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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Somatic Swirly Sepia Summer Sausage Stage Set Suppository

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Man with the garbage sold as MDMA/LSD now a days I wouldn't want a bunch of kids throwing a rave on my property!

They pretty much told me straight out they were going to be peddling NBOMe when they listed off all the "cheap stuff" they were going to have at their party. At first I was invited to it, pretty much said "yea I'll come" just to be nice since I'm probably going out of town this weekend anyway. Next thing I see: they lost their venue and said they were going to have it in a field somewhere, then they lost that venue, then they come asking to have it on my property.

I don't feel bad about passing up on them at all. I'm all for people having fun but I don't need a bunch of people on NBOMe in my yard at 3am attracting the law and pissing off all my neighbors. People just assume sound doesn't travel when they're from the city. They have no idea that any loud sound on my property hits the creek and travels a good 2 miles in both directions. The bass from the stereo is the worse offender.

Last time I had a party I was serving my guests alcohol and they were supplying their own cannabis. That was the extent of the drug use although I knew a couple of people there brought their own MDA and were hanging in their own group. Eventually some bugged out dude I met at some festival showed up with a mutual friend of mine. I was tending bar and he asks me "Hey man, you think people here would buy RCs?". I was like hell no, get that shit out of here right now. He dropped $10 in my tip jar, blew me a kiss, and left. 8)
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This one will amuse you guys, I am sure:

I just had an organic chemistry exam, and one of the question was the following:

"The hallucinogen Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, structure shown below), contains 3 nitogens in its molecular structure. Mark the most basic nitrogen in the molecule and explain your decision."

This one will amuse you guys, I am sure:

I just had an organic chemistry exam, and one of the question was the following:

"The hallucinogen Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, structure shown below), contains 3 nitogens in its molecular structure. Mark the most basic nitrogen in the molecule and explain your decision."


Well, obviously it's the nitrogen with a methyl group attached. I didn't really get what's fun about this, is it related to different meanings of the word "basic"?
yeah of course it is the tertiary amine.

but you have to agree, it's a controversial thing to put in an exam at a publically funded university, no? you could come up with a similar task with about a million molecules that aren't LSD ;)
^ Maybe it is... But I've also seen the structure of the amphetamine molecule as an example of an amine in a high school chemistry textbook.
well amphetamine is different, in my opinion, because it is prescribed as medication in a lot of countries
Some of the students may end up working in a forensic laboratory after they graduate, that's probably the reason why stuff like LSD or mescaline are mentioned in the teaching.

The craziest thing I've seen in an organic chemistry course was a lab experiment where we had to synthesize diethylbarbiturate (veronal) and measure its IR spectrum... The faculty members probably didn't even know that it was a controlled substance and that they'd need some special permission from the authorities to do that. I'm not sure if they still have that experiment in the curriculum. :)
This one will amuse you guys, I am sure:

I just had an organic chemistry exam, and one of the question was the following:

"The hallucinogen Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, structure shown below), contains 3 nitogens in its molecular structure. Mark the most basic nitrogen in the molecule and explain your decision."


Haha that's rad. Which career are you pursuing at Uni, bagseed? :)

I remember when I was back in highschool I had a pretty badass chemistry teacher. He actually played a major rol in my career decision, so I blame him for becoming a Biochemist, lol. He was very severe and most people actually didn't liked him, but his teaching was flawless, so I kind of really admired him.

One of my friends always had a hard time understanding chemistry, so he told me that once he asked for his father's chemist friend to help him go through some exercises that this teacher has given us as homework. It was a simple task, we had to equilibrate the stoichiometric coefficient of some "random" reactions. My friend told me that after this chemist had a look at the assignment, he claimed looking surprised: "Well well, looks like all this reactions are actually explosions !!"

Then later on I started noticing that all the examples this teacher gave us in class involved preparing explosives and that kind of stuff xD. He was a kind of a misanthropic genius, a grumpy, loner, severe and intelligent human being. Looking back he was kind of a big influence in my life haha.
just working on a bachelor's degree, but getting there. I hope I'll be finished in a year and a half or so. I'd like to go into something pharmacology, but I have also been taking an interest in theoretical chemistry recently, allthough I'd rather work in a lab than on a computer.
yeah of course it is the tertiary amine.

but you have to agree, it's a controversial thing to put in an exam at a publically funded university, no? you could come up with a similar task with about a million molecules that aren't LSD ;)

well it is a "beautiful" (in the sense used in science/math) molecule, as well as one that has some interesting features to point out to the basic student of chemistry or pharmacology ... so too morphine and amphetamine

also, a lot of chemists, and thus a lot of chemistry professors and authors, have made drugs or bombs at least once or twice even if only as grad students, probably even more so back in the day

also, hi guys, I haven't been in this place, like, forever. I started this thread what, like almost 8 or 9 years ago? close to a fucking decade. walstib. much has changed in my life, the world, and the world of drugs since then, as well as my relationship to the world, the world of drugs, and drugs.
Hey SKL ❤️
I still look back fondly on our LSD and ketamine fueled adventures.
I hope you are well old freind.

Im going to see String Cheese Incident on Saturday. But first going to get my car washed by chics in bikinis while I'm on 3 meo pcp. It will be a good weekend fueled by drugs, sex and music.
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Good to see you here SKL. Not seen much of you round these parts either lately Delsyd!

Been an odd and stressful week for me, but the weekend is almost here and I have plans to solo trip acid for the first time in a while. Should be a good time. I've been spending so much time with friends that I'm about sick of it and need a week or two just spent alone. I'm constantly torn between whether I like being social or hate it... in the end, I think that a fine balance must be struck in order for me to maintain some sort of contentedness in life.

Anyways, psyched for the trip, I've been really getting into the Dead the past few weeks and so I plan to jam a bunch of their music at full volume and dance my ass off. Should be a good time %)

Have a swirly sepia summer sausage weekend all you PDers!
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I come on here pretty often but just mostly lurk these days.
I've been pretty good lately. Work is good, relationship is good, seeing lots of music and now that summer is here I've started taking psychedelics again. I took some DOC a couple weeks ago on a hike with Xork. Also I've been using/abusing 3 meo pcp for the last 7-8 months. Using most days of the week untill I start to feel cracked out and my body tells me it needs a few nights of good sleep, then I'm back at it. The longest break I've had in the last 7 months has been 3 weeks and I finished that hiatus last week. I've probably been IVing it more than I should be and that causes me to go through it a lot quicker than snorting or oral. I've been a pretty heavy dissociative user for almost 10 years now. Starting when I first got ketamine. I continued using ketamine untill it became more scarce and more expensive which was right around the time MXE came around so I hopped on that. Now MXE is gone but there are all these new ACH's that sound fascinating and im excited to try but currently 3 meo pcp seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. I'll get around to the 2-oxo ACH's pretty soon though as I find myself thinking about it a lot.
Much love to my PD family ❤️❤️
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Ahh pregabalin, you make the world so great! IM 4-AcO-DMT, I think so! I really want some 3-MeO-PCP, but it's not working out to well with stupid BTCs...:(

Such a beautiful album!
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Heya, Del and SKL! Long time no see. The old guard is retaking the thread! ☭☭☭
Hey Comrade. It's always fun to see the old timers pop by.
Swillow stops by from time to time and I see a Laika post on occasion.
I wonder where folks like cosmic Charlie, Youkai, Peppersocks/Uniter and MorningGlorySeed are?
I have such fond memories of PD around 06-09. That was my summer of love and Bluelight played such a big part in it.
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also, hi guys, I haven't been in this place, like, forever. I started this thread what, like almost 8 or 9 years ago? close to a fucking decade. walstib. much has changed in my life, the world, and the world of drugs since then, as well as my relationship to the world, the world of drugs, and drugs.

Yo. Even though I've done and learned a lot, it doesn't really feel like a hell of a lot has changed since then for me. I'm still fundamentally the same person with the same interests, listening to largely the same music, engaging in largely the same hobbies. It's weird. I didn't anticipate it happening like this, but, lo and behold.

I'm constantly torn between whether I like being social or hate it... in the end, I think that a fine balance must be struck in order for me to maintain some sort of contentedness in life.

There are some exceptions, like my sister, my mom, and a couple other special friends, but typically... social activity for me is like eating cold, mildly overcooked brussels sprouts. I know it's good for me, and it feels rewarding in a sense, but my happiest moments are always alone.

Let us know how your trip goes.

I've been a pretty heavy dissociative user for almost 10 years now. Starting when I first got ketamine. I continued using ketamine untill it became more scarce and more expensive which was right around the time MXE came around so I hopped on that. Now MXE is gone but there are all these new ACH's that sound fascinating and im excited to try but currently 3 meo pcp seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. I'll get around to the 2-oxo ACH's pretty soon though as I find myself thinking about it a lot.

Jealous. Have you experienced any physical side effects from heavy dissociative use?

Ahh pregabalin, you make the world so great!

Has anyone here messed around much with pregabalin + psychedelics? It seems like it might have potential. I tried pregabalin + LSD once. It wasn't quite as magical as I'd hoped; kind of a messy, fucked-up feeling trip. Maybe I just didn't get the doses right.

Hey Comrade. It's always fun to see the old timers pop by.
Swillow stops by from time to time and I see a Laika post on occasion.
I wonder where folks like cosmic Charlie and Youkai and MorningGlorySeed are?
I have such fond memories of PD around 06-09. That was my summer of love and Bluelight played such a big part in it.

Also, does anyone know where Roger&Me went? He was cool.
I love bamboo I've had one for seven years it's up to my chest and I'm 6'1.. I love that plant!
i continued using ketamine untill it became more scarce and more expensive which was right around the time MXE came around so I hopped on that. Now MXE is gone but there are all these new ACH's that sound fascinating and im excited to try but currently 3 meo pcp seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. I'll get around to the 2-oxo ACH's pretty soon though as I find myself thinking about it a lot.

I've noticed an interesting, and somewhat disturbing, trend in the net.drugs community in general. it used to be really, for me and a lot of my circle, about wanting to try and acquire from among a certain set of substances (i.e. the Shulginalia, almost exclusively), finding which ones you liked, and then keeping some around...now, ever since mephedrone I guess, it seems to be much more about getting something new and fancy marketed to us, it crashing, and then some (likely inferior) substitute coming in ... there's certainly more compounds but not necessarily more art as far as I can see it, although much of that is the melancholic "I was there when" talk of a hobbyist who's hobby has been commercialized on a vast and global scale and gone are the friendly small places and well informed small businessmen. well, what can one do.
Yeah but nothing can be done really... There is gold amongst the trash. It's messed up but you don't have to participate in the nonsense. It's still there really if you look. Change is a constant. You don't have to get into it.
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