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old guy flips off my girlfriend, punch him out?

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Apr 21, 2009
Yesterday I was at the movies in line to get tickets with my girlfriend. Anyway, I'm a bit slow getting tickets and this old guy behind us says something along the lines of "can you move faster? some of us have things to do!" I didn't quite catch it so I'm like "eh?" and he just shouts "MOVE!" At this point I'm like shocked because I wasn't expecting it - I went from "oooh they gave us a free kit-kat!" to this old guy shouting at me for reasons that aren't initially clear. And then he shouts "YOU IDIOT!" and I'm just standing there with my mouth open because I can't believe how he's acting. My girlfriend shouts at him "You're rude!" and then he flips her off and says "sit on this and twist." That kind of snaps me back to reality and I'm just like "hey fuck you!" and flip him off.

I seriously consider giving him a manners teaching lesson at that point, I mean, I've been in quite a few fights and always win (not in years though). A few things stay my hand though: for one thing, he's old and out of shape (60-70), for another, it's the Philippines and there are guards everywhere. Fwiw, he's American. At the time I just shrugged it off but now I'm kicking myself that I didn't do more. What would you guys do in that situation?

Btw, we spoke to a few people working there and apparently he's always like that because he has some mental problems.
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You did the right thing by not hitting him. I'm not sure what the laws are where you are. Here in the states he would have to
be the aggressor in order to justify putting your hands on him. Words and gestures are just that, physical violence can land you in jail.
even from a spirituality standpoint, punching/taking to someone with a baseball bat, for flipping off your GF or calling you a moron is putting the aggravator in power essentially

you were having a nice day and someone does something that is socially offensive to you, if you let that get to you then it ruins your day, basically they want to put their inner negativity onto others

so you just have to rise about it/ignore it, maybe say to the people around you "geez what a jackass", and then he will look like a douchebag, then you win

of course if they start attacking you then self defence is a gd idea
A few years ago, I would have suggested you punch the guy in the face. But now I think it's best to take the high road, acknowledge that he was being a typical asshole, and move on. With him being that age and having that attitude, chances are he's had his teeth in more than once. If it hasn't had any effect on him to make him change his ways, then nothing you did to him in that situation would make any difference.

Violence should always be a last resort. You did the right thing by not hitting him. The best advice I can give you is to let it go and not even dwell on it. What's done is done. It's in the past and there's nothing you can do to change any of it. If you dwell on it, then you're letting him get the best of you and, in that sense, he wins. You got the girl and a free Kit-Kat. That makes you a winner and that's what you should focus on.
For sure you would gain a ton of respect and street cred for beating up an old man who dissed your girl.
Well yer at the movies man ya can't do shit unless yer trynna go to jail. My first instinct would be to grab at his fuckin finger and snap it off. But the split second decision would come in to where I ain't goin to jail so id just cuss em out and mind my own business.
Grin at him inanely whilst thanking the kit kat distributor in a timely fashion. Then start walking as slowly as possible.
Basically if you wanna hit him you gotta get him to hit you first.
The staff said he is mentally ill. In other words he can't always control his behavior. You had to put up with his rudeness for a few minutes but he has to live with that level of anger all the time. Look at it that way and it isn't hard to have compassion.
i just completely ignore behavior like that, dont even respond by flipping him back off. it's shameful, so if anything i feel pity. i would only acknowledge this type of thing if there was a genuine threat involved.
I'm looking at this from the girlfriend's point of view. Maybe I'm not typical, but if someone was rude and my boyfriend hit him, I'd lose respect for my boyfriend. If something so stupid pushed him to violence, he's a neanderthal.

Don't get me wrong, I have a really short temper and I want to hit people all the time, but I don't. Why? Because I always have control. I'm not going to jail because of some idiot.
oh...you should have pounced on that old freak like a maniac...did he have longish beard? Grab that and tear it clean off...should make you feel on top of your game, then twist it up really thin and stick it down the eye of his cock...job well done...


Of course you don't "punch him out" lool...the fact that you're thinking about if you can beat him says it all. Before you attack anyone, ask yourself "would I go him if he was big and mean" ? If the answer is no, then you don't do it...I'll not be explaining why...
Some old tosser starts shouting, so what? It's funny. Sit on this and twist? hahaha...wished someone put on a good show for me like that...it's funny and maybe a little sad.

Plenty of people deserve a smack in the mouth...including me...but we don't go around giving others what they deserve now, do we? If you do, I've got a list of stuff that's overdue :)
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