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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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Wow thank you for the reminder Levels! #Fuckaddiction2017 has a powerful conviction attached to it for me. I wish I had been consciously feeling it; I could have kept walking on by. It would have been empowering, in hindsight.
I am feeling a bit empowered now though, but quite artificially, and I know it will have a backlash on me in a day or two. I don't feel it will lead me to slip, but I do need to be more vigilant.
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I literally just decided Sunday I've going clean from anything besides alcohol, and that too as little as possible - I only drink a few times a month, if that, anyways - for the next few years. I read a lot about the effects of hallucinogens on the astral and emotional bodies and it's possibilities of soul fragmentation from elder shamans, afterwards going deep into my being - all of this on LSD ironically enough - seeing it for myself, and then deciding it's time for me to give up these drugs. It's been almost seven years of relatively regular weed, psychedelic, and occasional dissociative use. I need a break and I've let these substances affect me negatively. Even though I may know that using these drugs does not make me a bad person, I now see the extent to which it burdens my psyche having to compartmentalize a part of my life from the whole. As long as there is any modicum of attachment to or perpetually possible comfort/reality shifting from these substances, I am trapped by their use, my personal sovereignty subverted by their influence.

This past week has been absolutely huge for me, the amount of shit showing it's head rivaling any other time I can remember. I'm being called to truly dig into the depths of my being and transmute that which is needed to move forward and make the shift I have desired for so long now. I literally troubleshooted my nervous system the other day on the acid, connecting into my emotional body with my fingers out, hands up, as if manipulating something at chest level in 3d space, feeling deeper and deeper into everything my body was storing and had experienced since my birth, making shifts as necessary, tidying up where needed. It was absolutely unreal. I've never experienced anything like it before, truly spiritual in a way I couldn't have imagined before the experience. I reset my nervous system and energy field completely. I can command my energy field in a way I haven't been able to in a while, as well much more easily stay in a zero point compassionate witness state. I really need to get back on doing qi gong and other energy practices every day, they make such a difference as well.......

I wish everyone the best in the midst of these chaotic times. Remember the best choice you can make is to allow yourself to continue in your own peaceful energy despite any and all of the fear, anger, and other negativity swirling continuously around on the internet, social media, in the media, and in person. The most powerful resistance is the holding of the frequency of peace.
Sounds like you had an intense experience, Psy!

I now see the extent to which it burdens my psyche having to compartmentalize a part of my life from the whole. As long as there is any modicum of attachment to or perpetually possible comfort/reality shifting from these substances, I am trapped by their use, my personal sovereignty subverted by their influence.

Can I ask what exactly do you mean by this? Specially the "compartmentalization" bit. I think I can slightly relate to that in a way I can't really explain.
Can I ask what exactly do you mean by this? Specially the "compartmentalization" bit. I think I can slightly relate to that in a way I can't really explain.

Well what you've quoted is really two separate - although related - statements. But the compartmentalization is basically, even though I may know that using drugs does not make me bad person, that all substances are as tools are, neutral until use, that does not mean that they are neutral or positive in my life simply because my uses of them are. If I was in a vacuum, existing solely on my own, or only with others that do not care what I do, then yes, that would be the case. However, I live in not only a society that condemns their use, but in a family that does, my father especially holding my drug use as a point of contingency between our growing relationship. To use drugs, even though I know they are not "bad", forces a compartmentalization of character and being, a moving of Drug Use into a separate compartment from the rest of my life, or maybe even with other parts that are then separated from my main Being, if you will, which again, compartmentalizes and breaks apart my being from being whole. In continuing to use drugs to the behest of someone so important in my life, I waste energy going against the grain where I need not, wasting my energy when I could be saving it for the times that I do indeed consciously want to go against the grain, ala spiritually and emotionally, helping to catalyze a shift of consciousness in those around me, especially my father. Compartmentalization, in breaking apart the whole, dilutes my essence and power as an individual, no matter how benign drugs may or may not be. Thus, I am no longer willing to make that sacrifice as the desire to fully actualize my soul, spirit, and being is too strong and I am unwilling to do anything to jeopardize it.

Does that answer your question? I could probably frame it in another way if not.
psy997 said:
I read a lot about the effects of hallucinogens on the astral and emotional bodies and it's possibilities of soul fragmentation from elder shamans, afterwards going deep into my being - all of this on LSD ironically enough - seeing it for myself, and then deciding it's time for me to give up these drugs.

This is an interesting statement. I can definitely confirm through my own experience that heavy and perhaps even occasional psychedelic use can create astral intrusions. Recent session work signaled this and attributed it to psychedelic use. They were able to repair it. I haven't heard of soul fragmentation due to psychedelic use before but soul fragmentation is definitely a thing and most of us have soul fragments in need of retrieval. There are soul retrieval protocols available. Otherwise one can enlist the help of a good session worker. I was also told that molecular compaction can be a consequence of repeated high intensity drug induced states. By overriding some of the safeguards in place through drug use one activates anti-christic merkabic flow that leads to monadic reversal. That's a mouthful, and I don't understand the dynamics well at all but you can look all this up; I'm summarizing best I can, but the person that told me this I've had session work before with and can vouch for his integrity and alignment with higher consciousness. If you ever need a good session worker to help repair the damage you suspect you may have done feel free to PM me. I can give you some really great ones to choose from that I have personal experience with. Best wishes with your important life decision. I'm on a 5 month timeout myself including all drugs, even ones like refined sugar and coffee. We'll see if after that timeout I have any inclination to go back. I'm not going to trash my stash.
Ha, good ole. zolpidem :) you didn't happen to order some alpacas did you?? :D
I'm home from my week-long vacation with my family at the lake. Just smoked a bowl and made a desperately-needed snack. I just had the worst airport experience of my life, now that it's over I need to express the shittiness of the day I just had.

Normally I use United Airlines to get between Chicago and where I live, because there is a cheap nonstop. This time, however, I had to use American Airlines for the return flight because United had nothing available today. First, the only thing they had was a flight with a 4 hour layover in a city that is a 20 minute flight (20 minutes in the air) from where I live. Okay, whatever, that sucks but no big deal. When I got there, though, it was showing as delayed departure from 8pm to 10pm. Also, in security I had my bag selected for inspection because I had a big block of cheese in there, they searched through my whole bag and sensored it and shit, pretty annoying. Anyway, I really wanted to get home as soon as possible, and not wait around in the airport for 6 hours (4 was bad enough already). So I decided to leave the terminal and go get a one-way rental car and drop it off at my destination airport (where I left my car), it's less than a 2 hour drive. I got to the rental kiosks (via walking in intense heat outside with a laptop/keyboard/mouse and large duffel) and waited in a very slow-moving line, only to be told that there were no one way rentals at all today, I had to return it here. I went to every company's kiosk and everyone had the same answer. So finally I walked back to the gate (got special searched again for that cheese), and waited. And waited. Got some reading done so that was cool at least. Then they started moving back the departure time by 25 minute increments. Kept telling us it was almost here. The gate got moved each time too. Finally, we got on the plane at 10:50, and they told us we were all required to gate check our carry-ons because there wasn't going to be room in the overhead bins, but when we got in and they were closing the door, about 80% of the overhead bin space was free. We started taxiing at 11:10. Then we just sat somewhere on the runway for 50 minutes with no word until they finally said a brake sensor light was on so we had to go back and get it checked out. Then they said it was a false alarm, but that they found a different thing (didn't say what it was).

Finally it was about 12:15 and they said they were canceling the flight, and that all the flights to my town the next day were booked solid, so "sorry", no offer of help. Everyone started to get pretty loud about it, by this time some guy in the back was laughing every time something new happened. Three girls sitting by me and I started talking about getting a 4-person Uber, would have been $30 each. Then everyone up near the front (I was in the front row) started saying we were gonna band together and talk them into getting us all ground transportation, because a lot of people (including myself) need to work tomorrow. At first the flight crew was being quiet but after we all started being loud about it they said it got canceled because my town's airport closes at midnight, but they're gonna see if they can get them to reinstate it anyway. Fortunately they did, and we finally took off at 1:00. The flight literally took 20 minutes and we were down, but the landing was really sketchy, the brakes seemed to do that thing where they shake the vehicle somewhat, he basically had to pump the brakes, the plane was wobbling and I'm pretty sure we almost didn't stop in time before the end of the runway. So I guess there WAS something wrong with the brakes after all. Finally, to top it off, they told us they had to send all our carry-ons to baggage claim because of some sort of mix-up with the compartment of the plane that they put them in. They said to wait by the door and they might be able to bring some bags. They brought over a cart full of them, but that was only about half of it. Then we watched as a cart got the rest, but instead of driving to us, they drove it away. Had to wait another 25 minutes for baggage claim then, seemed to make no sense at all. But at last I've made it back finally.

I began the day with a fitful slumber during which I had a series of dreams where my front teeth and all my right top teeth had been smashed out, I didn't feel pain or know how it happened, but they were just jagged nubs of varying degrees of completeness. It was very vivid and I was really freaked out, especially because I kept waking up from that dream into another dream where they were still smashed out and each time I felt the relief of "oh man, good thing that was a dream", only to realize that it hadn't been a dream after all. But as uncomfortable as that was, it was a lot better than my airport experience towards the end of the night. I really half-expected to wake up and still be in my parents' guest room bed and it was just an anxiety dream. Worst part is that I wanted to get back at a reasonable time to see my girl, because I haven't in a while and I really miss her, but seeing as how I got home at 2:30am, that hasn't happened.

Of course, the worst part of my day was definitely when I said bye to my dad... he has advanced ALS and can barely speak anymore, it's hard to understand and very quiet. I realized that I might not ever hear his voice again except on phone calls for a little while, if he can even project enough. He was still really groggy from waking up and the morning hangover of his meds, but he still sort of cried, but I felt too numb/shocked to cry (we have cried together about it before a couple of times though). When he can't speak I don't know what he's going to do, he wants to stay alive until he can't breathe at all on his own (he already uses a machine that assists his breath whenever he wants it to, which is a lot of the time). But he's extremely uncomfortable all the time, he has a ton of anxiety, he can't do ANYTHING by himself (think about that, he even has to ask my mom to slightly adjust his head or get a hair off his face). He asks my mom or anyone around (they also have a live-in caretaker who helps my mom and is pretty great, she came on vacation with us) for stuff constantly. I mean you don't even realize all the miniscule things you need that you do semi- or unconsciously by yourself. How will he communicate any of that stuff to anyone else? Every moment of every day is degrading and miserable for him. I think he really wants to die actually, I think he can't wait, except he also doesn't want to leave us. The part I feel the most sorrow over is that the role of caretaker/caretaken at this extreme level has radically changed my parents' relationship. My mom resents him a lot, it's so obvious in the flippant things she says in front of people or to him. I can't exactly blame her because he is so anxious and stressed out that he can be rather insufferable. It didn't start that way but it's slowly progressed from two people really close and in love, each others' best friends, where my dad had just retired and they were going to travel and do all the things they meant to do together at this time in their lives. They got to do a few of those trips early on, but my dad relatively quickly started requiring increasing amounts of care, and over time it's become this horrible situation where neither of them are at all happy. I'm not sure that if he miraculously recovered and went back to normal, that things would be the same between them at all. And my dad sees that with full clarity and it absolutely devastates him. It's not just taken him from her, it's transformed everything so that it twists and destroys everything for 4 or maybe 5 years first. ALS is a fucked up disease. It might actually be my worst fear.

Come to think of it, it puts my ridiculous airport day into perspective. :\

Not sure how to deal with it really. I think it's like every step of this process... first I'm numb, then I start to process it.
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Hey xorkoth <3 I really feel for you and your family. I hope your dad finds peace you know? Whatever that is... ALS sounds like a nightmare.

I was actually thinking about you last night as I attemptedv (and failed) to sleep. :) not in a creepy way though!
Goddamm it's been a long fucking week. Already at 42 hours with another day to go..

Plan on rollin MDMA and then taking a coma over the weekend :)haha.

Stay trippy fellow conscious beings
Stocked. I'm seeing one of my favorite local bands today. Trying to decide whether I'll just take a small amount of 3-MeO-PCP and have some weed, or take 3C-E. I think I'll go for the former though, I tripped on 4-Aco-DMT this past weekend. Didn't have a particularly strong experience, but since I'm still exploring the dose curve with 3C-E I'd rather take it with no tolerance.

Does that answer your question? I could probably frame it in another way if not.

Yes it did :)
I hope you can get back on track with your break. You are planning on doing two years of no psychedelics? I know I'll also need to take a break from everything at some point, but I think that time still hasn't come for me. This years I've been doing a particularly high amount of experimenting. Maybe the next one. It would be good for my wallet too :p
Yea minimum a year, if I go that long, definitely 2, and hopefully 3-4 really. Maybe until I finally get my degree now that I'm going back to school. Either way, I don't plan on using outside of a ritualized ceremonial space.
Big ups psy on your decision, sounds like it's what you really need right now.

I feel a little bit on the other side of the extreme, like I don't get the opportunity to trip nearly as often as I would like to. I think I've got a long ways to go in my psychedelic journey..
My dad at first thought, hey, at least I have something that doesn't cause pain and leaves my mind intact. He had a really good outlook, until it got really bad and now even his close friends talk to him like he's some sort of "special guy", he feels degraded constantly, and he actually does experience a lot of pain due to no muscles to protect him from all the little bumps and jostling that happen. He told me a while back that he'd much rather have gotten cancer or something because at least it would leave him mobile and able to function as a human.

But yeah, all diseases suck and are horrible to experience/witness.

Sorry about your dad Spiritnova. <3
Why is life shit and why am I a bitch? Just kidding, this game is a cinch, a fight to see who flinches first, no stopping my intuitive ditch to avoid the roll-stopping rock in the path of my flow, its like a river and a boat, rowing all day between soaking in the shade and growing a thirst, so drink from this bay, first of all, and after all its Thirsty Thursday, so best be ipping-say lest you be ripping-tay, flat on yo face, how else can I say it? a bit of poetry about why I'm such a bitch.
No he doesn't. Well he can't smoke anything for sure since he can hardly breathe anymore. My brother and I kept trying to get him to use CBD at least, if not marijuana edibles. He's like, no I don't want to use drugs. We showed him evidence that it helped slow the progression in people and he was kinda like, you guys are just trying to get me to use drugs. Which is strange since in college he used to love weed, and he's on like 6 prescriptions including benzos and trazodone and shit. Eventually at my mom's urging he got his medical MJ card and used CBD oil for a short time (like a month or two) and then stopped because he said it didn't do anything. It really is a shame and it kinda blows my mind. He is also prescribed morphine and he never takes it because he says it makes his neck feel funny. So I dunno. I can't help but feel a little like he won't take "drugs" because of all my problems with addiction, like he doesn't want to set a bad example or it left him afraid of "drugs". I hope that's not it. Either way, that ship has sailed. :\ Nothing can reverse ALS, so at this point he's just waiting for it to be over. He wouldn't want to go on living longer in the state he's in.

Alzheimer's at least you lose your mind, so at some point you're not aware of it anymore. I think if I got ALS I'd live my life until it got to the point where my partner had to take a shit for me and I couldn't move anymore and then I'd hope for a mercy killing. Dark, but I think living that way would be hell. I really wish my dad had been open to trying marijuana/CBD from the start, a guy I know online told me about how his friend's dad got it and started really early on strong CBD oil and it hasn't gotten any worse. My dad was happy still when he could still sort of walk and use his hands fully even though his arms were almost useless, at least he had autonomy and could still do a lot.
I began the day with a fitful slumber during which I had a series of dreams where my front teeth and all my right top teeth had been smashed out, I didn't feel pain or know how it happened, but they were just jagged nubs of varying degrees of completeness. It was very vivid and I was really freaked out, especially because I kept waking up from that dream into another dream where they were still smashed out and each time I felt the relief of "oh man, good thing that was a dream", only to realize that it hadn't been a dream after all.

Ah yes, the infamous "teeth falling out" dream. Dr. Phil did an episode on dreams and the most common ones are:

Teeth falling out
Being naked in public
Not being prepared for a test (like in school)

You also had a couple false awakenings, which can really screw with your head 8(

PS - I pray for your dad every night.
Currently coming up strong on 1p-lsd ..I started out with another dose of phenibut and some hydrocodone to be in euphoric mine state. So far music on 1st wave sounds epic ...camel mirage album is orgasmic. Mild cev starting so we will see as this is first time with this one.
Just getting to the goods parts so far feels like diet lsd which is exactly wha I'm after. I am getting solid oev but closed eyes with good bud an music are pretty fractal like I feel relatively normal mentally I'm 2 hour in. Getting euphoria tho whichnnb is nic hard to type tho screen movingn
Man, work is starting to really eat at me. A position at my place of employment was open last week that was perfect for me, but I didn't apply in time... It angers me so much that I can't utilize my degree, and as such am relegated to jobs that literally anyone could do. My intellect gets me nowhere in life...
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