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Official Tramadol Discussion Thread - Second Swallow

Yea I noticed that when I first started using. Taking 400mg over all day was just right, then I was tempted to take another 2 for some reason just to prolong it. Definitely too intense. Something about that magic 400 number (coincidentally listed as the max daily dose) tends to push one over the edge.

I've definitely developed a mild addiction, although all the effects are psychological (lack of motivation, depression etc). I reckon when I get home, 2 in the morning should see me through, for a week. Then I'll drop it to 1 and then stop. I have St John's Wort and 5-htp to help should the need arise. Even though I dose at the 700mg levels on recreation days (very stupid, don't do it), I think 100mg will be totally OK to avoid these psychological effects as I'm quite a good metaboliser . I don't really use everyday as the day after I'm too tired. I planned not to use today but did anyway. It's strange how slowly addiction can take hold, you don't even notice it happening.

It's not even the opiate type effect I miss when 'withdrawing' it's the energy from the early effects. Which in a way is worse because it's those I try to chase and so end up redosing.

I was lured into a false sense of security because I read "physical dependence develops after 3 months of 400mg a day use" and I was not using that, either for that long, that high a dose (on 'non' recreational days) and not for 3 months.
I wouldn't advise taking Tramadol at high doses, it's just not worth the risk.
But, chances are you're going to anyways, so take an anti-convulsant beforehand (Lorazepam, Temazepam, etc).

Thanks, I told my doctor thanks but no thanks and didn't feel the script. Not worth it!
SNRIs with tramadol are not a good idea, increased risk of seizure, provided you take it at the small doses you've been prescribed you should be fine.

Decided not to fill the rx. I recently found a wonderful PM doctor and he's keeping me on the Oxycodone for pain. Starting physical therapy soon and he set me up with a new Orthopedic doctor who he says he's trusts implicitly. I feel so lucky--I've heard so many damn horror stories about doctors and pain management.

Anyway--thanks for the advice!
Is the seizure risk caused by the SSRI effects or some unknown reason? To those that have had a seizure, does it occur within 3-4 hours of overdosing or much later?
I just want to put my mind at ease because I took one 50mg every 30minutes for 7 hours (totally 700mg) and it's now half an hour after the last pill and I can't stop twitching and am really freaked. Can I just hold out until it stops and the opiate effect takes over?
500mg of Tramadol, feeling pretty mellow and laid back. I been trying to get high all week but I am on probation and in rehab (mandatory) so it's kinda hard. Was throwing up from W/d so stupid me crushed ambien and mixed it with water and shot it in my arm. My arm fuckin hurts like hell, but the rest of me feels good.
Saw me doctor today about a benzo taper... decided to put in a request instead to attempt to confuzzle and bedazzle him by asking him to not reduce my diaz and temaz and up my trams a bit. He left my benzo script untouched and doubled my tram script. Woot! He made it quite clear he thinks it's nowt but crap so just doesn't consider it to be abusable. There are some advantages to the fact that even doctors think it's shite =D
Unfortunately not all doctors are ignoring the addiction warnings that now accompany tramadol. I attempted to get a script from my spine doctor, to take in place of the perc 10/325's he genously prescribed, so I would not have to take so many of the percocets. Turned me down flat because it was an addictive med and he then told me to continue taking my percocets.

Just a good thing I can order it online at a 180 count at a time!
Unfortunately not all doctors are ignoring the addiction warnings that now accompany tramadol. I attempted to get a script from my spine doctor, to take in place of the perc 10/325's he genously prescribed, so I would not have to take so many of the percocets. Turned me down flat because it was an addictive med and he then told me to continue taking my percocets.

Just a good thing I can order it online at a 180 count at a time!

man i would give anything to trade tramadol in and get percocets. you should just keep what you got. 30mg of oxy was at onetime fantastic. I now require at least 40mg sometimes as much as 60. Don't get me wrong I enjoy tramadol as well but that is just because i cant get my hands on OXY that often.
I just herniated a disc in my spine around the 1st of May. Went to an ortho who sent me to a spine and neurosurgeon. The prescription of perks he wrote was a whopper in my eye's, as I've never had more than 30 scripted, and always 5/325's. The first script from the neuro was a 120 perk 10/325's! A lot to me!

But I have such a high tram tolerance, there HAS to be crosstolerance, that it takes 5 or 6 perks to feel them. I am not going to jepordize the ability to get adequate amounts of pain medication for my pain, just for a 2 hour high. Though the perks have let me cut my tran dosage in half! From 26 to 13/14 a day, and slowly dropping on down!!
Is the seizure risk caused by the SSRI effects or some unknown reason? To those that have had a seizure, does it occur within 3-4 hours of overdosing or much later?
I just want to put my mind at ease because I took one 50mg every 30minutes for 7 hours (totally 700mg) and it's now half an hour after the last pill and I can't stop twitching and am really freaked. Can I just hold out until it stops and the opiate effect takes over?

too much man, too much ,took too much. better hope there's some thorazine in that bag or you're in big fuckin' trouble!

seriously though you're close to having a seizure. been there with trams, not fun... myclonic jerks like no other!
after using dope and hydro/oxymorphone for years tramadol is the equivalent of a sugar pill. Does nothing even when taken
in high amounts. I got a script of the 50mgs and they just sit there in the bottle, untouched. Nowadays I cant even find anyone who wants them for free, let alone tryin to sell em
if used whilst tolerance is still sky high after using dope and hydro/oxymorphone for years tramadol is the equivalent of a sugar pill.

Fixxorred ;)

Of course you won't feel it if your tolerance is through the roof from years of strong opiates - it's of similar potency to codeine so hardly a surprise. Once your tolerance has finally dropped tram can work just fine. Was an IV heroin addict for over a decade but tramadol still does the job for me now cos I've been off strong opies for a few years now. I'm sure it would have done sod all if I'd tried using it in the immediate aftermath of addiction just the same as other mild-moderate opies didn't work :)
too much man, too much ,took too much. better hope there's some thorazine in that bag or you're in big fuckin' trouble!

seriously though you're close to having a seizure. been there with trams, not fun... myclonic jerks like no other!

Nah I never had one in the end. Touch wood I am yet to have a seizure. Even after a couple of 700mg a day uses and 400mg uses with a night out clubbing and drinking heavily.
I've just been lucky though, by no way am I condoning this behaviour or attempting to minimise the risks.
Depends on what brand do you use, AFAIK most can be parachuted with good effect. Grunenthal's - not :/
Will splitting a slow release tramadol make it kick in quicker?

Depends on what brand do you use, AFAIK most can be parachuted with good effect. Grunenthal's - not :/

Due to the opiate high coming form the o-destram i would think that time release would be preferable. Just take a few of them. I find my best high is when i slowly dose over the course of a few hours as opposed to all at once. ER does this for you.

I would like to post some advice and my experience with this substance. I have read quite a bit of misinformation about the drug and having done a search for the drug on Bluelight, I find that there are a lot of users who are making bad decisions with regards to using it.

I have used the drug for over 2 years on and off and only got myself addicted to it once as it served as an awesome AD during a tough phase of my life.

These are the points I would like to add (there are sub-sections to the points for ease of read):

1) Tramadol has two main problems with regards to using: its seizure risk and the danger of combining with other drugs.

- Seizure risk: it is impossible to predict when you will seize. Some people can use over 400mgs without a hint of seizing activity whilst others can go down on much less. Tramadol not only reuptakes norepinephrine but is also a GABA antagonist and "could" be a delta opiod agonist which in high doses causes convulsions.
Whilst seizures will occur when least expected, you should know when you are approaching seizure risking doses when you experience your limbs twitching/jerking. Do remember that even when most of the Tramadol is converted to the o-desmethyl version, you are STILL at risk of seizures as the metabolite has NE reuptaking properties (which is why it is difficult to fall asleep despite you may feel you are nodding).

- Drug combinations: Tramadol should not be mixed with anything that involves the serotonin or norepinephrine systems. This is a general recommendation and there are exceptions to the rule, but for any newcomers to the drug, you should avoid these. I am tired of reading Shambles scaring everyone of serotonin syndrome when combining Tramadol with serotonergic drugs but he does so for a reason. Please do also refer to point 2 for further information.
Lastly, it is a good idea to always use www.drugs.com interaction checker.

2) Tramadol is not an SSRI nor is it a SNRI!!! Tramadol is a norepinephrine reuptaker and it is a serotonin releasing agent not a reuptaker and by default it is also a mild serotonin reuptaker! This means that it will cause serotonin syndrome instead of blocking the effect of drugs such as MDMA or LSD. This is extremely important to emphasise as I read people giving recommendations based on the belief that Tramadol is a SNRI or even worse, an SSRI. Tramadol SERT releasing properties together with NE reuptake is why it feels like low dose MDMA the first few two hours of use. For references to the claim of Tramadol being a releasing agent please check Wikipedia's entry which everyone should be doing before using Tramadol. Check references 6,7,8,9.

3) Tramadol is an incredibly effective AD. I find that it will provide the best mood lift the first two hours of use which is when it is most active as a NE reuptaker and SERT releasing agent. I do not personally like the o-desmethyl mu agonist phase but all in all, Tramadol's mixed mechanisms of action is what makes it such an increible substance. It is also a BITCH to withdraw from and it is best used smart and seldomly to enjoy its effects. To me, 150mgs to 200mgs with about 100 mgs of caffeine (in the form of sugar-free red bull) is an awesome pick me up in the morning and will give you an smile no matter what.

4) Always dose Tramadol on an empty stomach, especially if you enjoy the fast come-up.

5) Those who bash Tramadol and think of it as a kid's drug could not be more wrong.
- In general, these people tend to be those with a high tolerance to opioids OR stimulating substances (such as cocaine). I can assure anyone with a tolerance to these drugs that if they dosed a gram of Tramadol they would feel why it is such an awesome substance. However, dosing a gram of Tramadol is extremely dangerous and unsustainable.
- People expect Tramadol to be a drug that hits you like a hammer like an Oxy would. NO, Tramadol is more of a subtle experience with mood lifting and charming properties. Nothing else, and this is why it is such an appealing drug to the masses. Those hardcore addicts looking for a smack replacer are in the wrong hole because they cannot appreciate the magnificient properties of Tramadol when looking to get high off their asses whilst withdrawing from heroin. To best appreciacte Tramadol, you should not have a tolerance and you should be in a not so negative phase of your life as WD is.
- There are people who are poor metabolisers of Tramadol into the o-desmethyl version (which provides the opiod effects) but everyone should be feeling the fast acting mood properties of the pro-drug Tramadol. Unfortunately, if you use an eight of cocaine everyday, you will not feel the mood lifting properties of 150mgs of Tramadol.

I wanted to oultined the above as I am tired of reading such misinformation being spread on forums about this substance as well as people bashing it. Of course, what I have stated is not written in stone and I am willing to discuss but I think we should really be focusing on giving correct available information to people as this is a substance that should not be played this. I mean, I just posted in a thread of someone using methamphetamine with Tramadol.

All the best.
^ Excellent advice!

Yes, it is very easy to underestimate the addictiveness and withdrawals from Tram because the high it provides is not as profound as with stronger opioids.

I have had withdrawal from a mixed Heroin/Oxy habit, and withdrawal from a buprenorphine habit, and withdrawal from a codeine habit, and I can easily say that Tram withdrawal is faaaar worse than all of them, because on top of the physical aspect (which in and of itself isn't as intense as stronger opioids), there is a complete and utter mindfuck that lasts for a very long time, characterized mostly by constant panic and extreme depression. Imagine binging on LSD for at least a whole week while going through a hydrocodone withdrawal. It is that bad, IME.