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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: Engage the digital super banana

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Words to live by! Looking back has its place, but you don't learn from the past by ruminating in it. Obsessing over past mistakes can warp your self-image and make you more likely to repeat them. I've always strived to be compassionate toward others, but it took me a long time to learn to show the same compassion toward myself, to stop self-identifying with a laundry list of shortcomings and failures and to define myself instead by the values and aspirations that have allowed me to overcome that list, and the continual process of growing, learning, and maturing into a person who more fully lives those values and pursues those aspirations. That's not to say I don't still make mistakes and fail at things, but when that happens now, my inner voice has at least begun the transition from screaming, "what the fuck is wrong with you? You're a lost cause!" to asking, "okay, how do I pick myself up and get back on track? Life is short and I have better things to do than beat myself up over this!"

What a great paragraph.
600ug of al-lad was a bit too much but was able to attribute that to some success with my benzo taper. Still missing mxe like crazy but glad to be off it.
Hai2u Zombi3, welcome to Bluelight and the PD social thread :)

lol FBD :p chalk that one down as 'too much' yeah? haha
600ug of al-lad was a bit too much but was able to attribute that to some success with my benzo taper. Still missing mxe like crazy but glad to be off it.

Fuck yes. Took mxe basically every day for 6 months... Have pretty much stopped, when I try and take a small dose and go do something like I used too, I just feel like shit. Hopefully it swill go back to combining awesomely with psychedelics BC if not I might cry.

Although, I am now wanting to pick up some ketamine as the .5g tester I got ladt month has piqued the fuck outta my interest :)

Picked up some supposedly degraded 4 aco met for stupid cheap. Apparently it is negligly degraded dose wise, so I will find out soon. Do not even have the $$ to spend, but it seemed too good to pass up. Also got .5g DALT for same reason. Figured why the fuck not. Might not use it for a whileeee but it will be nice to look at :)

I am finding for a hiking on LSD day. Hopefully in another week or two.
I believe 4-AcO-MET would be my favorite 4 subbed if I ever came across it. In other news: I start a new job on Monday which is likely to line up with day one of my kratom w/d:|. At least I won't be anyone's boss for now, I hated running shifts during the sickness.
I've not been fortunate enough to indulge in any 4-sub trypts :( well, aside from 4-HO-DMT, but it's no RC by a long shot lol
A lot of those are beauties.

4-AcO-DMT of course.

4-HO-MiPT and 4-HO-DiPT, those were something special too, do they still circulate?

And has anyone bioassayed 4-MeO-MiPT (not 5-MeO-MiPT?) I know it's circulated, but I never encountered it. It's reputed to have some interesting properties.

TiHKAL said:
(with 26 mg, orally) “I took this orally, in dilute hydrochloric acid so that it would be in solution going down. I was aware in 20 minutes, and went right up to a +3 within the hour. That was quite a bit of change in a half hour. Extremely erotic, but absolutely no visuals to music, either with eyes open or with them closed. I know I am at +3 since there is no way I could drive a car, not for anything in the world, but why not? Don’t know, but no way. Cold gespatcho gaspatcho tastes superb, but one cup is enough, and the croissant seems dry and hard. By seven hours I am back where I started from again. Pity.”

(with 26 mg, orally) “This is my first try with this drug, ever. First indications of effects in twenty minutes. Quiet onset, no remarkable visuals, in fact no particular visuals at all. To a plus two +2 within about ten or fifteen minutes more. Body is comfortable, mind-set pretty much unchanged from baseline. No euphoria, no insights. But also, no discomfort. Erotic was extremely successful, and orgasm seemed easier than with other materials. Still no visuals but seemed to be a soft plus three +3. Music fine. Hard to define exactly how we knew we were in an altered state, because of the lack of visual clues. Body aware more than mind. Would like to explore this further. Perhaps for writing? Nice material. Maybe higher next time?”
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Freshly squibilitious.

My cat is prowling restlessly. I think she needs to hunt Randolph, her furry-thing-attached-to-elastic/string-toy.
I've not been fortunate enough to indulge in any 4-sub trypts :( well, aside from 4-HO-DMT, but it's no RC by a long shot lol

4-subs are pretty wonderful. 4-HO-MET and 4-AcO-DMT are probably my faves of the ones I've tried, but I have yet to try one and be disappointed.

The Louvre is incredible. I didn't fully comprehend how fucking huge it is, and every room is overflowing with amazing exhibits, from ancient Sumerian artifacts to modern masterpieces. I only got through most of one wing (out of 3, I think?) today in ~4-5 hours. Called it quits a little early because A) I was getting tired from all the walking and didn't want to wear myself out before the weekend, B) I know I'm going back at least once anyway, C) my airbnb for my last couple nights in A'dam canceled on me and I wanted to get back to my laptop + wifi to book another one, and D) my phone was running low on batteries and I have little faith in my ability to navigate Paris without Google Maps, or remember the door codes to get into the building I'm staying in without checking my email :p I think I took about a hundred pics on my phone, mostly in the first couple hours... Eventually I realized that I had neither the time, battery life, nor probably even the storage space to take photos of everything photo-worthy in that place. Hope my airbnb host doesn't have capped upstream or anything cuz uploading those to the Book of Faces is gonna use quite a bit, lulz.

If you have the slightest interest in art, architecture, history, and/or European culture and ever find yourself in France, don't waste your time gawking at the Eiffel Tower and Champs-Élysées until you've blocked out at least two days to visit the Louvre. As someone with an interest in all those things, it's basically Disneyworld for adults. And I made it through the day speaking French almost exclusively, despite my vocabulary having atrophied to a couple hundred words or so after a decade of not reading, writing, or speaking the language much at all. I figured the whole 'immerse yourself in a foreign language to (re-)learn it faster' thing would take weeks, if not months, to make a real difference... Nope. Day two and my French is already coming back. Magnifique!

Saw a guy around my age on the Métro ride home with an Adventure Time hat, neck piercings, and some pretty elaborate hand and neck tattoos. If I wanted to find drugs in this town, I bet he coulda helped me, heh. I think I'm just gonna save my money for the coffeeshops in A'dam and keep up the tolerance break, though. Turns out I don't jones for weed so much when I have interesting shit to do during the day, and tire myself out enough to sleep without chemical assistance. I was craving a bowl like a motherfucker in Pompeii, but I'm doing just fine without any in Paris. Still have a little benzo solution if I need help sleeping (although I ran outta empty gelcaps so I have to squirt it directly into my mouth - alprazolam is bitter as fuck, even in a glycol solution that helps cover up the taste), and chain-smoking cigs like a proper Parisian is enough to satisfy my oral fixation (a dated concept by American psychiatric standards, I know... But I am in the country of Lacanian psychoanalysis, after all ; ).

Time to find an airbnb in A'dam for my last two nights that doesn't require a big security deposit in Euros (a lot of them want 100-200EUR deposits for keys, but I'll be going straight from checking out of this rezzy to the airport to fly back to Chicago - seems stupid to keep a bunch of Euros on hand for a deposit only to have to pay to change them back to dollars as soon as I get the deposit back) and allows smoking and/or is near some good coffeeshops. Wish me luck!
You should visit Finland while u're in Europe =)

And yeah I really liked 4-AcO-DMT too. Took 30mg once but with a soberish friend who wasn't tripping, could've gone so deep without him but it was good as I was pretty nervous to trip again after such a long hiatus. But I should remember that there's nothing to be afraid of =)

Amsterdam is cool, I was there 2 years ago for a few days. We were interrailing in Europe with my brother, it was so cool to buy weed legally for the first time.
4-HO-DPT is one of the best. 4-HO-MET, 4-HO-DMT(synthetic), and 4-AcO-MiPT are excellent.

One gram of pregabalin, check! One gram of gabapentin, check! .25 mgs of Alpralozolam, check! aFB-48; check!

150mgs of 4-MeO-PCP and one mg of DOC to the thigh incoming!

I'm ready to dissociate to space and melt into my chair!

<3's my brothers!

...Its time to get weird!!!&#55357;&#56840;&#55357;&#56881;&#55357;&#56894;&#55357;&#56443;&#55356;&#57156;❤️&#55357;&#56458;&#55357;&#56606;&#55357;&#56603;&#55357;&#56601;&#55357;&#56604;
^^Wow, that's a lot of drugs! I'd say be careful but you know that, and I know you take intense combos like that. Wish I had some pregabalin. I'd take 300mg though, by itself. I have some phenibut but I realized I've been taking it every other day for a bit and I need to be sure I don't start suffering if I don't take it every other day so I'm not going to.

Tomorrow is my little brother's wedding... in a couple of hours I'm headed to the rehearsal dinner, and tomorrow is all that wedding hooplah. I think that post-wedding I'm gonna take some propylhexedrine and get my reception/post-party on. :)

In other news, I miss my girl... but I'll be back Monday and she's picking me up from the airport at 9:30am. So I'll get to see her soon. :)

solistus said:
stuff about paris
Yeah The Louvre is amazing. The time I went though, unfortunately, my friend's mom (I went with my friend and his family when I was 17) decided that we had to go there very first thing, and we had just been up all day and then flown across the ocean. Most of us couldn't sleep on the plane very well so we'd up for 36 hours plus jetlag. Me and my friend spent a couple of hours looking and then uncontrollably passed out on some benches... we awoke yo the security guards laughing at us and then it was time to go. :\ But I remember when we went to the room that the Mona Lisa was in... there were people crowding to see, it was pandemonium, there were guards with huge guns all around. And no one was looking at anything else in the room, which included a HUGE painting behind it that was one of the most incredible works of art I've seen, I forget what it was but it was immensely complex and gigantic. I enjoyed that painting far more. :)

I've not been fortunate enough to indulge in any 4-sub trypts :( well, aside from 4-HO-DMT, but it's no RC by a long shot lol

I found 4-HO-DMT (synthetic, pure) to be significantly different from mushrooms, in duration and character. Mushrooms really are unique from any of the 4-sub-Ts in their pure forms.
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A lot of those are beauties.

4-AcO-DMT of course.

4-HO-MiPT and 4-HO-DiPT, those were something special too, do they still circulate?

And has anyone bioassayed 4-MeO-MiPT (not 5-MeO-MiPT?) I know it's circulated, but I never encountered it. It's reputed to have some interesting properties.

Haha. Apparently 4-MeO-MiPT has people claiming that they're tripping at a +3 without knowing how or why. Weird.

4-HO-MiPT was awesome for me. Very deep, but remarkably clear-headed. One time while I was tripping on miprocin, I was randomly inspired to write a rap. :D Which I have never done, before or since.

4-AcO-DMT was alright, but I'll probably never take it again, because it's extremely unnerving and uncomfortable for me.
Isn't that cool, Xork? Synthetic 4-HO-DMT is totally unique! Also great to see you SKL!

I'm ready to howl at the blue moon!
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150mgs of 4-MeO-PCP and one mg of DOC to the thigh incoming!

The onset of i.m. DOC can't be terribly less than p.o., can it?

So the onset of DOC is somewhere around the peak of the 4-MeO-PCP, right?

Interesting way to enter into the psychedelic-amphetamine-space.
^^Wow, that's a lot of drugs! I'd say be careful but you know that, and I know you take intense combos like that. Wish I had some pregabalin. I'd take 300mg though, by itself. I have some phenibut but I realized I've been taking it every other day for a bit and I need to be sure I don't start suffering if I don't take it every other day so I'm not going to.

Tomorrow is my little brother's wedding... in a couple of hours I'm headed to the rehearsal dinner, and tomorrow is all that wedding hooplah. I think that post-wedding I'm gonna take some propylhexedrine and get my reception/post-party on. :)

In other news, I miss my girl... but I'll be back Monday and she's picking me up from the airport at 9:30am. So I'll get to see her soon. :)

Yeah The Louvre is amazing. The time I went though, unfortunately, my friend's mom (I went with my friend and his family when I was 17) decided that we had to go there very first thing, and we had just been up all day and then flown across the ocean. Most of us couldn't sleep on the plane very well so we'd up for 36 hours plus jetlag. Me and my friend spent a couple of hours looking and then uncontrollably passed out on some benches... we awoke yo the security guards laughing at us and then it was time to go. :\ But I remember when we went to the room that the Mona Lisa was in... there were people crowding to see, it was pandemonium, there were guards with huge guns all around. And no one was looking at anything else in the room, which included a HUGE painting behind it that was one of the most incredible works of art I've seen, I forget what it was but it was immensely complex and gigantic. I enjoyed that painting far more. :)

I found 4-HO-DMT (synthetic, pure) to be significantly different from mushrooms, in duration and character. Mushrooms really are unique from any of the 4-sub-Ts in their pure forms.

Yeah, I'll definitely take a look at the Mona Lisa on my next Louvre day (why not?), but I think it's a tad overrated. Not that it isn't a masterpiece, but I don't know why it's considered the masterpiece by so many people, other than that it's one of the only Renaissance paintings most Americans have heard of :p Also, apparently it didn't become super famous until about a century ago when it was stolen from the Louvre and took 6 months to recover - it was a relatively obscure work before then, as far as any verified original da Vinci piece is 'obscure'. I'll definitely be sure to check out the rest of the room it's in too, though (although who knows if the exhibits have been shuffled around since then). I could spend an entire day just in one of the multiple paintings sections, easily... I felt almost criminal walking by so many Gothic/Baroque masterpieces with just a few seconds to study each one. I'm no expert on art history, just took a course or two in college, but I find it fascinating to see how stylistic tastes changed over history (my favorite example being the shift from depicting babies as hideous with faces of old men in the Middle Ages to the Renaissance tradition of making them cute, and more generally the shift from heavy-handed and sometimes bizarre religiously inspired symbolism to realistic or idealized depictions of people and places), and how new techniques and understandings gradually spread across Europe during the Renaissance (the rediscovery of perspective, a newfound appreciation for the elegance of geometric forms, new styles of brush stroke to produce varied color transitions and textures and incredibly detailed backgrounds not seen in earlier works, etc.). Oh, and a cute museum attendant smiled at me when she noticed me leaning in to study the brushwork on some 16th century portraits while everyone else was just looking at each piece as a whole and moving on - so who says studying art history is a waste of time? ;)

Haven't had the chance to try pure 4-HO-DMT yet, but I imagine it shares some of the differences that the other 4-subs have from shrooms? 4-subs in general seem to be shorter lasting, more predictable in duration and effects, with a cleaner feeling body high, little to no nausea at reasonable doses, and a somewhat 'gentler' character that doesn't seem as alien or emotionally charged as shrooms can be while still largely maintaining that spiritual/mystical tryptamine vibe. Sound about right? Pure 4-HO is definitely on my to-do list, along with pure mesc and a variety of exotic and not-so-exotic RCs I haven't had the chance to try yet. It would be interesting to see if it is as good to me as the other 4-subs have been, given that shrooms themselves apparently decided they were done with me at around 19 (since then, every time I've tried to shroom, I get awful nausea and minimal psychedelia - I pushed dosages up to 7+g, from the same batch of shrooms that several others tripped balls on, and all I got for my trouble was more nausea ): ).

e: oh, and I posted a fuckton of photos to FB if anyone wants to tour the Louvre vicariously through my phone's camera lens ;) FB only let me upload 30 at a time, so I split them into 5 posts (I wasn't kidding when I said I took a fuckton of photos...): https://goo.gl/dn8dUJ / https://goo.gl/BhrPvl / https://goo.gl/QF3NM2 / https://goo.gl/Jh5t46 / https://goo.gl/7pfzs4 . Guess I'm doxxing myself by posting these, lul, but I really DGAF - a simple google search for my BL account name will turn up front page hits with my real name, anyway. Not sure if you need to be signed into FB to see them but they should all be public.
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