• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Phenibut - mechanism of action and alternate methods of consumption

In doses over 1 gram (sometimes up to 3 grams throughout the day, not often however) I would wake up with the drug kicking harder and more intense than before I had gone to sleep (perhaps 6 hours earlier). On these high dose occasions I noticed quite a few odd side effects, such as narcolepsy, a strange electric current feeling that would pass sporadically throughout my body (much like the 'brain shock' phenomena experienced during SSRI withdrawal), and an odd symptom that would cause me to randomly drop an item I was holding in my hand. Also experienced an intensification in ADD-type symptoms.

First time I noticed this, it felt like a mild MDMA type feeling, an afterglow of sorts. I remember walking around town in the most beautiful of moods the entire day, despite the occasionally unpleasant side effects.

At doses below 1 gram it felt like a very natural feeling of well-being, as though I hadn't taken anything at all, but was in a great mood for 24 hours nonetheless.
Can confirm that similar effects from largish doses phenibut kicking in hard many hours after ingestion and after a good night's sleep. Brain zaps, intense brainfog. First time it was quite nice, after that only very uncomfortable.
I'd stick with substance-D. ;)

lux' said:
what for you if you know does it most closely resemble in effect for what would produce same basic effect (though as you noted with sides) taken orally?

Unfortunately, my experience with other GABAnergics is limited to benzos, alcohol, and ambien. I would say that phenibut resembles a 'cleaner' version of alcohol, or a 'more intoxicating' version of benzodiazapines. However, the gradient between 'too subtle' and 'I feel sick!' is irksomely thin. I should also note that I have approached the substance solely as a recreational drug, never attempting therapeutic use.

I would say that the potency is roughly doubled in comparison to oral administration, and the duration is reduced by perhaps 40 percent, which I think is a good thing.

Are you saying my information on this substance is invalid just because of my method? I'm no intrarectal expert, but I've used the same method I described for other substances with success. Go figure nothing.:p

Yes. Just like any study with poor methodology, if you didn't administer it properly, the results are useless. Having had past success (unless we're talking huge numbers) doesn't indicate that your no-effect isn't the result of poor absorption.

This is basically the same as the people who don't know how to plug properly, just shove a pill up there and get no result. These are the same people who would get mocked for doing such a thing in OD or (when it was alive) TOTSE. Your adding water up there at least gave it a chance of working, though if you take a gelcap and just it in a glass of water, it takes quite a while to break down- much less absorb. I sat a benedryl (generic pink and white) gelcap in a glass of water and a glass of vineager. The vineager opened up after about 10 minutes (I checked between 8 and 10, so it was somewhere in there) and the water pill at 17 minutes now still hasn't opened. This was warm water, probably 80-90 degrees, which is probably lower than what you'd have in the rectal cavity, though. I'm sure others here have done similar experiments; this was always the first thing I did when I had new gelcaps that I was adding herbal extracts to (to better guage when to expect onset). I've added a pill to hot water (~130 degrees F by my thermometer, cooled down a bit after boiling some to quick melt a bag of baby milk, it's sure to drop a lot before it opens).

The stomach is always moving around and is very acidic, so a pill won't last long. The rectum isn't either, and it's quite possible that whatever water there is will be absorbed before the pill breaks open. It's pretty impossible to figure out if it has broken or not because it's so likely to break open when it is expelled from the body.

Judging from the results others have had using better designed methods, it seems most likely that the lack of positive result is not due to inactivity via this route but due to a lack of absorption using this method. Not definitive, of course, everyone could be experiencing placebo effect, but that doesn't seem all that likely given the long study of the drug.

ummm...yes. It appeared to work when I prepared a (most saturated) water solution...just shoving gel-caps up one's ass will at best induce a 40+ minute delay of onset and at worst waste drugs entirely.

for me: .75 mg.
Onset in ~20 min, but peak still a couple hours later.
ummm...yes. It appeared to work when I prepared a (most saturated) water solution...just shoving gel-caps up one's ass will at best induce a 40+ minute delay of onset and at worst waste drugs entirely.


not in my experience

gelcap is actually my preferred way to administer drugs rectally now. Its much less messy. Although I probably would still do solution for phenibut (if I used the tempting stuff anymore!), because of the volume of the drug.

A gel cap melts in your ass REALLY quick ime (like 5-10 minutes). I can tell this because I can feel the tingle within minutes of the release of drugs that make your bum tingle (like 2CB).

Maybe some people here just have a cold bum? =D
.75 grams?

Yes. Sorry. :)

gelcap is actually my preferred way to administer drugs rectally now. Its much less messy. Although I probably would still do solution for phenibut (if I used the tempting stuff anymore!), because of the volume of the drug.

almost graphic:

Having shat out undissolved gel caps before, this is not a risk that I'm willing to take. :)

rectum is not stomach so dont expect your arse to digest but do expect it to absorb liquid which is its primary biological function.

end of
one means of improving the function of plugged gelcaps is to perforate the gelcap multiple times with a pin or similar instrument prior to insertion.
Just necroing this old-ass thread (pun intended, what with rectal insertion and all, lol) to say that I'm on 2.5 grams of phenibut right now, ingested 1H 50min ago. It's a subtle euphoria with a not so subtle mood lift and relaxation. A person on IRC, when I mentioned my dose, asked "how did you manage to take 2.5g and still manage to type here? I took 1.5 g once and kept going unconscious for hours, and I took it over 5-6 hours. How are you still awake?" So I don't know, phenibut is weird. It's not 1H 55min since ingestion and I'm not feeling like I'm going to pass out. Maybe I'm one of the people who don't peak on it before 3-4 hours in. I might pass out in five minutes. Who knows?

Edit: oh right, the whole point of this post was to say that it feels like tiny snorted doses of 5-10 mg boost the effects a bit, enough to be noticeable. I don't think the "50 times as potent" claim is true, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it turns out to be 5-10 times as potent insufflated compared to orally.
PH would make rectal admin feel like the ill aftereffects of eating 10 habaneros...
But IN roa is really NOT that bad.

I really liked the psych horse kick to the brain that blowing 15-20mg of 2c-I gave, one ill advised nasal consumption of Zoloft(thank you harold and kumar...) burned for 5-6 hours after cleaning my nose, fucking dipenhydramine too

Doing phenibut in small nasal bumps is not bad. the burn subsides really quickly. I don't know about getting a whole dose in...but for the naysayers, it would be worthwhile to see how IN consumption spread out would affect the phenibut experience.
For most, in other words, those who enjoy the nootropic effects, this would not be worthwhile.
Hmm, interesting. I read the erowid reports and I am curious about this compound. Sounds like its slow acting and lasts a while. So does anyone know the half-life of this compound and what enzymes break it down? Anyone have experience with combinations of this compound and others that might give some insight into what its doing in the body/brain?
half life ~5 hrs via wiki, enzyme activity unlisted. It is rapidly absorbed through nasal tissue as evidenced by the quick abatement of burn, from there quickly crossing the blood brain barrier--idk?
I consider it a bad experiment other than to refute all those who say it's really bad to snort as I was on an oral dose consumed earlier.
(blowing zoloft really blew half of my day on spring break in NYC, this stuff only robs 30 seconds of pain free living. 2ci burns for 20mins; you never notice it stopping though because it numbs the area surrounding and throws you into acid-land...)
Do we have Russian forum members here? Or anybody who speaks a little bit Russian?

I am interessted in phenibut's method of action and wanted to find out more.
But unfortunately there is not much real scientific/medical information. At least not in the English, German, and Dutch internet.
Phenibut was developed in Russia and I think that it is used as a medication there.
In Europe every medication needs to have a package information leaflet. Probably it's the same in the USA.
The package information leaflet contains information for the patient. But there also is an information leaflet for doctors for every medication. I don't know the English word for that.
I read that phenibut made its way to space so that Russian cosmonauts could use it when needed.
So medical use seems to be investigated at least in Russia. They will sure not give their cosmonauts a medication that is not tested and where the effects are nearly unknown.
Probably there will be an information paper with information like the half life time or the mechanism of action. I was not even able to find how this stuff really is working and what happens in the brain. I know that GABA can not pass the blood brain barrier. With the addition of a phenyl ring, it becomes capable to pass the bbb. But what then? Is phenibut broken down to GABA (and something else) when it reaches the brain (similar to picamilon) or has it an other mechanism of action?
Unfortunately I do not speak Russian. I cannot even read cyrillic characters. If I could do so, I would use a Russian search engine (maybe google.ru - does that exist?) and search for such an information leaflet or other medical information.
Is here anybody who speaks Russian? Then it would be great, if you could use a search engine to find such documents. You don't need to translate. When I have links to such documents, I can use different translation programs. Probably those bad computer translations will suffice to get the important infos.
If a Russian or a Russian speaking person reads this, then please spend a minute of your time to google and post some links. Thank you.
I'll give my two cents on phenibut.

Orally administered it has issues. Very poor absorption into stomach acid, so your body in my experience absorbs roughly 0.5 grams an hour, the rest of it just sits undissolved in your stomach acid (low saturation point at such low pH, I know this from puking up the undissolved phenibut). This can lead to massively overdosing (thankfully it's not very toxic), one night I remember probably taking 7 grams all up (kept taking it cause I wanted to feel it more, but higher dosing does not make it work any faster, however when intoxicated its easy to get carried away) and the last thing I remember is having a shot of bacardi 151 at a bar, then waking up on the side of a road in an incredibly out of it state (I wasn't even concerned by the fact that I woke up on the street, at the time I didn't give it a second thought - it's a very good anxiolytic indeed!) - absolutely zero recollection of the events in between. I found by changing it from it's acidic form to a sodium salt you can increase oral bioavailability quite significantly, and it tastes much less nasty as a salt so it's easier to mix into a drink.

Intranasally, it is definitely more bioavailable and requires much lower doses, but it fucking burns like a bitch. Even when I prepared the sodium salt there was still some acidic phenibut left and it doesn't take much to set off your mucous membranes. Mind you it's not as bad as 2C-X up the nose.

Effects wise, the first night I've taken it I've never found it to be that great, just sort of a pleasant, relaxed, clear-headed drunk - a great potentiator for alcohol though (and I would assume other GABAergics). However if you go binging on it for a few days, it gets better and better each day, more and more euphoric. However, when you stop binging, your short term memory is completely fucked (I mean completely) from too much GABA stimulation, although taking a little phenibut again can ease this - I find picamilon to be a good antidote to this as well. A days rest though and you're back to being able to function normally again.

Overdoses on this aren't fun, it basically forces you to lie down because the headspins get crazy fucking intense and last for aaaaages. You will get a good 12-16 hour sleep when you od though haha. That reminds me as a sleep aid, nothing comes close to phenibut in terms of quality of sleep. Just don't take more than your body can process before you wake up (for me 2 grams max, taken a couple of hours before bed, ymmv), otherwise you'll wake up quite fucked indeed.

Never tried administering it rectally, might do that next time I get some.