⫸STICKY⫷ Office of Oppression (OoO) NSFW

All traces of unrest, rebel opposition, and dissidence have been eliminated.
All threats to the Citizen's Office of Oppression have been neutralized.
All citizens are to resume their state mandated work hours immediately.


It is incredibly foolish to make an appearance after your attempted coup was quickly dismantled and destroyed.
All traces of the resistance have been eliminated.


I would like to thank the Dear Leader this opportunity to address you today. It is fortunate for me to say that the initial reports of my death were distorted by the chaos that surrounded them. The factual matter is that I was captured with a degree of mercy that I had refused to show in my own dishonorable ambitions. I was held in grace by a leader who looked upon this capture not as a trophy of vengeance, but as a former comrade who had drifted erratically astray. By his decency I was sentenced to a spectrum of reeducation initiatives which would forcefully enlighten in me an abandoned dignity. In a spirit grown thus not of servility but of affectionate cohesion, I have prepared a statement to rebuke the actions of not only my own, but of any citizen who in future time attempts as senseless a decision.

Comrades of ubiquitous stripe I stand before you a humbled citizen to denounce my unprecedented and unmentionable coup, a foolish event brought forward by the excesses and corruption of power and stature given to an individual incapable of handling these responsibilities fitfully. The events, which are unspeakable and nonexistent, should be remembered historically as an hour of pride for the office in front of which I speak today. Looking back, I do not see an office divided. Rather I see an affirmation of which this office was initially built, and by which it has not merely been kept secure, but further consistently strengthened throughout her now innumberable conflicts.

The poverty of misguided ambitions is an individual sickness. In contrast, our union will disrobe all elements which seek to unrest it. The precedence set by our loyalty will not be tossed aside by the threads of avarice which seek only pavement upon the road to mediocrity. Our wealth is not able to be hoarded as a commodity by the interests of our most amoral. Our wealth is measured in the fertility of spirit that has seeded both our ingenuity previous and the culture of progresses that now stem forward before us in all directions.

In clarification, my statements in this chamber are not the forced confessions of a show trial judiciary. No Comrades, they are the personal sentiments drawn from a destiny that could not be caged in an empire because it begs to echo not only within the halls that surrounds us now, but throughout the an entire world that waits upon bitten tongues to join in the chorus.

Shall we sing:
