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Official 2011 NFL Season Thread

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I hate to overjoy for a player being injured... but I am overjoyed in the fact that my Steelers play the Colts in Week 3 (I believe), and Manning is for sure out for that one. looks like a "W" in the column for Pittsburgh :)

Peyton Manning is more than just a player, he is the best player of this generation and a stand up guy, not a diva like so many players are. He has carried his team hardcore over the past few years and not once has he uttered a word of complaint.

IMO the lockout hurt him more than anyone. He wasnt able to talk to his physical therapist during the lockout, and obviously that lack of attention has cost him. Probably not the best decision of his life to wait until the lockout was over to get help, but a tragedy none the less.

I really feel for the colts, their fans and football in general. And by the way, the ravens play the colts this year too.
da Aints made that pretty interesting. some serious high power shit on both teams, offensively speaking of course.

but seriously, can we all agree that this new kick off thing is total horse shit?

thanks for taking away one of the more exciting plays in football to "protect your players". because we all know that you care so deeply about your players.

roger goodell is such a douche.
I think we are going to see teams purposely kick it short of the endzone, and more returners take it out from 8 yards deep....perhaps that extra time is what the blockers need?
I think we are going to see teams purposely kick it short of the endzone, and more returners take it out from 8 yards deep....perhaps that extra time is what the blockers need?

that was a pretty sick run back last night. but i still think it's super lame.
Pretty good fucking game to kick the season off with.

I thought it was horrible. Im not sure why the defenses even lined up. The saints are aweful and wont make the playoffs. Green Bay is SB contenders but obviously does not have the defense it did last year as well.

This game reminded me of the CFL or Arena football. Even with all the points being scored i was bored out of my mind watching it. I didnt make it through the 3rd quarter before finally turning it off. Thankfully there are some REAL games on sunday without 7 minute commercial breaks after a team takes a timeout in the first quarter.
I cannot wait for the Rams-Eagles game, I think it's going to make or break the year for the Rams, if they win GOOD things will happen, if they lose I can see them starting off very poor, considering very tough first half schedule(Phi, @NYG, Bal, Wash, @GB, @Dal, NO, @AZ)

Getting goosebumps just imagining watching the crowd react as Rams score a go ahead TD in the 4th quarter:)
It was a really good game last night... I disliked the very last play of the game though. An off tackle run or PA pass would have been much better IMO. Instead, Ingram, the strong inside runner, was put in and run right up the middle. IDK.

The Saints TD on the drive before that was incredible though (Brees' double fake, whatever that is called). Drew Brees was a badass all game TBH. I'd talk more about the Packers but somehow I was busy doing something else on damn near every offensive possession of theirs.
The kickoff rule is total horseshit. I wanted to punch Roger Goodell in the face during his little pre-game interview.
The kickoff rule is total horseshit. I wanted to punch Roger Goodell in the face during his little pre-game interview.

Roger Goodell could really use a punch in the face. Motherfucker needs to go before he ruins football completely.

He already put my man Hester out of a job. How much more shit is he going to pull?
Roger Goodell is a holier-than-thou piece of shit, who wants his name to be bigger than even the NFL brand itself

so I take it we're all on the side of the Pittsburgh Steelers here, in calling the Commi$h a #$%! ???
guys if falcons SOMEHOW lose tomorrow (which wont happen) you will prolly never see me again cuz i'll just kill myself then

(i take my Falcons seriously(
hahaha, I was arguing with some friends that my sacred Sunday day tomorrow will be seriously ruined if the Ravens beat the Steelers

looks like Week 1 last year must have been pretty tough for ya in overtime, eh? ;)

I can't wait for B-More VS Pitt!! we are so lucky as fans to see two smash mouth footbaw teams, playing the way God and Vince Lombardi meant (not Roger GODell) intended for
hahaha, I was arguing with some friends that my sacred Sunday day tomorrow will be seriously ruined if the Ravens beat the Steelers

looks like Week 1 last year must have been pretty tough for ya in overtime, eh? ;)

I can't wait for B-More VS Pitt!! we are so lucky as fans to see two smash mouth footbaw teams, playing the way God and Vince Lombardi meant (not Roger GODell) intended for

yeah we were gonna win too but matty ice throws that pick to polamalu.

Losing this year will be much worse though because my expectations are higher than theyve ever been. plus i expect bears to suck this year
well looks like Baltimore is handing Pittsburgh's ass to them... fuck this. what a horrible game. Ray Rice got 52 yards in the first quarter, coincidentally, he had 52 yards combined for both the first two Pittsburgh games last year

and looks like Chicago shocked the world against Atlanta. you never fucking know with pro-football. excuse me while I go pound my head against the wall, or drink more PBR. really, they both end up with the same feel
Dont do it Methadone84, you still have so much to live for!
any true NFL fan has been fucked by said NFL...

I think we are witnessing a swift turn into a more offense, and scoring-heavy, NFL. it seems across the board, even playing hints of defense is getting difficult with the athletes, formations, and plotting of King Roger. "off with the defense's head!"
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