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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

At 4 hours I smoked weed and definitely was a little more than my usual stoned but nothing special. By hour 5 I got desperate and threw in some 25b-nbome and had a few hours of melting into music. It was alright but not what I was hoping for =/
The tab tasted like juicy fruit. I only swirled it around my mouth for a couple of seconds before swallowing it, but the entire time it had a sugary sweet flavor going. I thought it would have tasted like putrid chemicals. Xork does it ever have a sweet taste?

My only encounter with DOC was from a normally very reputable source, it was a tab labelled as 4mg, and I found it to be on the milder side in terms of general psychedelic headspace and visuals - it was stimulating at that dose and thought provoking, but I would put it a ++ and a bare + in terms of visuals. I also found 25C-NBOMe less potent than most (though it certainly did a number on my blood pressure, and so I never went back to explore it again) and I know on a Polish forum much like this one a lot of people claim they're rather resilient to the chlorinated phenethylamine psychedelics and need 4mg to feel anything and 6-8mg to really get where they want to be. So it's possible some people are just less sensitive to DOC's effects.

It's also possible there are different isomers sold, as I seem to see a big divide, groups of people who describe needing 4-8mg DOC, and others claiming 1-2mg was strong for them. That could also just be down to tabs being mislabelled or mislaid and made weaker or stronger than intended also though. Either way it's something to bear in mind, if you have more of the DOC, maybe give it a couple weeks and try 2.5 hits, if the DOC I had was really a 4mg blotter, I certainly wouldn't have felt 2mg much if at all based on the strength of 4mg, though I wouldn't have wanted 8mg either.

Just be careful with adding the 25B, as we know they can massively lower ones seizure threshold and raise blood pressure severely at doses above 1mg, people get away with it all the time but I've already had 6 personal friends hospitalised for various NBOMe doses ranging from 2-3.5mg, and I certainly wouldn't want to add anything else that has any vasoconstrictive potential into the mix. Sounds like it went alright though :)
I kept the dosage below 1mg of 25b I knew I didn't want to get into uncomfortable vasoconstriction area. I really just wanted to bring some visuals out. The DOC on it's own brought me to a + and once the 25b was thrown it bumped it up to a ++. It did go alright, the come up from the 25b felt like it could have made my muscles a little sore if I didn't stay conscious of it and just relax and lay down and listen to music. Also having a benzo on hand just in case helps the mind imo.
i feel definite effects from DOC at doses as low as 0.5mg. but when i first started using the stuff i doubt i would have noticed much from that amount. i think i became sensitized to its effects over time.
I definitely had loads of energy going, I couldn't stop moving my legs to music and I was reading the lyrics along to one particular Yeasayer album and I was having mini epiphanies about the lyrics. I just expected more psychedelia from the DOC. But hey, I'll have to get more and work my way up. I definitely saw the potential. And the fact that I feel great today is pleasant. 2c-b has been my go-to psychedelic this year for some reason. Just having a love affair with it I guess. Not overdoing it, but I probably did it 6 times this year. And most of those times the next day I would need have absolutely nothing to do because I'll be very exhausted. That's why I always line my trips up with the day before sunday, when we're closed at work so there is no chance of me ever having to do work related stuff. I'm surprised even with the little bit of 25b that I threw in that I didn't get the extreme lethargy.
Hey guys, hope everyone is having an awesome Sunday.

So my ex who I'm best friends with now called me last night right after watching Interstellar telling me to go see it ASAP, that it's the best movie she's ever seen. Even better than Cloud Atlas which she knows is my favorite movie. After reading the reviews though I'm a little hesitant as to whether it's worth three hours of my time. There's a major dichotomy of people either loving it or hating it. I'm scared that since I'm really into the universe, physics, astrophysics, etc. that I might not like it. Has anyone here who's also intelligent and interested in those things also, seen it that could let me know how they liked it?
Haven't seen it, sounds intriguing anyway though. I'll probably stream it when it's available rather than spend money for a movie theater experience.

Man that sucks Laika, bummer. I do notice that the crystal batches of DOC are decidedly more potent. I used to get a white powder DOC, and it was also good but slightly less potent. Who knows what the quality of DOC on the tab was? I have had DOC tabs that were quite strong before, and I have also had DOC tabs that were pretty mild. I feel like it's best to liquid dose the pure chemical rather than mess with blotters, although if that's what you had then it certainly makes sense to take it.
If you have any interest in physics/space, I would HIGHLY recommend Interstellar. The story is a bit hit and miss but the science and the visual effects were absolutely mindblowing. I am a big nerd so I loved it.
Haha love the prerequisite of intelligence :p though no, haven't seen it tbh, nor the one you already love...gonna add them to my download list though I think :)

Where there's a will, there's a way ;) Cambodia just got better

I'm about to smoke a synthetic cannabinoid because I have no weed... a new friend gave me some, he doesn't smoke weed and only does cannabinoids sometimes when he trips... he says this cannabinoid will launch a trip into the stratosphere and can be almost DMT-like. He gave me a sample another time and it didn't do a lot, it was pleasant but mild. This time he gave me more. He has a shitload and I'd like to try a good amount tripping sometime but I just feel like having some now to unwind after the day. He doesn't remember which cannabinoid it is because his friend makes custom blends he infuses into smoking herbs. I'm gonna try double the dose of last time.
in slight etiz rebound or withdrawal w/e.
took ~30mg oral MXE an hour ish ago. and feel good.

I just worked out, like running, bike, push-ups, pull-ups, etc. and i also stretched.
the MXE made my body feel very strong, and nice. like i would work out more but i didn't push it too hard just took it easy on my heart.

feels good man. my body and muscles(lol) feel great
Yeah MXE makes me feel strong too, and I can jump measurably higher on it. Me and my friends do this thing where we see if we can jump and grab this ~10-foot ledge... I can always do it from a standstill but on MXE I can grab it a couple of inches higher and seemingly with no effort at all. One of my friends has been trying to grab it for quite some time and never quite could, but one night on MXE he got it.

The other night I was doing pull-ups while hanging out on MXE, and they were so easy and I could do more than usual.
Yeah MXE makes me feel strong too, and I can jump measurably higher on it. Me and my friends do this thing where we see if we can jump and grab this ~10-foot ledge... I can always do it from a standstill but on MXE I can grab it a couple of inches higher and seemingly with no effort at all. One of my friends has been trying to grab it for quite some time and never quite could, but one night on MXE he got it.

The other night I was doing pull-ups while hanging out on MXE, and they were so easy and I could do more than usual.

~Lol what you posted will sound so strange to those whom have never done MXE, I fully understand that, i could fully imagine how your friend felt when he finally jumped and grabbed it lol.

I look really weak but i feel so strong atm, like i can do 30 push ups and 30 pull ups lmao. but i don't wanna wreck my body already worked out before.

don't fuck wit me!!@#@ :p
Picked up a nice stone old man's tobacco pipe at the markets just now for when we're out exploring the less touristy/busy temples tomorrow :) gotta have some weed with us!