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Post a Recent Pictard V. shake what ya mumma gave you

alpacas seem like such a great stoner animal, are they fun to pat?
i like my cat, his fur is real soft
<3 Aww I love you guys, I can always count on my BL friends for giving me a nice little confidence booster hah :) Things are going really well!!!!!

And yes Yarni - I wish I was nearer to you as well; I always found your drunken antics very very amusing and I wish I could partake with you in your adventures every now and then!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) mmm friday arvo beeeeeeer
Few Photo's from Phuket :)




Yeah Re-distributed, facebook photo links don't usually work. You have to upload the pic on to photobucket or imageshack etc.
That's weird, I've always had them work, as long as they're not private photos.
You can hotlink from facebook, but your picture (the file) has to end in .jpg [you can do this by right clicking on the picture and finding the file URL. But be warned, it will always stay on Bluelight while that link is still active. What I do is upload it to my imageshack account so that I can delete it from source if I ever feel so.

drugfukkdrockstar is a babe haha, and the maxxy is pretty cute too
Recent posts are not making a lot of sense. Bring back the pics

Wearing this to a medieval themed wedding next week :)
sold my house, gave all my coin to some cunt to invest, have shacked up with a sick danish bird and am living a what is it .. monkish life in the foothills of Shali, Chechnya. good times mang, i have a job in the police, but i still get get high all the time and i dont even have a drivers license. i love this country. anyone who remembers where i live can pretty much have my stuff my old lady carked it and i cbf coming back any time soon

heres some photos of me just chilling in my shed where i relax and do activities



praising god just for luck

i look akward in the first one cause im using the helmet-cam attached to a dead guys body to take myspace photos :D
its funny cause when the jaw movies its like hes saying "nooo dont gank my things"


pm me if anyone cares to see some griany yet badass helmet cam i have been collecting for a lil while. i get pretty fucked up!

while im here if anyone would like to support indepence in the Caucasus tell me and i iwll explain how infact jut send me cash and ill make s
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