• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pet Peeves v. u mad?

Never had an oldie demand my seat, but I willfully get up if I see they are shaky on the feet.

Not a fan of assholes who offer the old no respect and think that they are just old fart bags. One can learn extreme amounts from all generations past.

Lol, they are probably in better shape than you anyhow. Volkskrankheit much? ;)

I don't think you got the point, but please, calm down. if you get offended for so little I think you might have a problem. (and if you could point out where I said I consider old people "fart bags" and that I don't respect them please tell me. and yes, I've offered my seat to old people before)

new pet peeve: people overreacting on the internet. can't stand them lol
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I don't think you got the point, but please, calm down. if you get offended for so little I think you might have a problem. (and if you could point out where I said I consider old people "fart bags" and that I don't respect them please tell me. and yes, I've offered my seat to old people before)

new pet peeve: people overreacting on the internet. can't stand them lol

I don't think you had a point. Moreover, for you to tell me to calm down indicates to me that you are the one overreacting. Sorry if you feel my language abrasive, but it is the way I communicate. I'm not offended by you in any way because you are not in my physical life. You remind me of a set of people who do offend me though. I see enough smug people, young enough to call others 'nazi-elders', trying with all their might to suck their ear buds further into their heads and not to meet the gazes of the old or crippled getting on the bus just so they don't feel obligated to stand for them.

I hope you are a nice person, but to say such a sentence reminded me of a group of people who in general I can't stand, hence it being a pet peeve.. I probably interpreted your nazi elder wrong, maybe I would get it if I understood what your definition of a nazi elder was?

Lol, overreacting. If you can't take what I said, maybe you shouldn't be using the language you did.
what language did I use? Maybe I'm a retard but I really can't understand what's your point. (how telling you to calm down was overreacting?)

anyways what I meant was old people who unkindly ask you for your seat like it's their costitutional right to have a seat on the bus and when you do let them sit they don't even say "thanks". it happened to me.
and yes, if an old person (or anyone for that matter) shows the need to sit I'll gladly let them (and I've done it before).
are we ok now? :)
". . .has/have. . .went. . ."

Is there a dialect of English in which this is correct?


Yes. I can forgive things like have swam or have drank, but have went, no way.

Unfortunately, correcting grammar seems to piss people off even more.
The thing is, people tend to learn poorly by explicit correction. Rather, when they interact with those around them, they pick up the grammar of the according dialect of this group. Thus, these rules will be learned unconsciously, and rather consistently; systematic errors in one's natural dialect are quite rare, whereas random foibles are not.

I find it kinda annoying when some girls call each other "poo!" excitedly. Also I hate it when people jump on the bandwagon (insulting some one) cos they have nothing better to do or say.
-Playing an online video game opponent who viciously exploits glitches in the game that you never thought could exist. They usually have an extensive record with a 95%+ win rate.
- You're intently eyeballing a chick who's in your direct line of sight, close proximity & then her clingy, incompetent boyfriend somehow detects this and comes out of nowhere and gropes and make out with her as to stake his claim... I don't give a shit. I still want to bang her. They're millions of tramps on earth; don't worry buddy, I won't steal yours.
- "Fat Muscle Guy" in gym spending 30 minutes straight on machine lifting 7kg, grunting like Ronnie Coleman
- When women are conservative during sex
- lesbians who hate men
- women driving recklessly while chatting on their cell
- fake hippies
- hypocrite grammar police
- stereotypical, predictable movie hero plot: 1.good guy is introduced 2. Good guy encounters antagonist 3. Good guy wins the girl and defeats antagonist. Lame.
- bigotry
- When something brash is said, and the person responds with "Excuse me?!".. bitch excuse yourself, you heard what I said cunt.
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The one thing that really gets to me in a big way is people that eat with their mouth open or just eat really noisily. There is just no need for it.Put your food in your mouth and keep your gob shut until you have swallowed it.
The one thing that really gets to me in a big way is people that eat with their mouth open or just eat really noisily. There is just no need for it.Put your food in your mouth and keep your gob shut until you have swallowed it.

qf fucking t.
Action movies where the "tactical" shooters don't look through the weapons' sights when aiming or fire from the hip.
Coffee dripping onto the hotplate when the pot is removed and when the filter flops over fucking it all up