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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social Tripping Thread] NEW! Gather here for swirly talk

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I gotta say DOC candies sound super fun. I can only imagine how bad food poisoning and DOC would be together. Like "ooo pretty colors... OH GOD THE CRAMPS!" ;)

DOC aka Drugs On Candy. Haha
:D not really? If the mixup was from drugs already laid on candy, they were already dosed so how would the DOC dose be equivalent? kidklmx would have to fill us in but that doesn't make sense. If anything, because the etizolam potency is high for it to need low doses it enabled 'candy-laying' and made this possible..
yeah I realised that after re-reading his post... ;)

contemplating about smoking some DMT later... not attempting to breakthrough though

I'm not feeling well since the afternoon, so I postponed it. I just want to test this new batch though before a festival...
Have you used the oil before? I just got this thick liquid that is almost gold in color that is suppose to be DMT oil. Does that seem right? I'm super iffy about it but I don't even know if you can test an oil like that.
Yeah it wasn't actual hell and we (she mostly :D) made it through nicely. Her dose was 3.2mg, so it was in to full-blown tripping territory. The bad part was that I had to leave her for like 4 hours to go to class, but she just watched some Hayo Miyazaki movies during that time.

P.s She still is sick so we are talking about actual food poisoning, Solipsis. Oysters are yum but you don't want a rotten Girardeau. The anxiety attack got pretty intense actually, she experienced someone piercing her with a blade.
Have you used the oil before? I just got this thick liquid that is almost gold in color that is suppose to be DMT oil. Does that seem right? I'm super iffy about it but I don't even know if you can test an oil like that.
DMT freebase is crystalline at ambient temperature. the first batch I extracted turned out to be snow-white crystals...

I don't know if your oil contains DMT, but pure DMT freebase won't be an oil at standard conditions...
Yes you'd have to do a defatting step that is not really necessary with MHRB. If there are some contaminants in your DMT the easier it is for your DMT to go amorphous and if really oily it would be rather impure. Normally you can get amorphous DMT to look more nicely if you put it in the freezer, but with a real oil that wouldn't really work and it would have to be purified. I'd expect a harsher smoke, but it's really hard to say because every extract is different.
hm, if the product is so contaminated with fats to be actually a liquid, I think I wouldn't want to smoke that...
Two days off work next week, so planning a psych day. Just measured out 30 mg of metocin, miprocin and 4-aco-met. Also unpacked 3 lsd tabs (@200ug each) and 4 ald52.

Intention is to wake early and drop 2 of the acid hits about 6 am. See how that goes and then a hit or two of the ald52 after a couple of hours.
If all is going well, maybe redose the acid a few more hours later.

The 4 subs are for later. I love a metocin/miprocin mix at the end of a DOC trip, but haven't yet tried it on acid.
So right when I thought that shroom season was over. A friend and I went out to a friends house who lives on a lot of land and has cows and we found shrooms. Psilocybe cubensis. It's been raining here in Louisiana a lot. But the temp had cooled off. We found so many shrooms. Huge ones. A lot were water logged unfortunately. But a lot weren't. It's been a while since I have done shrooms. But I decided, why not eat them fresh.

What was so crazy about them, is I found them indisguishable from 4-aco-Dmt. Or at least the 4-aco-Dmt that I recieved from a certain vendor. I had to continuously remind myself that I was tripping on mushrooms - not 4-aco.

It was a great time tho!

Yesterday I had my first full blown trip in a while. I revisited my old friend DPT. 90mg about 5 hours after a 10 mg dose of 3-MeO-PCP. Glorious! Some of the archetypal aspects of the experience came alive full force. These were difficult to see. The trickster knows every game in the book and its him I saw looking back in the mirror. I've never been able to see it so clearly without going into panic: it isn't me and nothing can change that, but I saw how it operates very clearly, like some magician doing games of logic so you see only riddles. You can't beat it at its own game.

Trust became the main theme of the trip. Nothing can be held apart from presence. The densified strata opened up outside of me. I could feel the layers and the constituent interactions that hold them together. They opened and then later closed again. Perhaps it was an oportunity to move on. I had doubts and the window closed gently. Whatever, not meant to be a TR but damn. I was naked in my back yard rejoicing at the beauty that is offered us every moment in every pore in the sky, blossoming like a flower till you can't stand it. What a fool I am when I choose to be apart from it because I think I know better. What love to know there is no way to break that connection. No real choice but to forgive and trust.
^ That sounds like a great experience, levelsBeyond. :) I haven't gotten too deep into DPT yet, but the little flashes I got from vaporizing DPT freebase were pretty cool.
Quick question, I looked online and it says that cannabis and ald 52 mixed can potentiate the effects of psychedelics I have always smoked on acid and wonder?
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