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Post a Recent Pictard V. shake what ya mumma gave you

^ So if it was a new pic, would you still question if sher were Aussie? I don't see the logic.
^ I see hemispheres of reverse seasons, bloody big ones :)

That is one damn big cigarette, Marlboro 100?
^ So if it was a new pic, would you still question if sher were Aussie? I don't see the logic.

I didnt know if she was ref to crisp winter days in the photo or irl. hence the aussie question.

@klue...don't remember, but i think my lady stole a few from her granny that morning so could be. Im a cigar man myself.
I didnt know if she was ref to crisp winter days in the photo or irl. hence the aussie question.

Oh hahaha I was thinking the exact same thing as lNf :D
I was like "Ummm I'd still be Aussie even if it was an old photo....." =D

And yes I'm Aussie, and thank you :) <3

....are you Aussie??
Hi flat_line! Why are you taking photos of yourself in a shop with various types of tobacco products? Is this the new myspace? I need to update my portfolio.

Club + Acid = Good times haha

Haha, was this at Rise? It looks like you were on the podium pretending you could dance :p
good to see some pics of people I haven't seen yet
everyone knows what I look like by now rite

have hardly any pictures of me by myself
oh wait there's this but it's from my birthday in March
which one is the dolly?

that Barbie was currency for a free bottle of champagne at Eurotrash. nasty nasty champagne..
^^ Cute!!

astrosmurf, dtta and me at the doof on the weekend <3
A pic of me and Cassandra. Used photoshop C5's "red eye tool" on our demonic eyes, hoping our eyes actually resemble the pic now, I cbf checking ;)

It is his bub - and Cassie is beautiful, Wazz :D I can't wait to see her again! <3

this is what i do when i'm blazed

I must be looking at this completely wrong, but I cannot, for the life of me figure out what the hell you are feeding. It looks almost like a 2 headed mythical beast of sorts.
I like how the alpacas are eating grass out of someone's hand when they're standing in a paddock of grass.

Also great name studman69.