isn't it?..your implying self importance by being better than someone else because you have done a larger dose. Also isn't dosing variable as I'm sure people have different tolerances, can you really claim to say someone who has a less dose of a substance did not have as an powerful trip? (obviously if there's a vast a difference in dose then perhaps this is applicable, but generally speaking..)

So glad I stumbled across this site, appears to have real mature responses and people seem to genuinely show interest and care for one another's experiences. Even if the OP hasn't seen you answers they've been of great value to me! :)
I don't mean to be argumentative here, but here's my arguement..

Can we stop using this language of "heroic dose"? There's nothing really heroic about taking piles of drugs, it's quite a bit too self-congratulatory IMO. It gets into dicksizing territory, which we try to avoid. I think this concept of "heroic doses" can encourage the new and young to challenge themselves with potentially dangerous doses (psychically, or otherwise) and is harmful.

Nothing wrong with taking a large dose of something, if you feel so compelled and have measured the risks. But to colour it as "heroic" I feel dose more harm than good. It makes others feel like they ought to be heroes too. Can we use neutral language, like big dose, small dose, large dose, or better yet, just plain milligrams etc.

Anyways, Language Police, over and out.

I kind of think it is absurd to do what you are asking... to retire a word because you don't like it. I didn't come up with the term and I do agree that dicksizing with drugs, (or anything else) is just childish and stems from the ego, which is the opposite of what I go for in psychedelic experiences.

Let me say this, you don't know if the dose is heroic until it kicks in. its not even close if you were to gobble up a sheet of great acid with a huge tolerance. The effect of the dose is really what you measure, not the amount of drugs you took.

But, being completely honest, it shouldn't matter at all what I do and call my doses. If I am taking what I call heroic doses, that does not mean that every new user should be taking high doses right off the bat, that is just ignorance and stupidity and I am not accountable for their actions.

Just the same way that celebrities don't owe it to the public to be role models.

PS: try taking a "heroic dose" and not being congratulating yourself when you come down. I give myself a pat on the back everytime, not because I have done something that I want to show off, but because I am proud of what was accomplished. Trying to impress others is a game I got out of long ago, it's just unhealthy.
I'm not asking to retire this word just because I don't like it, I'm asking to avoid using it because it's a bad habit that our culture has developed, and it spreads the wrong message. Just asking to be mindful of language on a public forum. Whether or not you want to impress others, calling something you did heroic comes off as trying to impress others.

But whatever, it's just words.
"[The English language] becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts." George Orwell

Words represent nearly everything we know and how we communicate it, the originators of every powerful and awe inspiring creation of mankind, the most important achievement to precede modernity and in myth created our existence.

The loss of words are the ultimate destruction and one of the few things to separate us from lesser animals; at the same time, words were pivotal to revealing their true intelligence and indeed are central to every branch of knowledge: math, science, history, medicine, politics, ad infinitum.

Poor word choice should never be taken lightly.