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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: Engage the digital super banana

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Awesome! I have some 4-aco-dmt (i think it's pretty close to the met) so I'll probably try a combo with that sometime, i know it mixed extremely well with 2cb.

And I would definitely rather take that 2cb MXE combo than MDMA in most situations any day! Far more interesting and much much deeper with more constant flowing euphoria! So i definitely see where you're coming from, i get excited just reading that someone did a combo like this knowing how amazing it must have felt.

I'm stealing three of your hearts...
<3 <3 <3

With 4-AcO-DMT I would definitely imagine things not being as carefree and easy as with an MET, for instance a DMT would have had me questioning everything in my life with where I'm at right now, but the MET was just an easy ride into happyland. I'm sure it would be just as amazing if you're doing fine in life though!
20mg 2c-e yesterday was an awesome decision. After enduring a long strange come up I finally got a good idea for what the effects of the drug are like.

I initially intended on taking BK-mdma and going to a concert, but then when I thought about how short the peak was I wanted to take 2c-e or 2c-i beforehand to make the peak of the BK feel longer. I wanted to do 2c-i first but then went with 20mg 2c-e in stead. I ate 30mg of mxe along with it in an attempt to make the come up of the 2c-e less annoying. I also drank a few cheap beers on the come up. Anyways, ended up not going to the concert, or taking the BK. my ex gf came over and we made sweet love for hours during the plateau of the trip. I kept taking massive dabs of some brainstorm haze crumble the entire time it made the whole experience a lot more euphoric. 2c-e might be the best aphrodisiac I've EVER tried. My entire body felt like it was wearing a skin glove.

I just took 180mg of 4-fa my friend just offered me and then Im going to see myfriends dj at a rave tonight. Hopefully i'll be feeling pretty turnt up. If anyone had to recommend another stim to take with 4-fa to take it to the next level (I could also add 4-aco-DMT) please let me know!. I might just take mxe in stead despite the reports of it not being too great. I could take mdma, MDA, bkmdma, or 4-aco-DMT, anybody know which one would be the coolest? I could maybe add 4-ho-MET too.

edit: decided to take 10mg 4acodmt after accidentally redosing the 80mg 4-fa I was planning on giving to my girlfriend.... tonight should be good, will udate later. <3
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wheres da uk massif in PD
ladies from manchester and london
lmz is available
just sayin
doesnt hurt to try amirite ;)
no even if i met some UK lady bler i wouldnt be able to go over there for a minute
rained on the parade.
for reals though
I think the US cant handle the LMZ
the LMZ world tour is being planned as we speak
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everyone took the 4F-A at about 7 or 8 o clock. I initally took 180mg but then I accidentally took another 80mg I was weighing out for my girlfriend. I was also already on 20mg valium. After the 4F-A started really coming up a lot I took a parachute of ~10mg 4-aco-DMT and my two other friends did too.

Both of my friends that weren't on valium said it was an awesome combination. Due to the valium, my trip was a bit less harder than I would have expected, but CEV patterns were happening and colors looked way brighter and stuff

my friends who were on 4F-A and 4-ACO-DMT alone really really liked the combo. Seems very positive.

eventually I did a 50mg line of some MDMA, and then another line of ~25mg MXE and ~8mg of 4-aco-DMT.

Then we watched Samsara and smoked DMT.

I love it when DMT feels like it's transforming objective reality. It has such mysterious powers =D

also, if you didn't catch the message of my last post, 2c-e will probably always make my body feel like shit in one way or another, but it turns out it's an AMAZING aphrodisiac and the entactogenesis makes it feel like your whole body is wearing a 'skin glove' at times. I had amazing 2c-e sex for like three hours two days ago I made my ex girlfriend cum like 6 times too %)

The 2c-e left me feeling very renewed

I don't feel drained after two days of psychedelic usage, I only got three hours of sleep before waking up just now and I feel right as rain. It almost seems like the past two days of partying brought me to where I needed to be somehow =D <3

I'm getting back on track with school too guys! things are looking up!

I think i'm gonna do my vial wash this winter 8o so excited.
now something very peculiar is happening to me
i'm not sure if its due to sleep deprivation.
but mind you i've taken no drugs at all since friday, and friday all i did was rinse out a cooker full of residue along with 2 cottons
today I leave someone's house to go home
in the car onteh way home i start feeling very strange
like to the T as if i iz rollin on about
one fourty.
what in the fucks is happening
i'm going to get drug tested this week, early in the week.
why does it feel exactly as if i'm high when i've taken nothing
i was relieved when i looked in the mirror and my eyes looked normal
because i'm telling you as i type this out i feel fucked up as shit
How much sleep have you been missing? Even if it's only a couple of nights a week, it adds up, IME.

Bad news is I ran into my hookup on the way to the liquor store, good news is I used it to attend a neighbor's Saturday night shindig, and actually talked to people.

Anyway, finishing the meth and my leftover wine from the party, listening/singing along to La Carmagnole and Ça ira. I suppose that makes me a frightening person, in some sense, hahahaha. Unité, Indivisibilité de la République; Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité ou la mort!
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never idk mane
i havent slept more than an hour a two a day since wednesday
i've gone a week no sleep and been fine
but lately was going a little nutty even though i'd get an hour or two like
well i was up continuously 4 days i think
i dont remember
fuck it
idc anymore
i'm fine now
i might take some drugs tomorrow
i'm thinking about, so long as my scheme continues to fall into play, just eating my half of the 10strip at once
Ugh, when "take more and never stop" isn't the usage pattern, and with a month break, I get anxiety and a real comedown, bleh. After a few of using cannabis as my primary intoxicant, this seems like poison. OTOH, being swept away by artificial mania has its appeal. Well, good came of it yesterday, so I can't complain.

And I got my [meager] paycheck yesterday, how is it I'm down to $11? :|

crashing said:
That is amazing.

I know, right? There's something intoxicating in it.

P.S. I finally get the 12-steppers. I enjoy being a tweaker on some level....though I am not using (well I am this weekend, and may continue to once a month, but I'm more or less quitting), I am an addict. Plus, some persons in group therapy who are in AA/NA have made me reevaluate just how much of a negative influence my substance use has on me. Life can be surprising.

Vive le rasoir national! Vive la guillotine! Vive l'enfer!
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LSDMDMA&12735553 said:
never idk mane
i havent slept more than an hour a two a day since wednesday
i've gone a week no sleep and been fine
but lately was going a little nutty even though i'd get an hour or two like
well i was up continuously 4 days i think
i dont remember
fuck it
idc anymore
i'm fine now
i might take some drugs tomorrow
i'm thinking about, so long as my scheme continues to fall into play, just eating my half of the 10strip at once

No one is actually fine missing a week of sleep, or getting only an hour or two a night... it's an illusion. It's taking a huge toll on your mind and body and that's undoubtedly why you're feeling strange. You gotta rest, man, the human body needs sleep to replenish, heal, and continue working. For 2 years I got more sleep than that, but probably an average of 3 or 4 hours a night, due to taking a lot of psychedelics mostly at night... I would stay up all night a fair amount and not sleep, and some nights I'd get a full night's sleep and some nights I'd just get a few hours. At the end of that period I was WRECKED... I had to go to the doctor and they thought I had narcolepsy because I would uncontrollably doze off all the time... I was afraid to tell them I had just done a ridiculous amount of drugs and not been sleeping. I ended up crashing my car because I dozed off in rush hour (fortunately it was while I was only going 20-25mph). It took me a long time to feel fully rested and functional again. Seriously, you need to sleep. <3

everyone took the 4F-A at about 7 or 8 o clock. I initally took 180mg but then I accidentally took another 80mg I was weighing out for my girlfriend. I was also already on 20mg valium. After the 4F-A started really coming up a lot I took a parachute of ~10mg 4-aco-DMT and my two other friends did too.

Both of my friends that weren't on valium said it was an awesome combination. Due to the valium, my trip was a bit less harder than I would have expected, but CEV patterns were happening and colors looked way brighter and stuff

my friends who were on 4F-A and 4-ACO-DMT alone really really liked the combo. Seems very positive.

eventually I did a 50mg line of some MDMA, and then another line of ~25mg MXE and ~8mg of 4-aco-DMT.

Then we watched Samsara and smoked DMT.

I love it when DMT feels like it's transforming objective reality. It has such mysterious powers =D

also, if you didn't catch the message of my last post, 2c-e will probably always make my body feel like shit in one way or another, but it turns out it's an AMAZING aphrodisiac and the entactogenesis makes it feel like your whole body is wearing a 'skin glove' at times. I had amazing 2c-e sex for like three hours two days ago I made my ex girlfriend cum like 6 times too %)

The 2c-e left me feeling very renewed

I don't feel drained after two days of psychedelic usage, I only got three hours of sleep before waking up just now and I feel right as rain. It almost seems like the past two days of partying brought me to where I needed to be somehow =D <3

I'm getting back on track with school too guys! things are looking up!

I think i'm gonna do my vial wash this winter 8o so excited.

Awesome dude, I never thought of using 2C-E as an aphrodisiac, it never struck me as being good for that but you never know, huh?

Things are going really well with me and my girl... we've been hanging out with each others' friends quite a bit, and getting way more comfortable. I really like spending time with her. :) All aspects just keep getting better. She's sleeping in my bed right now, I'm gonna go say "hello" in a bit. :)
Hey Xorkoth,

Long time no speak. I have been busy focusing on my voluntary work in India, little time for psychedelic exploration other than the odd ketamine binge which didn't amount to much inspiration (either quality or tolerance issues or both). Back in the UK next week, have a host of substances waiting for me, including your favourite MXE, plus some Salvia which I want to start using as a spiritual/psychological tool to break through my addictive patterns - been doing some research and it looks like salvia might have some promise in this area as a K- opioid receptor agonist (I think ibogaine also exhibits similar action alongside a myriad of others). I will be chewing it traditional maztec style, not smoking it, see how that goes. Will report back.

Still sailing close to getting a serious benzo addiction, but with a bit of self-disciple just escaping. Following your inspiration, if things don't improve with the salvia and my own efforts will definitely explore the ibogaine route.

Glad to hear things are going well with your girl, that's great to hear, very happy for you - when we last spoke your relationship was at a much less clear stage of development.

Anyway, needing some psychedelic inspiration again so can't wait to get home and have a break from responsibilities for a little while so I can give that some time! It's very important! :D
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Hey dude, nice to hear from you. :) I hope your psychedelic therapy sessions work out well. :) MXE can even be good for anti-addiction, however it itself can be quite addictive too so watch out.
Going to take the MXE with the expressed intention to cut through my more harmful addictions, e.g. benzos, and the salvia. Will watch out for MXE addiction creeping up to though, I already know how much I love it so another real test of my self control. Perhaps it is good in a way that it is illegal in UK so much harder to get that it used to be and more expensive. Can't wait though, got so many goodies waiting for me at home :D Looking forward to a nice DMT session as well, those always leave me in a good place.
Thanks for reminding me about the therapeutic qualities of MXE, I really want to move closer towards a 'drugs as medicine' approach to my use, with the occasional bit of mindless fun thrown in every now and then. I think so many of them are such fantastic tools used properly.
we should start a kickstarter
send me to south london
on some PD stuff though
I'm looking into some things regarding T7
I had some 4 years ago but cut up the bag i had it in whilst on ambien
but that is it
in other news
for the first time in like
2 years
i iz takin me some psyches tonight
bout four hits of L is the plan
maybe 5
but in other psychedelic news
i wanna get some wet.
2 hour drive to somewhere you can buy wet off the street
and i might know a guy in a small city like an hour and a half away who cna get vials as well
we'll see
in jail I was told by someone that when you go to buy wet, make sure its cold unless its a dipper
apparently PCP keeps best cold.
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Just received a letter from customs that my dpt and 4-aco-met were seized :/ how unlucky can you get
is pube central in new south wales?
NSW sounds like the coolest part of australia
I'm in the us.. I was starting to wonder if my package was ever coming because it had been over a month, and then I got the love letter this afternoon. Actually, looking back at the letter, it looks like I was shipped the wrong product anyways. The letter says 4-aco-det, not met. The quantities that the letter says were seized is also way higher than what I was supposed to be receiving.
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