• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Art Post some ART that you're feeling today - and why?


^This was the reason for my bump. I think this piece is amazing - it's made from a variety of mixed media. It really speaks to me.
^^wow, thats incredible!

a photo taken by Kris Cvetković of a school desk designed by jean prouvé at the museum of modern art.


first off i love the design of the chairs and oak desk, as well as all the shadows under it.
Could that still allow photoshop to be one of those media? Or would that mean only tangible mixed media?
haha this made me chuckle today :D

And I really like this pile o books cardboard stool.

Sydney-based Emily Valentine sculpts, primarily using feathers, which she collects from birds killed by cars and cats, and from people’s dead pets.

More recently, she bought a trapping and killing machine to collect feathers from Australia’s registered pest, the Indian Mynah. From these oddly sourced materials, she creates very odd, but rather beautiful sculptures.

Most of these are strange hybrid creatures — dogs with wings and bird-headed dolls. She also makes beaded and feathered brooches and bangles which can be purchased directly from her studio.

What I love most about Bullock’s works is the way she juxtaposes the morbid with the appealing. Her hybrids are like taxidermied critters from a fantasy land, and any ghoulishness is offset by her use of colour, and the fact that the sculptures are just so damn cute.
Valerio Carrubba is a hyper realist painter. His images are anatomically accurate showing his peaceful patients with their internal organs exposed. Shocking, realistic and, at the same time, extremely surreal Valerio’s paintings are technically beautiful and provocative - and I am loving them.



Max, i love your work

Some artists im really into at the moment...

Travis Louie

Audrey Kawasaki

Luke Chueh
mary lou zelazny. i saw an exhibition of hers at the hyde park arts center in chicago today, she's pretty great. she mixes oil painting and collage


