• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Phenobarbital as benzodiazepine substitute?

@morphene: Yes, you're right. So I'm going to stop with that irresponsibly behavior *NOW*.

Today I'm feeling much better already. There is only some kind of nervosity left.
That's why I will not try to tapering down the Phenobarbital.

I know a person that is really badly addicted to Lorazepam (15mg/d) and so I'm absolutely aware of how brutal such a benzodiazepine addcition can be...
Hey man, I'm really glad. I'm hope things went well. I really didn't want to be mean just to be mean to you, i was just trying to give you a bit of a message board slap because it seemed like you needed one. Shaking yourself out of that like an instant 180 isn't only a sign of good sense and responsible drug taking behavior in the end but also seems like a sure sign of good character. Anyway, check in and let us know how it went.
I wanted to try this to kick benzos doctor said no.
maybe i'll try another
is pheno worth it.
I have read that it is a barbaric method hmmm
i still dont understand why combining two salts in liquid is guna result in precipitation... i mean its not like ur changing the pH...........looks like fastandbulos and Hamilton need to learn some basic chem.

Ps I lov sticking it to the man ie the mods cuz wen ur wrong ur wrong. Power trip on this post nucka!
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the truth about phenobarb

It would still appear to be less than ideal.

Phenobarbital is actually a wonderful, helpful, and pleasant drug. It is a long lasting barbituate derivative that probably saved my life. I took benzo's for about a year, i won't go into the details, but i legititmatly needed them but due to the fact that I'm an addict, they treatment failed nonetheless. Aftre takin lorazepam and clonazepam every day at high doses 2mg of loraz and 3 mg of k pins, naturally i was addicted. I had to be clinacally weened off the two drugs that i knew would bring me down even further. To avoid serious withdrawl side effects such as seizure or death, a barbituate is almost a nessecity. I actually had to do this procedure twice so the second time around I knew what to expect and dealt with side effects much better. Needless to say i didnt convulse nor die and i found the phenobarb to calm me down very nicely. It didn't necessarily make me high unless it was mixed with other cns depressants or at doses plus 500-600 mgs. This was a nice high, very much like a couple mils of alprazolam and 3 or 4 mg of clonazepam, it was a drunken type of high and was less sedating which resulted in a drunken state of euphoria. all in all phenobarb is pretty chill, it def saved my ass and was a good time, depending on dosage and other booster drugs used in the experience. trust me man, you gotta experience the drug to understand it
OK JUST took 5 97.2mgs of phenobarb.

i know that i loved the feeling before. but what is a 'good dose'?
Ok, ive never tried a barbitute (sp), my doctor was getting ready to RX me phenobarbital to taper me off of Xanax and valium. As we were chatting a bit more, she changed her mind and gave me Klonopin (Clonazepam) instead, which I didn't mind at all, I fucking love klonopin. Another reason why I think she changed her mind is, tapering off benzos, should use another benzo, and klonopin is RX'd for benzo w/d.

She was a super smart doctor, IMO, if she gave me the phenobarbital instead, I would be abusing them instead of tapering down, because they're 2 different kind of substances.

So im really happy I got Clonazepam instead.

I just want to know how barbs compare to benzos?
Actually, it would be highly recommended to use phenobarb to taper off the benzos if you're addicted to benzos. I don't follow her logic in prescribing an addict their drug of choice (or a variant on it), given that an addict is unlikely to stick to a taper and more likely to eat it all in a few days.

You are very unlikely to have abused phenobarbital. It's just not recreational. Yeah, I know, it's a scheduled drug, and it'll cause dependence if used long term, but it's so ridiculously long acting that it's not euphoric at all. I don't think anyone becomes addicted to it, I mean, it's still fairly commonly used to treat epilepsy, I know a couple people on it, my dog used to take it, and none of them developed addictive behavior while taking it, something very common with benzos, opioids and other addictive drugs. Phenobarbital feels like being dizzy, hung over, sedated and maybe a little disinhibited. Feelings of well-being are not part of the equation.

Also, it makes perfect sense to use phenobarbital to treat benzo withdrawal. Both target the same receptor, and while they target different sites on that receptor, both increase the flow of chloride ions through the receptor pore. Phenobarbital will completely block the withdrawal and without the enjoyability factor, no feelings of euphoria, it's easy to stick to your taper schedule. You're able to dissociate the blocking of withdrawal and anxiety from the recreational effects of the benzos, helping to break the cycle.

Just my thoughts.
I was given a pheno taper and it wasn't a replacement in the least.
However it did keep me from experiencing the worst of benzo withdrawals.