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☮ Social ☮ PD Social: Nexus for gibberish of the psychedelicized genius and veritably insane

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Ended up taking 6-APB + 4-AcO-DMT + Amphetamine + Alcohol + Weed + Cigarettes last night.. What a ride! 8o

My body feels like it's been run over by a freight train 10 times in a row and then dropped down a flight of stairs, but I have so many great memories from last night. It was actually my first rave and it's damn sure not going to be my last =D
dude, sounds like quite the rave. make a trip report about it! im sure a lot of poeple would like to read it

in other news, its surprisingly cold here for this time of the year.

also, ive been looking for some papers for school and been searching around the house to find them, only to run into loads of old love letters from ex girlfriends, photos of them and memorabilia... damn, its been so long. sometimes i miss each of them so much, and i miss those times, the guy i used to be then, the opportunity that lay ahead but also how much i missed most of the chances i was given. and mostly out of my own fear and cowardice.

Let's see, 112.5mg tramadol on Friday was quite good, 125mg yesterday delightfully euphoric, 175mg today...not even buzzed.

My thoughts on the last couple days:
1) Opiates are bad news and don't lead to anything good.
2) Low dose therapeutic use would be impossible (tolerance goes up to old levels too quick, too much temptation to get high, too much irritability)

jg said:
My body feels like it's been run over by a freight train 10 times in a row and then dropped down a flight of stairs, but I have so many great memories from last night. It was actually my first rave and it's damn sure not going to be my last

Sounds like you had a blast! I'm glad for ya.
Just got finished cleaning my bathroom. I liked it better when my parents could afford a cleaning crew. Heheh.
About to smoak moar 122 blend and have another sniff of mxe... been reading slr for awhile but now back on pd, my home. Still doin small doses of mxe in the evenings most but not all nights, but when i run out of what i have im not planning on gettn moar
Let's see, 112.5mg tramadol on Friday was quite good, 125mg yesterday delightfully euphoric, 175mg today...not even buzzed.

My thoughts on the last couple days:
1) Opiates are bad news and don't lead to anything good.
2) Low dose therapeutic use would be impossible (tolerance goes up to old levels too quick, too much temptation to get high, too much irritability)

Sounds like you had a blast! I'm glad for ya.

Do opiates build up in tolerance much faster if you have built up a tolerance previously in your life? Because I once had a 5 day tramadol binge and I didn't notice any significant toelrance increase at all
^^IMO yes

if you have had a history of opiate addiction in the past you are likely to build up a tolerance much faster then the first time
About to smoak moar 122 blend and have another sniff of mxe... been reading slr for awhile but now back on pd, my home. Still doin small doses of mxe in the evenings most but not all nights, but when i run out of what i have im not planning on gettn moar

122 and mxe go together really well :)

its hard to get anything done though cause i end up just layin there feelin good lol
My immediate goal will be a certification ASAP, I'm gonna go for accounting (so with a certification that'd basically qualify me for basic bookkeeping). That way I actually have a marketable skill and can make more than minimum wage/support myself through school. Unless I really hate that, I'll then probably continue down that path towards a formal degree. I guess it's the philosophy of someone who came of age during a recession, I'm concerned with financial security first and foremost, and think that doing what you're interested in is what hobbies are for.

I tried to gain an appreciation of what exactly "accounting" is, by watching an introductory video lecture on YouTube. I was on MXE at the time, so bear with me, as I have no idea what I'm talking about. :p

Now, you say that your primary concern is finances, and pursuit of interests is secondary, to be found in hobbies. Hence, you are learning the trade of "accounting". The implication here is that a career in accounting is at odds with your interests. Work and hobbies are mutually exclusive. This doesn't have to be so. Aren't you truly interested in providing a contribution to your brethren of this world? And doesn't the work of an accountant help the function of a business, which is to provide its customers with a valuable service, hence a contribution to society?

also, ive been looking for some papers for school and been searching around the house to find them, only to run into loads of old love letters from ex girlfriends, photos of them and memorabilia... damn, its been so long. sometimes i miss each of them so much, and i miss those times, the guy i used to be then, the opportunity that lay ahead but also how much i missed most of the chances i was given. and mostly out of my own fear and cowardice.


No point in regretting the past. The choices you made led you to the perfect and divine present. No mistakes were made.
Not once in my life have I ever thought of myself as a member of society, Tac, so contributing to it is not something that tickles my fancy. In any case you're over-intellectualizing things. I just mean to say that in spite of what everyone tries to tell you growing up, you can enjoy life just fine even if your work and the things you are passionate about have zero points of overlap.

Hmm, I made a lot of posts yesterday, perhaps I was affected more than I thought by the stuff.
Not once in my life have I ever thought of myself as a member of society, Tac, so contributing to it is not something that tickles my fancy. In any case you're over-intellectualizing things. I just mean to say that in spite of what everyone tries to tell you growing up, you can enjoy life just fine even if your work and the things you are passionate about have zero points of overlap.

Hmm, I made a lot of posts yesterday, perhaps I was affected more than I thought by the stuff.

If you're smart enough to trudge through the boring crap that is accounting (which of course you are, NKB, you're a really smart mofo), then you're smart enough to get a finance degree and make serious, serious cash right out of school... If financial security is your goal, corporate finance will set you up with several decades of financial security rather quickly. You can work for a decade and relax for the next three. I wish I had the foresight to do the same when I was entering school (although I actually do have a business minor, and I plan on entering financial services as a backup plan if I can't get into a good grad school program). Anyway, just a thought. :)
you definitely are a member of society =p

Technically speaking (though I don't work, or pay taxes, or socialize with any frequency. So at best I exist on the fringes of society), but not feeling like it has no doubt been a major influence on my development. Lots of alienation and disaffection. And I still 100% feel that I am not one of everyone when I go about in the world, or think about it abstractly. Which gets into h my favorite explanation for (or lens through which to interpret) most human behavior, in-group/out-group thinking. Well, that and the degree to which people buy into their personal narratives, banal and arcane both.

rog said:

That's something to think about! Not sure I'd wanna compete with all the motivated/driven people pursuing that though, sometimes it's nice to take things easy. I'm thinking financial security is especially important because, psychedelic/buddhist/christian non-possessiveness aside, I'm hella pretentious/snobbish. I enjoy fancy things, so it'd be nice to be able to indulge myself a bit.

Of course, I haven't even started yet, the future beyond the immediate dull sameness feels quite unreal, and thinking about it amounts to chronic anxiety. And the most likely development in my future is still that emotional collapse/burnout leads straight to poverty and addictsville. (Haha, all my old HS friends graduating Uni right now is leading to much self-evaluation, shame, and pessimism)
watch a video of the way a snake moves

the only way its possible for a snake to move like that but appear to be moving in a straight line is because we are constantly fighting the inertia of the big bang

psychedelics feel the way they do because you suddenly notice the inertia more than you used to


Technically speaking (though I don't work, or pay taxes, or socialize with any frequency. So at best I exist on the fringes of society), but not feeling like it has no doubt been a major influence on my development. Lots of alienation and disaffection. And I still 100% feel that I am not one of everyone when I go about in the world, or think about it abstractly. Which gets into h my favorite explanation for (or lens through which to interpret) most human behavior, in-group/out-group thinking. Well, that and the degree to which people buy into their personal narratives, banal and arcane both.

idk if i'm wording this thought 100% correctly, but.... your skepticism of the strength of the beliefs of others applies to you completely from my point of view
122 and mxe go together really well :)

its hard to get anything done though cause i end up just layin there feelin good lol

Yarr, 122 + 2ce every once in a blue moon feels pretty awesome too, enter the j-hole while gurning and writhing in ecstasy. I think i remember ur handle from the mdpv thread, what a depraved and twisted saga that was.
Please realize that you're gambling with addiction there, friend. If you stay on that regimen for more than a couple weeks you're in for some trouble.

Ha, it only took 3 days! Bioaccumulation indeed; the literature might be right after all. I was fine for the first day or two, but by the third I was very much impaired. Being strict and all, just that 1 mg of phenazepam per 24h period, had my head all fogged up, shitty motor skills, all I could do was lie around. To go outside was out of the question as I couldn't get to the bathroom without bumping into a wall on the way.

Neat little experiment but it's most definitely over; I'm back to low doses of diazepam. With diazepam I can function very well and it does relieve anxiety. Phenazepam is so weird. It's strong in that it fucks you up, making it a chore to count apples and walk in a straight line, yet there's no anxiolysis, I didn't even feel like I was on a benzo. No euphoria, comfort, or psychological effects of any kind, but thought and physical control go out the window. I can see why people would redose like mad; because it's so transparent; it doesn't make you feel like you've taken something that makes your mind relax.

It's a really good hypnotic though. It'd be perfect for someone who's body needs a couple days of 12/12 sleep/wake.

I'm chillin in my sauna, man, drywall saunas are more expensive than the regular kind :p
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