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☮ Social ☮ PD Social: Cross-dimensional chatter. Now featuring mesphereomeantoliopeme.

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yes if i have even 2 cups of tea without eating much i get a general sense of unease and become far more agitated. but green tea and cannabis can hit a real sweet spot

i'd like to try dex-amp though, but they don't dish out prescriptions over here like they do in the US. plus there's the whole potential for addiction. but ive become noticeably mentally restless these days, i can't make myself work on anything i dont want to - and i can't understand why i should ? what's the point living a life you hate living.... i'll work it all out one day, but the infinite possibilities is somewhat bamboozling

In truth, I do have quite a lot of money. My grandparents on both sides were extremely wealthy and I inhertied a decent chunk when I turned 25. The obly good thing my late father did for me was invest the money well and more then double it.

ah see my imagination ran wild i thought maybe you'd cooked a big batch of DMT or maybe you were fucking a rich lady for money or you'd stuck a quick money kind of deal with someone somehow. if i had that money i'd buy and sell property all over the world, living in each one for a few months, i think that'd be fun. and then you could decorate the places as you go along, and effectively not lose any of the money. i'd find the decorating part easy
^I'll def. try MXE and 25C soon.

How was your dosages?

Well it wasn't only 25C and MXE because I also took 4-HO-DPT.

Since I had blotters I'm not sure how much was actually absorbed, but unfortunately I think much was wasted. My doses were two 550mcg 25C blotters, 100 mg 4-HO-DPT and 100 mg MXE. It was the most intense trip in my life. I wrote a tip report about it here

I don't use 25C blotters anymore but use it intranasally, I haven't done a combination with only MXE and 25C though.

Edit: No, wait, now I remember I've taken 30 mg MXE on a 25C afterglow (intranasally, 500mcg worked like a charm, blissful experience). It was perfect for the afterglow.
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Just remember I'm talking 4-AcO-DMT not DMT. Closer to mushrooms or oral DMT, rather than smoked DMT ;) That said it's been a life-changing substance for me and I have a feeling my next trip will be rather special.

I do have D&D in 40 minutes though so maybe I should wait until after haha :D

Also, happy thanksgiving to all those living in the US <3

ohhh lol. i want to try DMT sooo bad. though :)

Well I'm feeling better now thanks, the daytime sleepiness from mirtazapine is easing, when I got home from work today I didn't feel tired at all. But I still took a line of MPA after work...Why? I hate that stimulants are so addictive and moreish. Fortunately I don't have much MPA left anymore. While the stimulation feels clean and nice on moderate doses, I'm still quite an anti-stimulant guy so I'm bothered by my behaviour.

Oh, another very strange thing. Since I got on mirtazapine now it replaced escitalopram (Cipralex), but as I get extreme brain zaps from SSRI withdrawal I'm tapering very very slowly from Cipralex. But I still get some brain zaps. But here's the weird thing; speed and MPA completely kill the brain zaps! As soon as their effect is over, the brain zaps reappear. How on earth can these stimulants remove the brain zaps? Speed and MPA are not acting much on serotonin receptors. This is not something occassional, they remove the brain zaps every time.

Not a good thing to take stimulants while on SSRI withdrawal anyway, I know. But I'll stop with the stimulants soon. Fortunately I have no other withdrawal symptoms than brain zaps, otherwise I feel quite fine.

Acid + MXE sounds like marvelous combination. What doses did you take? I've only combined MXE with (a lots of different) tryptamines and 25C and they go together extremely well. I have yet to try the acid combination, it's just the blotters here are not reliable, they contain everything from DOC to Bromo-DragonFLY and are sold as acid. Sucks.

damn man, that sucks. w/d from SSRIs are the main reason why i did not take SSRIs in the first place. how is mirtazapine though??

LSD + MXE = mind blowing, life changing experience. MXE is usually so dark and damp and bland IMO, which is why LSD compliments it so well because of all the colors!! it was fucking undescriable. crystal clear CEV's with colorful patterns. INSANE!!! , and the L made me hole even harder. at one point i saw myself and everything around me at a microscoptic level. i could see atoms and that everything is made up. sorry i am kind of zonked out right now from benzos and other drugs but i would type it lol now im rambling...im going to nodd out before my reatlives get here hahahaha

yall have a good thankjs giving
ohhh lol. i want to try DMT sooo bad. though :)

damn man, that sucks. w/d from SSRIs are the main reason why i did not take SSRIs in the first place. how is mirtazapine though??

LSD + MXE = mind blowing, life changing experience. MXE is usually so dark and damp and bland IMO, which is why LSD compliments it so well because of all the colors!! it was fucking undescriable. crystal clear CEV's with colorful patterns. INSANE!!! , and the L made me hole even harder. at one point i saw myself and everything around me at a microscoptic level. i could see atoms and that everything is made up. sorry i am kind of zonked out right now from benzos and other drugs but i would type it lol now im rambling...im going to nodd out before my reatlives get here hahahaha

yall have a good thankjs giving

Mirtazapine is great for sleep, the only side effect it gives is the munchies. There's an unbeliavably strong craving for something sweet all the time. I was on it many years ago and my weight went up 20 kg (!) in a year. I know how it works now though so I have more self-restraint. I've lost those kg:s and don't want them back :\ I've just yet to see how it will affect my tripping. I'm on a quite low dose though, so I hope I can enjoy tripping.

Yeah the SSRI WD is bad but I taper down Cipralex slower than I've ever tapered any med. I reduce the dose (which is quite small anyway) by 1 mg a week. It should help with the WD. Going cold turkey is not an option. At least the brain zaps aren't dangerous or hurt in any way, they're just very annoying and can be so strong I get temporary blackouts for a second or two. I actually hear some kind of strange, buzzing sound on the strong ones. I'm still baffled about how stimulants can remove the brain zaps. One would think they'd make them worse. Maybe it's a topic for the advaned discussion section, dunno...

The hole is indeed a mad man's place. Especially when you've taken other psychedelics. I've experienced so strange things there I can't even explain them, I don't even afterwards always understand what I really experienced.
I'm kind of tempted to get the first written experience report for 2C-E + 4-AcO-DMT + MXE under my belt. 2C-E + 4-AcO-DMT is an amazingly visual combination, and I imagine adding a dissociative to the mix would make for an interesting time.

I don't think I'll be doing that tonight though, not unless I suddenly stop feeling so tired soon.
Completely off-topic but, I was working some more on getting the starts of my isometric game up and running. Tiling and such were broken, but I made some basic tiles, and finally got it working just now. I decided to write "bl" as a test.


As you can see though the lines are still visible, I must have made the tiles a pixel two small in all directions, easily fixable. I'm glad I've made a little progress today.
^I'm confused: what is it that you are actually doing?

Completely off-topic

By what definition of on-topic is anything in this thread? ;)
I just meant I was breaking off in a tangent from anything anyone else had been talking about haha.

I'm looking to make an isometric RPG. So I had to get code to translate things to sideways distorted diamond squares to get the right perspective, then I had to get images to draw in the correct place based on those tiles. Those tiles were 1px too small though, here's a fixed example:


Though, I'm going to change those tiles since they don't really look very grass or water-like at the moment.

willow, what the hell is up with the comment argument on that video? rofl :D
Looks more like carpet but I'm impressed anyway. Any chance you could make this an indoor RPG? :)
Lmao yeah :D Thankfully that's not the extent of my photoshop skills - just I wanted placeholder tiles and didn't want to spend more than say 30 seconds making them.

Next up I'll add a few more tile types, make maps load from files, and then make a map editor.

Maps look like this at the moment:

(That's the one in the picture)

Should be easy enough to do that, but then after that comes adding a moveable player which might be a little more difficult with animations and such.
whats up jesus and solipsis?? doo any good dro0gs today, and what is the most intense psychedelic you guys have done??

i know where to get get some 2C-I, DMT, or 2C-B, what you guys think i should go with?
Nope only gonna drink some beers tonight at a birthday and then going out together in the city. Took supplements today though: piracetam, low dose phenibut, ALCAR. But I would not call those drugs.

About your advice question, I wouldn't like the social thread to turn into a place where you can ask things you are not allowed to ask in a "what should I take thread". Let's just leave it at my opinion that those 2C-Xs and DMT are worlds apart and have a way different profile of recreational / spiritual / entactogenic, etc. Your choice cannot be made without first deciding for yourself what kind of experience you are looking for. DMT is more life-changing and beyond anything else. But it's short-lived and not really a full-length experience with a story being told in a multi-hour event.
Regarding 2C-I, yes it had some cool sides to it but other than that it always seemed a bit uninteresting to me compared to most other 2C-X.

JesusGreen, please be so kind to limit yourself to some subjective insights, but not a recommendation or anything that could be used as such.

Most intense psychedelic? Hmm well DMT, also DPT and 5-MeO-DMT were incredibly profound but for me presented less content and more of a whoomp that blows over you like a hurricane. Other than that I really think mushrooms are quite insane and high dose LSD gives me one of the craziest most psychedelic states. So yeah exotic research chemicals and stuff, they can be interesting in their own way but seems hard for them to top the classics. Maybe one of the NBOMe series proves itself to be top 5 material in terms of 'most intense psychedelia'.

But you know think for yourself, decide for yourself. And thus try not to ask questions that let others pick. And if you do, try to disregard single-word mutiple choice answers from people. I'd consider them worthless without further explanation.

Hm nice track: http://soundcloud.com/hajee/hajee-dark-tantra
my bad man, i was just trying to make conversation :)

butt beers some buddies is always fun! is it your birthday, or your friends??
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