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Oxy detox


Dec 31, 2020
Hey all. Looking for some help. relapsed. using around 250mg a day oxy for the last 2 months. Gotta end this madness. Gonna use some kratom for the next week or 2 to help with withdrawals. Anyone have a good dose amount of kratom to use per day? And how bad, long will withdrawals last. Gonna do my best to do some excercise. Def don't want to stay on the Kratom either. Also have 2 8mg sub strips as a back up. Any help would be great? I have all the basic supplements that go with a detox the you buy over the counter
Kratom will not sufice with 250mg oxy habbit. It can help a bit if you were to dose 10 grams every 4-6 hours, but I dont think it would be worth it. Or you could use sub strips for a quick taper, like:

Day one 4mg
Day two 4mg
Day three 2mg
Day four 2mg
Day five 1mg
Day six 1mg
...and then jump to kratom.

You have a big habbit and kratom is a partial agonist like buprenorphine. But buprenorphine waaay more potent. So if you could use buprenorphine to taper oxy and than use kratom I can see sense in that. But you will have withdrawals all the way, just not that intense like if you would cold turkeyed 250mg oxy.

I wish you all the best. Keep us updated. :)
Sounds about right from my last time. I used the Bernie method lol to get to 2mg today and ready to jump tmrw. Also started the mega dose Vitamin C which actually kinda works. Should I dose the bupe at night or morning? I was thinking night for sleep? I can handle the worst withdrawal during the day. It’s always night time that gets everyone. My wife knows and is on full stby for me which is awesome. I’ve must have read every page on this forum preparing. I swear I think I know some of you by now
Follow your body and the info you got. I know it can be done as I did it. So I know you can do it. Keep us updated. We are cheering for you!
It has to be done. There’s only 3 outcomes as they say. Can you tell me how you did it? Just CT? Thnx for the support. I swear oxys are the worst of all to detox from aside from methadone
I went to long buprenorphine maintenence. After 3 years of buprenorphine i tapered it down to 0.5 and jumped. It wasn't easy and I am using kratom at the moment but it is much better now. You can read my storry here: My story

I hope it helps a bit. :)
Thnx. I have a chance to do an outpatient 5 day detox too. Should I do that instead?
It is your decision but leaving opioids behind is more than detoxing. After detox the real part starts - living lives without opioids.

I am tired and am going to sleep. I wish you happy new yeras and wiser choices this time around.

I will answer any questions in about 12 hours time. :)
I used Kratom to come off 40-60 mg oxy habit and used about 4 grams three times a day ; morning ,lunchtime and before bed . Def helped me sleep and get to work. You won’t feel any euphoria like oxy but it will take away the restless legs and low energy.
Yeah I’ve used Kratom before. I have to extract now which is pretty powerful. 100mg per little bottle. Def need it for night time and the RLS. I have 2 weeks off so I’m good with the work department. Is it pointless to use Kratom and subs at the same time to ween down? Or should I just pick one? And yes this is my 3rd relapse, the tough part is definitely living without them. Detox is the easy part.
Pick subs or kratom as they will interfere and block eachother. Also I am not familiar with extracts so I can not help you with that aspect.
I used Kratom for a 80 to 100mg habit. I took three teaspoons, then two, then one, then none over about six months. I have been completely substance free a year. With Kratom my detox and tapering was not to bad. I definitely agree its more hard to learn how to live daily without opiates. Takes mindful thinking and learn about PAWS. You would be surprised how eliminating sugar from your diet when clean is important for sobriety. Clean eating, sun, water, land excercise. All these things done together to keep you sober. Talking about how I feel is major so I recommend therapy so you can come to terms with why you used in the first place. A lot of people like myself used drugs to numb emotions from trauma and to self medicate anxiety\depression. Staying clean is the hard part but after your Kratom detox you can do it!!!! Extracts of Kratom can be VERY strong so I have seen those treat heroin withdrawal with extracts. I actually made the decision to stop Kratom after I got a hold of a strong extract. I was actually nodding off while I could not believe! It was euphoric so I immediately recognized this is a drug I could abuse. I tapered as explained above. If regular Kratom does not work on your 240 habit then try extracts but have a plan to start high then taper. You could easily pick up a new drug of choice if you dont. Sadly Kratom worked wonders for my severe joint and muscle pain. I have nothing that can touch it besides opiates or Kratom. The pain is one of my biggest triggers but its been one year so I am doing okay. Good Luck to you! I used 20 years so I know you can do it too!!
Thnx. I did 2 years of therapy up till now to work on the emotional damage. I’ve worked all that out. I don’t have a reason to use any more except for the fear of withdrawal. I started to pick up hobbies to overcome boredom, drums, surfing, writing. Working out is huge for sobriety. I have a good support network with people I can talk to. I still go to meetings in person and online. I have no more excuses to use. I’m done lying to myself and others. I used Kratom to get off percs no problem. Once oxy came around it was a different story. I used the extract once. It’s pretty powerful and doesn’t mess your gut up. I’ll give the sugar thing a try. It makes sense since when I use the sweet tooth is crazy. I have all the steps and reasons written down on why being clean is important. I just hate it moves at a snails pace sometimes.
Thnx. I did 2 years of therapy up till now to work on the emotional damage. I’ve worked all that out. I don’t have a reason to use any more except for the fear of withdrawal. I started to pick up hobbies to overcome boredom, drums, surfing, writing. Working out is huge for sobriety. I have a good support network with people I can talk to. I still go to meetings in person and online. I have no more excuses to use. I’m done lying to myself and others. I used Kratom to get off percs no problem. Once oxy came around it was a different story. I used the extract once. It’s pretty powerful and doesn’t mess your gut up. I’ll give the sugar thing a try. It makes sense since when I use the sweet tooth is crazy. I have all the steps and reasons written down on why being clean is important. I just hate it moves at a snails pace sometimes.
Yeah I found I'm less anxious when I accept and sink in to the boredom. When I accept it as relaxation rather then boredom I do much better. I am a really good writer. I wrote an entire short movie and poetry book while sober. So yes I agree keeping the mind occupied helps but just laying back and enjoying that snail pace instead of fighting it has been very helpful especially with COVID isolation. Yes I gained almost 100 pounds while using because of sugar and junk food. lost 76 in 8 months with 90 percent clean eating and 10 percent indulge. Only 24 pounds to go so that's my project now with focus on strength training. For me I was just tired of the chase just for pills. Tired of existing and not LIVING! Then my mother overdosed and passed. One of the last things she said to me is I was her strongest child. Those words help me everyday because I never knew she recognized my strength until that moment. Finding what motivates you is key. I got clean for me but I know my mother would be and my siblings are very proud of me.
I’m glad you said that about existing. I keep that quote with me all the time. Did your sleep ever go back to normal?
I’m glad you said that about existing. I keep that quote with me all the time. Did your sleep ever go back to normal?
Its much better. I use to stay up for days or sleep two hours a day. The anxiety was terrible especially because I have PTSD. Now I can sleep for up to six hours on a good day. Honestly if I wasn't in pain and had PTSD anxiety under better control I probably could sleep 8 hours and on a regular schedule. I see a huge difference between a year sober from when I first got sober. I use to watch the sun come up every morning and was so tired I would be in tears yet I could not sleep unless my body became exhausted or I smoked weed or used kratom which helped tremendously before I decided to be 100% sober. One thing that helps sleep in magnesium! I take three capsules and it helped. I may start back again due to the PTSD. Now after a year (came back gradually over so dont let the year scare you) I actually feel that natural feeling of tired which was lost with opiates but my PTSD anxiety at times breaks up my sleep so I don't feel rested all the time but honestly who does everyday. I feel much better in the sleep area and definitely feel my brain has repaired a lot as far as sleep goes. My waking up is definitely more chronic pain and anxiety from PTSD. If I get up to use the bathroom I can fall back to sleep due to pain and mind immediately racing with anxiety. Hope this made sense.
I don't want to be a downer here because it's always a good thing when someone decides to end the madness but from my experience getting off opiates is impossible without help from a doctor. I've been through it myself with heroin and percocets and I would go broke and decide ok now it's time to get clean and I would make it a couple days and then the obsession would overcome any desire to change and I would practically sell my soul just to get off of E. There are times when I sickly miss the excitement that would occur from finally scoring again but what I had to go through during those days when I was withdrawing was a living nightmare. Finally I found a solution (which did me good fora few years at least) which was to go to an addiction specialist and get put on some medication to help deal with depression and anxiety along with suboxone to deal with the withdrawals and the cravings that would happen.

On a side note about 2 weeks ago I decided it was a good idea to get some dope and I think it was fentanyl. Long story short I took a small line and then another small line next thing I know I was out like a light and had to be narcaned about 4-8 times depending on who you ask. It was a scary situation I apparently aspirated during my overdose and almost died. My uncle found me on the floor and said my nail beds were turning blue (he's a nurse) and told me it scared him to death he thought I was dead. I'm back on the wagon again and fighting the temptation to go out and use again.
I appreciate your thoughts. Glad you came back from the OD. I refuse to believe I’ll have to be on meds forever. I once ran a half marathon on day 2 of withdrawal. I had to do it cause it was for charity. But I agree. If it Wasn’t for money I think most of us would keep going. But I was sober for 35 years, I’m 40 now. I accomplished some amazing stuff in 35 years. I want that again. I say that as I’m shaking and sweating now.
I don't want to be a downer here because it's always a good thing when someone decides to end the madness but from my experience getting off opiates is impossible without help from a doctor. I've been through it myself with heroin and percocets and I would go broke and decide ok now it's time to get clean and I would make it a couple days and then the obsession would overcome any desire to change and I would practically sell my soul just to get off of E. There are times when I sickly miss the excitement that would occur from finally scoring again but what I had to go through during those days when I was withdrawing was a living nightmare. Finally I found a solution (which did me good fora few years at least) which was to go to an addiction specialist and get put on some medication to help deal with depression and anxiety along with suboxone to deal with the withdrawals and the cravings that would happen.

On a side note about 2 weeks ago I decided it was a good idea to get some dope and I think it was fentanyl. Long story short I took a small line and then another small line next thing I know I was out like a light and had to be narcaned about 4-8 times depending on who you ask. It was a scary situation I apparently aspirated during my overdose and almost died. My uncle found me on the floor and said my nail beds were turning blue (he's a nurse) and told me it scared him to death he thought I was dead. I'm back on the wagon again and fighting the temptation to go out and use again.
I never used heroin but I did use oxy. I used Kratom over six months taper. Three teaspoons, two teaspoons, and one teaspoon before none. Since last dose I been clean a year. The anxiety and depression is there but much better then when I first got clean. I actually had both before opiates this is why I used. I have to do a lot of consistent things to avoid cravings. For instance sugar is a major trigger for me. It effects the same part of the brain as any other addictive substance. This is part of tackling PAWS. I have to even go for short 30 min walks when I get to anxious especially during isolation due to COVID. I have to be very mindful of my thoughts and remind myself that each craving will pass its just my brain fixing itself. You have to make a lot of choices to use. It starts with the craving. I know its hard because I do it everyday. Some days better then others. I just pray and remind myself the cravings are the price I pay for a 20 year habit but it will get better with time. Stress is a huge trigger so be mindful and try not to hold things in. Talking about your feelings to the right people helps a lot.
I’m in the trenches, dug in for the battle. Day 2. This sucks. Day 3 & 4 are bearing down. And I do mean bear. I’ve only dosed Kratom 3x yesterday @7grams each. And used only 2mg of sub today and no Kratom. I can feel it coming on strong. I just keep thinking of Maximus in Gladiator “when we are facing death, all one can do is smile back”. I know I can’t die from this so I just have to laugh at the pain and mental BS. Because it isn’t real. I’ve stepped foot on every continent sober, swam in every ocean sober. Visited 65 countries sober, learned to fly a damn airplane sober, swam with great white sharks sober, climbed and skied 10 14ers sober, been to over 200 concerts, well maybe not sober. Heck I even ran a half marathon in withdrawal for charity. Pain is temporary, eventually something else will take its place. If I quit however, that failure will last forever. Just wanted to check in and leave my mark to remind myself of this. Hope all are well. The key to victory is visualizing yourself taking the steps to get there.