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Can only speak for meself, Backroll. And for me it really was that good =D

Aside from some physical issues. Felt totally GABA-raped at points. Like I feel after being on the Guice 24/7 for weeks. Is why I'd have to take it steady if I were to investigate further methinks.

I'm jealous! Although I hope you can be sensible with it. Bon chance mon ami :)
also going to chime in for how awesome this shit is. *sourcery snipped*
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I had about 2g yesterday with a few hours of work left...it was fucking beautiful! When I got in the wife was like: "God I love it when your in a good mood, it's almost like your on heroin again but this time no drugs! I'm so proud of you!" :D
That's good to know, Toucan. I really did get the feeling it could turn very nasty with heavy use so would only be wanting to keep it occasional and light. Plus it works out sillycheap if you can do it that way which is a definite boon :D
Managed to obtain a couple of temgesics yesterday, crushed and snorted combined with 2 grammes of phenny made for an extremely happy day. Luckily i had no other plans for the day :D
Sounds good mate=D

I have zero tolerance and am slowly reacting to 2.4g but this hangover is destroying the buzz! I have had 2 beers (only Tyskies) and the temptation to get more is PRETTY MASSIVE:)

I got from a diff. provider this time. The product tastes similar (like whale cunt) but is far more crystalline in structure.
Previous batches were of a slightly clammy white powder.

What usually comes through your letter box? Powder? Crystals?
Ok, so I tried this a few times at doses ranging from 1.5g to 2.5g. Recreational value is zero for me, but the sleep produced is really refreshing with really great vivid dreams (kinda like ghb in this regard except with much longer duration and no wake up due to dopamine rebound). It also stops working in a few days (2-3), at least at my doses. After a few day break the tolerance resets and the effects on sleep are back. It doesn't knock you out like ghb, but if you want to sleep you will. Haven't noticed any hangovers on the next day. If you stay awake the effects are a profound tiredness and maybe a little more openness in conversation.

Never mixed it with alcohol so I can't comment on any potentiation.

And yes, it takes a while to kick in, about 2-3h for me.

I've never noticed any withdrawal, but then the longest consecutive use was 4 days. If you don't find it recreational I think that addiction is easy to avoid, but if you do, you could have problems.
Do any of you find it more effective in Gelcaps or just stomached down with some water. I just can't handle drinking this shit.
I just dumped it into a glass of squash or similar and put up with the taste. Is a helluva taste though. Especially at the bottom of the glass 8o8(8o

Sure gelcaps would be fine for those with less iron stomachs than mine but I find capping stuff too much of a faff. Being a lazy sod.
^what a man.

Now if you want to taste something nasty try piracetam, Jesus fucking Christ!
I can sort of handle GHB and the tasted of vaped MDPV ~( semeny goodness) but Phenibut is something different.
I quite like the taste of GHB in a funny kinda way. GBL is rancid though. Phenibut tastes kinda like concentrated GHB to me - ubersalty but with a bit of a bitter chemical twang to it. It's not so much the taste as how strong the taste is. My doses were pretty small so may have to re-examine my dosing policy if I ever got on to higher doses.


Oh, and peev tastes lush <3
^this man knows his drugs!

GHB is nearly tastleess! Personally I drink GBL straight in water due to years of use and lack of orange juice (a liter bottle goes real quick when you dose ever 2 hours).

MDPV vape is also pretty tasteless
@ Backroll, yeah i've been getting powder lately but have also had the crystally stuff, same shizz, different texture. Thought i'd been ripped off the first time i got the powder. Go easy with the booze on this, can end up on a loooong waltzer ride.

People, it tastes rank but just down it like a shot, job done.
I just drank 1.5g in orange juice, by god it's salty but it's not something that would make me gag. I mixed it up in a very small amount of OJ and washed it down with a fresh glass of OJ. Fairly painless.
I drink GBL straight in water due to years of use and lack of orange juice (a liter bottle goes real quick when you dose ever 2 hours).

Ain't had G for around 3-4 years now, but I found Tizer was the best mixer, second best being Irn Bru. Zero taste. Milk however was the biggest faux pas as far as mixers go.

Still got a bunch of phenibut kicking around for desperate times, but I used to use the more expensive supplements rather than the powder. Just can't be arsed weighing things much of the time. But as I was saying in the benzo thread, I could only deal with that shite once a week tops. Even then it sometimes left me feeling odd. Puts me in a chipper mood to start with, but tends to exasperate my anxiety towards the tail end of a dose. Never toyed with some of the high doses mentioned here though, and nor do I fancy it tbh. Still, each to their own.
1.5g phenibut down the throat 3 hours ago. 0.75g phenibut up the arse 30 minutes ago. Result: nothing. OK, it made me dull-witted enough to remain on facebook long enough for Mailmonkey to chat with me. <3

Something wrong with me?