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Yeah, I'll definitely take a look at the Mona Lisa on my next Louvre day (why not?), but I think it's a tad overrated. Not that it isn't a masterpiece, but I don't know why it's considered the masterpiece by so many people, other than that it's one of the only Renaissance paintings most Americans have heard of :p Also, apparently it didn't become super famous until about a century ago when it was stolen from the Louvre and took 6 months to recover - it was a relatively obscure work before then, as far as any verified original da Vinci piece is 'obscure'. I'll definitely be sure to check out the rest of the room it's in too, though (although who knows if the exhibits have been shuffled around since then). I could spend an entire day just in one of the multiple paintings sections, easily... I felt almost criminal walking by so many Gothic/Baroque masterpieces with just a few seconds to study each one. I'm no expert on art history, just took a course or two in college, but I find it fascinating to see how stylistic tastes changed over history (my favorite example being the shift from depicting babies as hideous with faces of old men in the Middle Ages to the Renaissance tradition of making them cute, and more generally the shift from heavy-handed and sometimes bizarre religiously inspired symbolism to realistic or idealized depictions of people and places), and how new techniques and understandings gradually spread across Europe during the Renaissance (the rediscovery of perspective, a newfound appreciation for the elegance of geometric forms, new styles of brush stroke to produce varied color transitions and textures and incredibly detailed backgrounds not seen in earlier works, etc.). Oh, and a cute museum attendant smiled at me when she noticed me leaning in to study the brushwork on some 16th century portraits while everyone else was just looking at each piece as a whole and moving on - so who says studying art history is a waste of time? ;)

Haven't had the chance to try pure 4-HO-DMT yet, but I imagine it shares some of the differences that the other 4-subs have from shrooms? 4-subs in general seem to be shorter lasting, more predictable in duration and effects, with a cleaner feeling body high, little to no nausea at reasonable doses, and a somewhat 'gentler' character that doesn't seem as alien or emotionally charged as shrooms can be while still largely maintaining that spiritual/mystical tryptamine vibe. Sound about right? Pure 4-HO is definitely on my to-do list, along with pure mesc and a variety of exotic and not-so-exotic RCs I haven't had the chance to try yet. It would be interesting to see if it is as good to me as the other 4-subs have been, given that shrooms themselves apparently decided they were done with me at around 19 (since then, every time I've tried to shroom, I get awful nausea and minimal psychedelia - I pushed dosages up to 7+g, from the same batch of shrooms that several others tripped balls on, and all I got for my trouble was more nausea ): ).

e: oh, and I posted a fuckton of photos to FB if anyone wants to tour the Louvre vicariously through my phone's camera lens ;) FB only let me upload 30 at a time, so I split them into 5 posts (I wasn't kidding when I said I took a fuckton of photos...): https://goo.gl/dn8dUJ / https://goo.gl/BhrPvl / https://goo.gl/QF3NM2 / https://goo.gl/Jh5t46 / https://goo.gl/7pfzs4 . Guess I'm doxxing myself by posting these, lul, but I really DGAF - a simple google search for my BL account name will turn up front page hits with my real name, anyway. Not sure if you need to be signed into FB to see them but they should all be public.

Yeah, I agree about the Mona Lisa, I definitely don't find it to be his best work even, let alone the greatest painting ever conceived as people seem to believe... my friend's mom, for example, acted like me and my friend were being blasphemous when we said it was far from our favorite thing there andwe didn't shove to look at it... she's the type who thinks that because it's the expected way to feel, which is why I think a lot of people feel that way about a lot of art. But yeah, there's SO MUCH in the Louvre, there's no way to see it all unless you keep going back or have a LOT of time to spend there over many days.

I find some 4-sub-Ts to actually feel very DMT-like, for example, 4-AcO-DMT feels to me like oral smoked DMT, until the plateau when it feels mushroom-like. I find that quite a few of the 4-sub-Ts feel DMT-like on the come-up, whereas mushrooms really don't feel like DMT at all.
^ I can see that. My 4-sub experimenting days didn't really overlap with my DMT experimenting days, but low-mid dose DMT feels more like a 4-sub than it does like any other psychedelic I've tried. I usually described it to others as like being launched into an intense acid peak for just a few minutes at a time, but 4-subs are a much closer fit come to think of it. And yeah - while there were many years between my shrooming days and my first hit of DMT, I don't recall shrooms being DMT-like at all (well, at least not any moreso than all classic serotonergic psychedelics are kinda sorta DMT-like in a very broad sense... You know what I mean :p ).
I think the Mona Lisa suffers from overexposure more than anything else. It's so iconic and appears in so many places as almost a generic "great painting," is so often parodied (from L.H.O.O.Q. to The Far Side, The Simpsons and back again) that it loses it's initial impact. However, on the other hand and on one level, it's just a commissioned portrait of an aristocratic Italian lady, but something about it has to have been there to capture the imagination of those who started it (her?) on the road to being, essentially, a meme. There's a certain haunting, enigmatic quality to the background and her facial expression ... a certain depth, I guess ... but it's incredibly hard to see it with fresh eyes, isn't it?
I too though it was overrated.

Good point re: its meme-like nature SKL. :)
Anyone else ride critical mass? I'm halfway through the ride on a 20mg dose of mxe. Kinda feeling a sit and meditate psych session which I haven't done in months. Mxe with either dpt or 4 aco dmt. Prolly go with dpt.

I'm going to have to go shroomin in September or October. It's such a risk, but panelous cyanscens (spelled horribly) have been one of the most intense/different trips I've ever had. Like to go again :)
willow11 said:

And, to go back semi-on-topic, can't resist
^ Nice ink!

Why the fucking hell am I still awake and on the internet? It's 5:30am here. Fuck me.

Ah well... I needed to find a couple days to skip my Addy anyway, or else I'll run out before getting back home for a refill. Between forcing myself to wake up by 11ish and skipping my meds tomorrow, maybe I can push myself back into a reasonable sleep schedule. Gotta be awake at a reasonable hour at least one of the next few days, after all.... The Louvre closes at 6 on most nights and I need at least one more full day there. And at the very least, I need to not miss my early afternoon train to A'dam on the 4th, which could very easily happen if I let myself follow my usual sleep habits ;)
Cheers! :)

Haha sounds like you've got it worked out :p you can do it!

Nap time for me though. Getting tattoo done really seems to drain me :/
^I think you hold your body/muscles extremely tense during it.

It's looking really great too :)

I decided to retire my delightful new bong (direct from ACT as well ;)). I think it just gets me too stoned and tired, and it makes gunja seem more addictive or compulsive. Fucks my tolerance too. I like the simplicity of my purple glass pipe.

I used to love smoking bongs though...
Cheers man :) yeah I think that's a lot of it too, and I certainly do when I think about it! Constantly tensed up.

Give my respects to the bong, sir. Haha. It's my weapon of choice through and through, just too efficient. Have a wicked tolerance though, so no worrying about it being 'too much' haha
Goooood morning, campers! All this bong talk has me itching for A'dam, heh.

The Musée d'Orsay is closed for my whole time in Paris :( there goes my plan for the day. I have one other mission in mind: find and photograph that awesome Trotskyite propaganda poster I saw on my first day here and haven't been able to find again since. I found a couple other anti-capitalist/anti-fascist political posters and stickers around town, but I wanna find that one again before putting together a FB album.
It's my bro's wedding day today... we stayed up til 1:30 last night hanging out with his friends and other groomsmen, it was really fun. Tonight will be even way more fun. I was really hoping I would wake up feeling 100% but I still feel a little weird in my stomach. Oh well, full steam ahead with plans. Propylhexedrine for the reception/afterparty. I hope it doesn't rip my stomach up, but I'm gonna do it. Fuck the stomach flu.

Every night since I've gotten here I've had really intense dreams all night. The first night it was these really, really weird and unnerving fever dreams. 2 nights ago it was really fun dreams. Last night it was all about me not having time for and repeatedly missing band practice leading up to our show next weekend.

I think the Mona Lisa suffers from overexposure more than anything else. It's so iconic and appears in so many places as almost a generic "great painting," is so often parodied (from L.H.O.O.Q. to The Far Side, The Simpsons and back again) that it loses it's initial impact. However, on the other hand and on one level, it's just a commissioned portrait of an aristocratic Italian lady, but something about it has to have been there to capture the imagination of those who started it (her?) on the road to being, essentially, a meme. There's a certain haunting, enigmatic quality to the background and her facial expression ... a certain depth, I guess ... but it's incredibly hard to see it with fresh eyes, isn't it?

Yeah I don't mean to say it's not a great painting, because it is... it's certainly got that je ne sais quoi.

Anyone else ride critical mass? I'm halfway through the ride on a 20mg dose of mxe. Kinda feeling a sit and meditate psych session which I haven't done in months. Mxe with either dpt or 4 aco dmt. Prolly go with dpt.

What's critical mass?
I'm still up at 6:15 am due to plugging adderall at 5pm :\


It took me a second to realize you probably mean crushed up / extracted Addy IR. I was envisioning an enema full of those little orange XR beads... No bueno xD

Je suis le dumb. Le Musée d'Orsay isn't closed - I misinterpreted a note on their website about a public holiday saying that they would be open on 15 August as meaning they were closed until then. Turns out, 15 August is a public holiday in France and they were just clarifying that they aren't closing down for it. Figured this out too late in the day to go today, but that's okay - I think I needed a nice, relaxed day just chilling in the 11th Arondissement anyway. Had a delicious éclair au café (coffee eclair, if you couldn't work that out on your own ; ) for a late breakfast and a croque monsieur (French toasted ham sandwich with béchamel sauce and melted cheese over the top piece of bread). They were both under 3 Euros and both delicious. I fucking love this city. I think I might hit up one of the Japanese restaurants in the area for dinner, for the lulz - and because it's been ages since I had some good sushi and I can't imagine a restaurant with bad anything surviving long in Paris. Or maybe I'll hit up the Lebanese shawarma place I visited on my first night here - cheap, filling, tasty, and fresh is a winning combination. Wherever I eat, I think I'll go for the authentic Parisian dining experience and eat at a sidewalk table instead of taking it back to the flat I'm staying in to enjoy some people watching on the streets of Paris with my meal. This city is full of friendly, fascinating, beautiful people - I don't understand why the French have a reputation in the States for being arrogant or unfriendly to foreigners, this is easily the most charming and welcoming major city I've ever been to. Tomorrow I'll hit up d'Orsay, since they close on Mondays, and Monday I'll go back to the Louvre and check out the Greco-Roman antiquities and Renaissance art exhibits (plus whatever else I have time for).

Then on Tuesday it's off to A'dam! Just looked up my hostel's address and it's right down the street from a coffeeshop that is very well reviewed on Google by locals - many people claiming it has the best weed and hash in the city at some of the best prices, the only bad review I saw was a local who was pissed off that non-tourists have to become members to hang out in the smoking area and consume their wares onsite. And my AirBnB for my last couple nights confirmed my booking, so I'll have a studio to myself in the trendy Jordaan neighborhood for my final nights in Amsterdam, near coffeeshop 1e hulp (another one of the most famous and popular in the city). And depending on my host's work schedule, he might be free to show me around town and get a local perspective on the world-famous A'dam nightlife scene ^^ He's an Aussie expat, too, so I would imagine he probably knows which parts of town are frequented by more English speakers so my complete lack of ability to speak or understand Dutch won't be too much of an issue. Based on Google reviews for coffeeshops and restaurants in town, though, it seems like a lot of Nederlansers speak English at least to a degree - lots of people switched between Dutch and English repeatedly mid-sentence, heh.

Almost out of the 2 and a half packs of cigs I brought from TX. Time to go buy some French cigs, I guess! I have no idea what brands and styles they even sell here. I think cigs usually come in 10 packs or something here, since I keep seeing these unusually small empty packs in trash cans. I doubt I can successfully pick out a brand en Français, but I'll give it the ole' college try and resort to speaking English and/or pointing at shit if and when that fails :p

Mazel tov to your bro, Xorky! Hope yer stomach cooperates and lets you enjoy yourself tonight. Speaking of vivid dreams, I had some of the weirdest, most lifelike dreams I've ever experienced on my last night in Rome. I was in a hotel room with my little siblings, and they only had about 3 hours to sleep before they had to catch a flight home. As I drifted to sleep, I had a series of dreams involving them waking up and deciding not to sleep until their flight. One was clearly a dream after the fact, because I dreamt that my little sis invited some friends over, and for some reason an old college friend/crush of mine showed up as well. My friend is in Colorado and all of my sister's friends are in the States too, so it struck me as weird even in the dream and once I woke up to find myself in bed in the hotel room it was immediately clear it was a dream. But then I had a couple more where I just dreamt that one of my siblings said something and we all started having a conversation while lying in bed, or where some noise from outside the room woke us up and gave us something to talk about... I had to keep myself up for a couple minutes after each one to convince myself that they were, in fact, asleep, and that none of that actually happened. I always forget to expect weirdly vivid dreams when I take a few days off smoking pot (because I do that so rarely, lulz).... But usually they are more normal, long-lasting dreams that start once I'm fully asleep, not dreams that seem to smoothly transition from my not-quite-asleep-yet train of thought and end minutes later with me waking up. I think I had a more normal (by which I mean longer, less lifelike, easier to distinguish from reality) dream once I finally got to sleep for the night, but I don't remember anything about it. I remember at least some of those half-waking dreams very clearly, though. In a different context I could see an experience like that being really really disconcerting, but it was kinda neat :p
Pd massive
ill be outta here in 2 months.
well see what happens when i get out
L is def gonna go down though.
I took a total of 16 mg 4-HO-MET today, in staggered doses.

To anyone claiming that 4-HO-MET is not "deep", I strongly protest. :D

I started getting sucked into an anxiety attack, like 4-AcO-DMT tends to do, and then I snapped out of it when I suddenly realized, the only thing I have to fear is fear itself! If I am not afraid, then I am actually quite capable of normal human functions, like writing (I'm peaking as I type this). Fear itself is crippling though - allowing the anxiety to climax makes me unable to do anything but just curl up into a fetal position and feel sorry for myself. That's stupid.
I've been tripping way too much lately trying to compensate for the lack of mxe in my life. 4 150ug tabs of Al-LAD under the tounge now. 600 mics was just recently too much but with tolerance factored in things should go well. I know that when I run out of kratom in a day or two I won't be able to trip comfortably for awhile so hopefully this last one is good.

Edit: forgot to mention I randomly started taking noopept today and when I looked for any interactions I found a bunch of things saying that noopept greatly enhances the LSD experience. I'll report back to tell whether or not the same holds true with al-lad.
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