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Official 2013 NBA Thread vers. flippity floppity

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I don't believe Lebron ran a 4.6 40 last summer "just messing around". That's faster than most NFL tight ends.
lebrons a once and life time freak athlete with gigantic strides

have no issue believing he ran that 40 time

when it comes to pure speed, not sure what the difference is between a football athlete vs a basketball athlete....

i'd be willing to bet most 1-2 guards and some SF's in the nba run a sub 4.50 40, they are world class athletes, some can probably do it while dribbling
^ I agree. I'm also willing to bet on average NBA players are faster than NFL players.

I don't believe Lebron ran a 4.6 40 last summer "just messing around". That's faster than most NFL tight ends.

Lolwut? You don't believe Lebron can run a 4.6 40? I mean yeah that's really good, but that's not even a great 40 time.

I don't even see how you could question that? lol
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in nba2k13 monta ellis is the fastest player in the game

considering that game has each players style down to a T, i'm going to go ahead and assume monta elllis is the fastest player in the league and probably can run a 4.3...considering he's a great size for an NFL WR at 6'3 180(would have to beef up for nfl)

right now the most relevent player in the nba for me is paul millsap cause his playing style is very similar to and is the exact height and weight as 6th year senior out of minnesota trevor mbakwe

mbakwe is the best rebounder in the big ten and has some pretty tasty post moves

he's got knee issues(tore his ACL last year, thus the 6th year), but i really hope an nba team gives him a chance and drafts him in the 2nd round and trevor busts his ass to become nba level talent, whatever team he goes to, and starts getting at least 10 mins playing time a game, will be my new favorite team

the last gopher to make it in the pros is kris humpries, he was a one and done and fans of minnesota unianamously consider him their least favorite gopher over past 20 years....his only year at UM, sure he averaged like 24 and 13, but the team fucking sucked and make it no secret all he cared about was himself
Football players would be better basketball players than the other way around

Antonio Gates anyone?
How bout that triple double Noah just dropped on you shim?
I'm was rooting for the sixers though.

I wish they would go back to the black and gold AI jerseys.
^ I feel so bad for Doug Colins. Philly has some good guards though.

Meanwhile, my HEAT are dominating! The Nugs are hustling their way into a great playoff position as well.
Does anything stop an NBA owner from giving a player a secret suitcase full of money, in exchange for his signature on a contract? With the new luxury tax system, wouldn't most owners do this? Better to pay 5 million in cash than 15 million in luxury tax.
idk I wouldnt rule anything out I mean it is the NBA were talkin here I still think the draft lottery makes no sense
Does anything stop an NBA owner from giving a player a secret suitcase full of money, in exchange for his signature on a contract? With the new luxury tax system, wouldn't most owners do this? Better to pay 5 million in cash than 15 million in luxury tax.

Other than the rules, no.
lol @ andrew bynum quoted saying "i'm 25 years old and don't need any of that cartiledge" in defense to why he hasn't played

apparently the D.A. of philly is trying to sue him

i love bynum, one of the few thugs left in a less thugish lead compared to prior years
Bynum is a fucking bum who will never get what a waste of size he had. The guys on the radio were right, you can have all the physical traits in the world but in basketball a lot of it is effort, especially for big men.

Like rebounding, that's a want thing. You have to want to give effort and go after the ball. Thats why some of the best NBA rebounders (guys like Reggie Evans and Kenneth Faried) arent even 7 feet tall. If the balls in there and both Bynum and Faried go after it Bynums extra few inches doesnt usually outweigh Faried's extra effort. Of course some times in basketball height will always win out no matter what, but how many guys do you see that are just tall and never do shit in the NBA?

Sixers traded Nick Vucevic for a guy who is the same height, immature, bad knees, no leadership, plays when he wants, waiting for his lucrative contract before playing a game, fuckface. And the fact that J Rich got hurt and Vucevic is avging a double double really nailed home how stupid the trade was.

Should have just kept Iggy and had at least some highlight reels this year with Jrue and him. But Thaddeus Young basically is Andre Iguodala but like a half step less explosive so I guess the new owners wanted to make a splash and get the big name in Bynum.

Except he's just a big pussy but at least we arent the Lakers who really needed to win this year and fell flat on their face

I think Jrue Holliday and Thad Young are the only players who could be starters on a good team. Evan Turner is a bench player to me, and Bynum is nothing because he doesnt play, and doesnt bring anything to the locker room except negativity.

If they resign him im done with the Sixers and I hate switching teams like that but the new owners are too worried about winning right now. Wait for a big free agent and hold onto Jrue Holliday, its not fucking difficult. I knew Miami was tanking it on purpose those couple years because they saw the writing on the wall.

Idk, its a weird league and I really do think some of it is fixed. Like the Chris Paul to the Lakers deal that got squashed so he'd go to the Clippers, the bent envelope for the Lottery that started the year Patrick Ewing came out but the Knicks had the second pick (hrmmm how can we move them up without any justification? Got it, lottery, like wtf?) the refs betting on games, Cleveland getting first pick after Lebron leaves, NO (nba owned) getting first pick when Anthony Davis comes out.

like there is just too many coincidences and I really just want to see my favorite players win at this point, not even teams.

Thats why I want Tyreke Evans to gtfo of Sacremento so bad, the guy is basically 2 inches and 1 ring short of Lebron. Amd honestly, he might be a better 1v1 offensive player, although Lebron is a beast on defense.

If I could watch any two NBA players go 1v1 itd be Lebron and Tyreke
Sixers traded Nick Vucevic

Vucevic is a beast! I've never seen anyone rebound like that against the Heat. With a little more muscle, he can be the best center in the league.
like I said man, its all about want

every once and a while you get a guy who doesnt give effort but still balls out because he is just that good like Allen Iverson, but look where that got him. Just not good enough to win a championship because even though he could ball out, he didnt show the effort to inspire his teammates to take it to the next level.

Its a lot of subconscious things that go into being a professional, and professionals usually beat out god given talent in the end

But when you have god-given talent and are professional, thats when you get the legends

also Wilt Chamberlain is still the best center of all time imo, I was listening to this older guy on the radio and he said back when him and Bill Russel used to go at it Wilt would almost always play better, Bill just had a better team.

and I realize I was all about Bynum when he signed but they dodged the knee issue for so long and then the bowling thing and now its just like watching a train wreck with a few bright spots
and I hate to keep going on a rant here but that is why a lot of the best athletes come out of the worst areas

they not only want to get out, they need to get out

and that desire translates into the sport perfectly

which explains my borderline man crush on Tyreke Evans

If he was on the Rockets they would be the best backcourt in the league

no questions or arguments
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i remember the last time i had shared an apartment, outta town, yet with someone who i'd been friends with literally since pre-k

watched more TV in those 5 months that i ever have

think it was first year E:60 aired, thought the show was cool, i like sport's shows that focus on the dramatics, 'outside the lines' type shit

so i kinda wanna check out that tyreke evans bit, but i know my man cortland finnegan was featured in one and i feel like it's my duty to watch his segment before evans

richard sherman is a cool story, lived in compton, went to stanford, currently getting his masters in smack,trash and disrespect at defensive back U outside of seattle, wa

and hey bynum was like one of 5 lakers to ever grab 30 boards in a game and during the post game interview the first thing he said, after this long glorified introduction for being in elite company, 'yeah well i shot the ball like shit'

love it lol
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