Opiate Withdrawal.

Hey Squeaky,

I know that you have tried pieces of pills, I remember you saying 3rds, which creating has to be just as difficult as tapering! Are you still doing that? It is good to see you back here, because you are in cp, I am always interested in how your story is playing out.

I am having a hard time with my oxycontin, and the fact that I still haven't slept since getting off the benzos. I found that despite the fact that I still take my other opiate (oxymorphone) if I do not take the oxycontin I go through wd. This is frustrating me to no end as I always figured opiate is opiate, when we removed the oxycodone I didn't have a problem, maybe that is due to the oxcontin? I don't know... I am not sure I need the contin anymore, and I want to try to try to get off of it. It's er, so not sure how to taper it. I'm thinking I am going to have to just deal with the wds.
GRSH- The Oxycontin is timed release, so the amount in your blood is level - no high and no low. It's way easier to taper from that. It takes about a week to stabilize at whatever new 'total' daily dose of whatever you're coming off from unless you go cold turkey, then it takes up to a month.
My advice: figure out exactly how much you're taking of each class of drug daily. Then be consistent for 7 days on each. Then come up with a tapering plan for each. If you can go back on the benzos at around 1/2 of what you took before then life will be much more bearable. Cold turkey from any benzo can be life threatening. People have seizures and die. And insomnia will make you suicidal.
You can cut the oxycontin in half and it will digest only a little slower than a whole pill. Then you can overlap doses to hit your daily goal. Example: If you took one 30 mg oxycontin every 12 hours, that's 60 mg/day. Cut them in half and take 1/2 every 8 hours. That's 45 mg every day. After a week, take 1/2 every 10 hours. That works out to 36 mg/day. The next week take 1/2 every 12 hours(30 mg/day)
Eventually you can cut them into 1/4th's and keep going until you can quit.
Me- I am back to taking more than scripted for the last week or so. Cutting pills into 1/3's worked well. It helped me to taper. The IR oxy comes with worse wd's between doses than the ER kind. I'll have to start doing that again soon. I have to work, and my legs and hips hurt all of the time now so I get my new script and go nuts, ghen I have to cut back and suffer at the end of the month. It really sucks.
One word. LYRICA. Dependency does not form with the pharmaceutical and it cures every symptom of withdrawal except for diahrea and sneezing.

It's the drug of the future.

It can be used recreationally at 200mg capsules. 400-600mg and stay home lol.

Get your dupa to your doctor's and
have him prescribe you a small quantity bottle of 75mg. .not
200mg because remember the goal is to get clean. The duration of each capsule lasts about 10 hours.

I'm serious, I've been through that shit.
Multiple times the hard way. I've got nerve damage doc prescribed me lyrica, ran out of hard pain meds went into withdrawal and just grabbed meds. I took lyrica and I felt like a hammered highschooler and the worst symptoms were all gone.

Lyrica is the best kept secret for opiate withdrawal. You will find people in this forum testifying to this.

Btw. Hi everybody! It's Great to be a greenlighter! Lol :)
Hey, welcome to the site. I'm not sure how much of a 'secret' Lyrica is, as it's become quite popular over the past couple of years. I have to disagree about it not being habit forming. I've never used it myself, as I've read many stories about people developing habits and after having lived with someone who was taking recreational doses, I'll never take the stuff.

It seems that pharmaceutical companies like to downplay the addictive potential of many new drugs. It happened with valium, oxycontin, tramadol, ambien.. Now Lyrica - even heroin was originally marketed as a less addictive substitute for morphine. Point is, with regards to the potential of developing a a habit, especially for someone with pre-existing dependency issues, be careful with any drug that gives a pleasant buzz.

I personally think that zopiclone is useful in the short-term for opioid withdrawal, but it is very easy for it to simply take the place of opioids or become just another dependency.
I am currently using Lyrica. I have used it for opiate withdrawls. I does work as Beck says. It's like takkng 6 shots of tequila. BUT for me tolerance and dependance built up fast, like in about 2 or 3 days. It was awesome to put me to sleep at 200 mg the first day, then I needed 300 mg the second day, then 400 mg the third day. I tried it to help me break into a new lower dose of oxy and it definitely worked, but I had to taper off for 5 days after only 3 days use (I get nausea and insomnia) also it came with a hangover for the high doses that knocked me out. The next day felt like my organs were dipped in chemicals.
I am currently trying to taper off that stuff. The long term withdrawls are pretty wicked for some people..... way worse than opiates.
So I'm new here in full on opiate withdrawl last dose was 48 hours ago I feel awful, usually take between 50 and 80mg a day of hydrocodone but trying to get my habit under control. My question is if I take 5 or 10mg of hydrocodone will it help me or just make the withdrawal last longer like drinking to ovoid a hangover
Larrymeow- It will prolong withdrawl, but it will also lessen the pain of your withdrawls. 48 hours means you have at least another 48 hours of feeling sick ( probably more like 4 days of sick). If you have lots of pills, then you may want to go back on the lowest dose that will make you 'not sick' and taper off them more slowly. Beware that it will take at least an hour for that pill to stop your wd's. Don't take it, then take another 15 minutes later because it's not working.
The truth for me was that when I did cold turkey off oxy I really needed to get it out of my head that there was a pill to help me feel better. That took about two days. After that, it was just like having the flu. Psychologically you may be past the hardest part, even though you have a long way to go physically. Also, I wanted to experience my pain level without the pills. It's hard to compare the new to the old when there has been months of tapering in the middle. You might want to just tough it out. Go lock up your pills somewhere so you won't be tempted.
Withdrawal lasts months bruv take fuck all let your body recover in it's own time good luck bruv
Man we are in the same boat fam, good luck I was clean from subs and opiates for 5 days. Worst days of my life so far, today I did a bag of dogfood. I hope it doesn't extend my withdrawal. Any help someone any advice please thanks in advance.
ChessnotcheckersNY: Getting clean is a lifestyle, and it's a real shock to your body when you make that choice. There is a predictable pattern to the way your body will respond to the changes you make though.
5 days clean means you were probably through the worst of it. Getting high again..... yeah you reset that clock, but if you stay clean now at least it won't be as bad this time. If you don't cut yourself off from your access to get more, then it will be nearly impossible to stay clean.
Also-were you going off more than opiates and subs? If you were for example off benzos also, then your wd's would make you suicidal. Try not to quit more than one at a time. Maybe even go back on just the subs until you're through the opiate wd if possible.
I've done this quite a few times but 48 hours isn't a long time for being clean. Taking a small amount like you want to will take the edge off for a short time only but I found that break helped me so much mentally that even though I was still in withdrawal I didn't feel as bad as prior to taking the pill.
I'm going through WD from t3
What type of Kratom? There are few.
Green Malay or Red Bali?
Please help
I've always used a red strain like red bored because it has the most sedation qualities that you want in full opiates withdraw
been off opiates for like two weeks bit ended up going down brighton this weekend and cracked right back on it
not hooked physically but psychologically i've never gotten over the b, and now i'm in croydon i know exactly whats gonna happen
On day 3-4 right now (had a little help Friday morning) and I haven't slept since the inevitable early crash Friday night. One of those rides...hopeful for sleep tonight.
You have to be off it for around 10 days to get past the physical wd's, but you're still psychologically dependent for a total of 30, maybe longer.
I'm trying to go from 90 mg a day to 60. That's 6 pills a day down to 4. The physical wd's are uncomfortable...... but the phychological effect of having a longer distance between doses is murder. I know from experience that it takes about four days to solidify a change like that, but the first whole day is absolute murder.
I really wish I could go cold turkey- but my life won't really allow for me to be that sick for a week.
I'm trying to go from 90 mg a day to 60. That's 6 pills a day down to 4. The physical wd's are uncomfortable...... but the phychological effect of having a longer distance between doses is murder. I know from experience that it takes about four days to solidify a change like that, but the first whole day is absolute murder.
I really wish I could go cold turkey- but my life won't really allow for me to be that sick for a week.
Are you planning on stopping your meds completely?