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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Somatic Swirly Sepia Summer Sausage Stage Set Suppository

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<3 acid today, 3 1/2 hits made this


Nice work. I likey-likey.

I'll check out the link you gave Xor. And tonight I'm gonna record my buddy and I jamming with the 2-track machine. It will be interesting hearing myself play since I haven't ever heard myself other than studio recordings...made before I really was a musician.
I've been lacking creativity lately but have been making a kinda lo-fi dark IDM noisey ambient thing. All the music I make now ends up lofi, something about that overdriven scratchy murky no high end sound is highly atmospheric. I can only really make about a minute of music before I get bored and move on.

Opiates make me creative. There's nothing more addictive imo.
What kind of snake do you have, Cream Gravy??

Swilow, sounds cool - lmk if you have a clip to listen to.. I tried making IDM myself, ableton is so great, what do you use?

Yea love does transform.. I have a slight crush on someone who works in the restaurant in the building I work in but she's leaving for South America... she has over 900 friends on facebook I saw, and turns out to be a lot younger than i thought (21).. I don't care about social media but 900 is pretty intimidating :O
^She's an albino ball python. Only about two years old, so she shouldn't be fasting like this yet. She's too young to wana make babies, and there ain't any males around. I figured when she was maybe 4 or 5 this might happen, but now? She doesn't display any signs of illness though, so I really don't know what's up with her. Gonna try scenting the rat with gerbil bedding tonight, I've read that ball pythons go crazy for gerbils... that's my last hope though, at this point she needs to eat, she's losing too much weight.
Whoa I looked up a picture of a ball python and it's doing that optical illusion thing.. Hope your snake gets it together man!

I would like to have a cat (well two so it doesn't get lonely and bored), but I can't really afford to right now especially since I'm paying back taxes for a while...

Also it's probably not permitted in the apartment where I live but I wonder how reasonable it is to break that rule.
Man....I played some bad ass bass guitar and rhythm guitar while singing tonight. My vocals sounded like Dylan in the 70s according to an audience member. I'm pretty cool with that too....Dylan is one great Jew. A recording was made...I'll get it transfered asap cause maybe you guys would listen and tell me I sucked or rocked...don't care as long as someone is listening. :)

How was your alls day/night?
Man....I played some bad ass bass guitar and rhythm guitar while singing tonight. My vocals sounded like Dylan in the 70s according to an audience member. I'm pretty cool with that too....Dylan is one great Jew. A recording was made...I'll get it transfered asap cause maybe you guys would listen and tell me I sucked or rocked...don't care as long as someone is listening. :)

How was your alls day/night?
Yes please, I wana hear your Dylan. And hey, I liked what I've heard from you before man.

My night wasn't great. I stayed out too late at the bars and my friend expressed a sincere depression that I have no advice for other than, "Yeah, right there with you man." It's a sad scenario. It's like us millennials, those of us who see the world for what it is, we become so low and so sad over what the world is, and how we're a part of it. God I hate it.
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I see the world as it is just as much as you...perhaps more as I am older. And I say the world is good. I'll send some good vibes as it is all I can do but if you are not fleeing war or some shit it isn't bad.

Yes please, I wana hear your Dylan. And hey, I liked what I've heard from you before man.

My night wasn't great. I stayed out too late at the bars and my friend expressed a sincere depression that I have no advice for other than, "Yeah, right there with you man." It's a sad scenario. It's like us millennials, those of us who see the world for what it is, we become so low and so sad over what the world is, and how we're a part of it. God I hate it.
Plus you can b a part of the problem or the solution. Half glass full or glass needs more juice. Outlook is everything.
yeah, I try to keep my glass as full as possible :)

enjoy this upcoming full moon guys, it's time to transform.
The glass half full vs half empty debate?

For me it's always half empty, that way there is room for it to be topped off again!
What drinks do you like to drink? Me...I love cheap and strong beer. Hurricane brand 8% cheap ass beer is about my favorite adult beverage when I do indulge in that sorta thing. Beer seems to have a more complex high compared to hardstuff. Maybe it is the hops.
Lately I've been drinking whisky to shut down myself at nights, been working really hard and being on the flow mode every day is consuming as hell
I see the world as it is just as much as you...perhaps more as I am older. And I say the world is good. I'll send some good vibes as it is all I can do but if you are not fleeing war or some shit it isn't bad.
Oh well, yeah. I dunno. I was really drunk when I posted here last night, wasn't feeling great. I'm sorry for the overly dramatic nature of my posting recently guys. If anything, I've been self-centric in my thinking recently and to be honest it kinda disgusts me.

Xammy I can't even drink whisky any more. Last time I took a shot of some I immediately turned and hurled. These days my preferred beverage is Miller Lite for its cost efficacy while not being something worse like High Life or Rolling Rock (which now tastes like peanuts to me, very odd).

I've never even heard of that Hurricane brand you mentioned MGS, where's it out from?
We all go through hard times in life. I noticed I pretty much only post here when I'm happy and feel good about life.
Don't hesitate to share this stuff Cream Gravy. It may be useful for you and god knows there's a fair quota of suffering experienced by participants here. Some wisdom has surely been gained.
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