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post your roll tricks HERE! (MERGED)

ok this may sound kind of crude but when rolling on mdma if your with your sig other remove all your cloths light enough candles so you can see by their light sit facing eachother fairly close and just watch the other touch themselves ( weather thats direct stimulus to the genitals or just running your hands over your body) just watch your partner and just get lost in how they touch themselves : this is always the most intimate thing me and my boyfriend do its just so easy to get lost inthe moment
ok this may sound kind of crude but when rolling on mdma if your with your sig other remove all your cloths light enough candles so you can see by their light sit facing eachother fairly close and just watch the other touch themselves ( weather thats direct stimulus to the genitals or just running your hands over your body) just watch your partner and just get lost in how they touch themselves : this is always the most intimate thing me and my boyfriend do its just so easy to get lost inthe moment

For the love of God don't try this on the dance-floor.
bahahahahaha of course not sorry for got to add for those of you who might wonder this is a in the privacy of your own home only suggestion lol
There is nothing like a Newport Menthol.

camel crush FTW!! i never smoke cigs. But when i'm at a rave rolling face came crush menthols are my best friend. I just love menthol shit. I'll rub vicks all over my body. I'll have the vicks nose vapo stick. Can't get enough of that shit! I'm going to an awesome fest this weekend in my city. Celebrating halloween! rolling after a 3 month lay off. Looking forward to it!
Those are the best times when you are looking around, My favorite song perfect- markus schulz was playing at this rave, i turned around and me and this guy were singing it and ended up singing it to each other haha.

Love doing this at raves. I'll always look around when a huge song comes on. It's the best feeling ever to sing with everyone around you. Everyone is one with the music and everyone is so happy!! fucking love that shit.
My usual habits:
1. smoking menthol cigarettes
2. Vicks inhaler
3. brushing my gum
4. when feel the need to grind, resist
5. rolling my eyes backwards
6. massaging my scalp with a comb (rubber or metal rounded tips)
7. shake my head to the rhythm of music
8. stretching (like yoga. super amazing)
9. massages
10. buy light sticks and play with them yourself
11. playing with sparklers/lights/any movable lightform in the dark
12. drinking redbull/coke. caffeine ups the high
13. chew on straws
14. snort some k and make a kitty flip!
15. peeing. (maybe a little bit difficult sometimes though but when you managed to do it, it feels greattttt)
16. sitting down for a long time and then standing up abruptly (love the headrush)

That's all I can think for now... anybody else did the same as me before?

menthol cigs ftw, yes yes yes to everything menthol especially vicks, chewing gum, combing hair, massages, caffeine for sure. I'lll usually pop a 200 mg pill before i roll. that's really it. what about you?
nitrous, hands down the best roll trick.

rubbing ice on someones body.

Rubbing ice feel soooo good...especially when it's a packed dance floor and it's hot as shit. Really good on your neck, face, chest. everywhere pretty much lol
Another trick i like to do involves 2 people and a vicks vapoinhaler. All you do is get someone to blow in the opposite end of the inhaler. You get the person to blow the vapoinhaler in your eyes. Normally it would kind of sting, but when you're rolling it feels amazing. give it a shot!
Standing in front of a CO2 / fog machine not seeing anything
Leaning on a huge subwoofer
Neck massage
At NCMF there was a guy walking around with a glove with sort of beans or metal balls and he would run it down rollers backs it was fantastic!!
Put your head 1 inch of a BIG ASS subwoofer, and hear the sucking and blowing of the vibrations in your ears, it's just mind blowing eargasms!
what is that about? i always hear people mentioning who has the vicks...etc etc. but what is the deal with it?
not sure if this was mentioned or not. but standing underneath a ceiling light and spinning around as fast as you can while looking up at the light... yet to find anything better... any dirty roll tricks out there?? getting back to the md after a years hiatus this weekend with the missus gonna be dirty:)
Didn't wanna make a whole new thread but going to my first rave and gonna be wearing a bandanna would you suggest rubbing vicks all over my face and putting the bandanna on or putting it on the bandanna or both ? Also im not sure if you can talk about dosages but i was thinking 2 grams of shrooms and 1 molly or 2 mollys and 3 grams of shrooms ?
every thread makes me miss 1999.

I'll have to type up my "riding the dragon" roll trick and post. don't thnik I ever posted that one. I try to keep them simple. easy to type easy for people to pull off on their own. this one it a bit complicated.