• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

Post Pics Of Those Who Died From Drugs

RIP Nicholas Z. - Kearny NJ - 1980 - Dec. 24, 2009

Nick was struggling with heroin addiction for quite a few years. He was the most charismatic person I've probably ever know, reminiscent of Pres. Obama or somethin', such a profound public speaker. Nick OD'd Dec. 1st at 9 in the morning, his father found him and revived him. Nick then OD'd 12 hours later that same day. At this point Nick decided to enter a 21-day rehab program at Bergen Regional in Paramus, NJ. He completed with flying colors & was released on Dec. 22nd 2009. However, two days later Nick suffered a final fatal overdose and was found by his father sometime in the night. He passed away on Christmas Eve 2009.

You'll be missed

Obituary: http://obits.nj.com/obituaries/star...=nicholas-william-aloysius-zuza&pid=137772720

Sad to hear about your friend, RIP to everyone who was mentioned in this thread. Ive been in Bergen pines many o times in the past.And also have lost a lot of close friends,and not so close friends to the Habit.Im On methadone now so not trully clean,but I manage. RIP
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Sweetheart I miss you, I'm just hoping you can't see me now. Please don't look.

RIP Christine. O

I haven't actually posted in a forum in 8 years... your words here moved me to do so. I have lost a lot of people over the years and I can not tell you how many times I've had this thought... It hit home and had tears pouring down my face. I hope to share more once I have some time to gather my thoughts. I guess this particular post of mine is a thank you. Thank you for waking me up...
Here is a picture of me and my hubby at our wedding. He died in 1998.


To my soul mate. R.I.P.
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"See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
The breath from your own lips, the touch of fingertips
A sweet and tender kiss
The sound of a midnight train, wearing someone's ring
Someone calling your name
Somebody so warm cradled in your arm
Didn't you think you were worth anything
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world


Millions of us in love, promises made good
Your own flesh and blood
Looking for some truth, dancing with no shoes
The beat, the rhythm, the blues
The pounding of your heart's drum together with another one
Didn't you think anyone loved you
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world"

-Lucinda Williams
My great aunt Cathy; killed while pregnant over a drug related conflict. I miss you
Tina; a friend's mother, hung herself due to guilt of heroin addiction
Mark; a childhood best friend, overdosed on cocaine 2008, I miss you man
Jody; Overdosed on MDMA 2009 at a party when I was there.
Brad; Left the music festival while high on oxys to get his girlfriend, was killed in a car accident. Augest 2010. Rest in peace man, we all miss you.

My heart goes out to all those who have lost friends and family due to drugs. I feel your pain. And to all those I have lost, I love you and will never forget you. <3
The angering part of all this is there is a LARGE segment of society that could care less when "a junkie" dies, some see it as good riddance. I didn't chose to become a junie because I lack morals. I lacked something in life. Could of been not having a mother growing up thereby learning unconditional love for myself, could of been the lack of self esteem being one of the poorer kids in school growing up getting teased about my clothes, could be a lack of endorphins, could be anything but I know that myself and those fallen before me are not scumbags, or pieces of shit. I have feelings, I've made people laugh, I've hugged people as they cried. I am not a bad person. I have something inside of me that craves opiates just like my stomach craves food after not eating for X amount of hours.

Them judgemental pieces of shit that call us the pieces of shit don't know how lucky they are to not of been born with this sickness. Yes it is an illness. It has symptoms, mental and physical, and can lead to death just as every other disease does.

So to the judgemental, I hope you never have to experience the pain this sickness causes. Either directly by becoming addicted or losing someone you love to this disease, but try being human for once in your life and see that no one sane would want to stick needles in their arms not knowing if it will be the last time. And if you can't look inside of yourself and find sympathy or empathy for those that are caught up in this mess can fuck yourself.
Philip Tablin Wolf
June 17th 1987 - Sept 15th 2009
Heroin and cocaine overdose


I don't think anyone really knew what was going on in his life and I think he kept it pretty secret. He had just moved out of state for college and I also don't think he had been using very long either. A combination of lack of knowledge, experience as well as other factors I think caused it. I just wish that at least he would have told more people or used with others, because I think he mainly used alone and perhaps if there was someone with him that night...... Who knows. We miss you phil!
An old friend of mine named Doug died in 2007. Was a poly drug addict. First time I was on acid we were out of town driving around smoking a blunt. We got pulled over and they found a tab and weed in his car, this was his second or third run in with the law that semester. A week later he shot himself in the parking lot of my dorm.

Rip man

When you died Sam
a large part of my heart broke off
+ I don't know how to get it back.

I tried for years to bury the pain
with a host of addictions
sure they were present before
but then I REALLY pushed it.

I'm very lucky to be alive today
as are we all
so let's HELP each other keep it that way.

Mad Love To BL
+ Please Be Careful Peeps.
Someone out there ALWAYS REALLY LOVES YOU.
Scary thread, especially hearing about people who kill themselves during the comedown from coke or X. I think the words "this too shall pass" were my only savior during those moments of my life.

This one goes out to my friend Barrel. (Died Jan 5, 2005) The night before we had a massive "Rave" at my boy's condo. There were about 60 people there partying and Barrel WAS the party, he made sure everyone had a TAB to pop, a line to snort, a bowl to smoke, and some valium and bars for the comedown. We all stayed up until 4-5 ish and then everyone kind of dispersed. The next day as I was driving to Houston for the weekend my friend called and told me he had died around 6 am on his floor laying on his back. Official cause of death was drowning on his own vomit, but only because he was comatose from the massive combination of coke, xanax, mdma, and alcohol. He had fronted my friend a pound of reggie and me a 90 bottle of Roche 10's. After he died, someone robbed his corpse of over $8,000...He was 19.

Unfortunately his sister passed as well... Both died of overdoses. James was a great guy but unfortunately I hadn't spoken with him in a long time... He was the kind of guy who always put a brave face on but you could tell there was a lot of turmoil underneath the surface, especially with the death of his sister. His parents are, of course, devastated... His father found him after he hadn't answered his cell phone in three days. He was so young, just 22. The whole thing is just fucking tragic; too tragic for words so I'm gonna bring this to an end with "I miss you, James. I know you're in a better place."
Wow. Just found this section... and I'm on the verge of crying. Condolences to everyone... can't believe how many H and fentanyl ODs there are. Actually I can. Of course I can, since I've ODed on them as well. I shot fentanyl pops for months. Crazy shit, thank whoever's-up-there I don't do that anymore...

For those of you who do H and/or fentanyl... or any kind of heavy opiates... please, PLEASE do it w/ someone around you. Even better if that person has access to Narcan, as that one minute WILL make a difference if you are in a serious state... (i.e. I was "posturing" meaning I was on my way to being brain dead... if I had to wait for an ambulance, most likely I would've suffered brain damage, if I were alone I would've most definitely died.) That seriously saved my life twice. I know it's hard... I know it's hard to wait till someone's around, but it WILL save your life. It will make all the difference in the WORLD.

Again, I am so sorry for everyone who has lost loved ones... wow.
Wow. Just found this section... and I'm on the verge of crying. Condolences to everyone... can't believe how many H and fentanyl ODs there are. Actually I can. Of course I can, since I've ODed on them as well. I shot fentanyl pops for months. Crazy shit, thank whoever's-up-there I don't do that anymore...

For those of you who do H and/or fentanyl... or any kind of heavy opiates... please, PLEASE do it w/ someone around you. Even better if that person has access to Narcan, as that one minute WILL make a difference if you are in a serious state... (i.e. I was "posturing" meaning I was on my way to being brain dead... if I had to wait for an ambulance, most likely I would've suffered brain damage, if I were alone I would've most definitely died.) That seriously saved my life twice. I know it's hard... I know it's hard to wait till someone's around, but it WILL save your life. It will make all the difference in the WORLD.

Again, I am so sorry for everyone who has lost loved ones... wow.

I to send my condolences to all who have lost on this forum.

I also OD'd 4 years ago on a bad mixture of Vicodin, cocaine, and multiple pills of e. I was lucky enough to be with a knowledgeable friend who saved my life.

I am no longer a cocaine user and i know longer mix any type of drug EVER.

be strong and if you know of someone struggling with an addiction, offer to help. you may make the difference in that persons life. <3

Here was our last family photo before my husband died in 1998 and left me and our daughter, Morgan. It is getting closer to Christmas and that was always his and my favoriate time. We always had so much to celebrate. I am still celebrating him through Morgan though, and I know where ever he is, he sees it and knows it. I am doing it mostly for her, but a part of me is doing it for what he and I created, our little Morgan. May he live on through her and our memories. To you Dana. We love and miss your giving heart. If I could only offer you my breath and let you borrow my heart beat just to meet her. I know you know she is a great kid from where ever you are. It's just she is about to turn 16 in May, and needs to remember you. Wow, how time flies. I just wished she remembered you, the way I do. That is such a sadness I bare. I promise you this...no matter how long I am here on earth with my kids, when it is my time, I WILL find you, and we will be one again baby I promise. What are a few years to eternity?
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To everyone who has loved and lost - my thoughts are with you.

This thread makes me never want to touch drugs again...
This thread never fails to bring my eyes to tear : (.
Such a good reminder to just stop doing what the f**k your doing.........But yet so hard to do.
I've seriously been brought to a full on gusher of tears by this thread, and I'm usually a fairly emotionally cold person. One picture on this page instantly made me cry- I won't mention by name out of respect, but they looked so happy in the picture & I can only imagine the depth of their loss.