⫸STICKY⫷ Office of Oppression (OoO) NSFW


Perseverance, faith, loyalty.
These are the tenets of our glorious state.

Despite the improving economic and diplomatic ties between the Citizen's Office of Oppression and the LIF, the OoO has been informed that unlawful and prohibited travel has been occurring in the Northwestern sector of our country. All settlements, cities, and villages in that region are to report any and all suspicious behavior. Several criminals have already been detained and processed.

The safety and welfare of the OoO relies upon its citizens.

Be advised that the punishment for such crimes against the state are both severe and unforgiving.

Perseverance, faith, loyalty,
These are the tenets of our glorious state,
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Be advised that the punishment for such crimes against the state are both severe and unforgiving.

Perseverance, faith, loyalty,
These are the tenets of our glorious state,
what is this thread even about

If you have to ask, this thread is probably trying to destroy you, or at least leave you with a hobbled leg.

Here's one of our new inventions to keep yourself busy. It's not a distraction, it's an entertainment.


OoO: making the unnecessary necessary.
yeah well if I cant be in your club then fuck it, fuck you, and fuck your alliteration

Rumors have been spreading that our office has become disjointed. There is talk that certain ministries are unhappy with the recent armistice and have begun forming splinter factions within our own ranks.

These must be understood and handled for what they are, the subversive tools of an enemy which has found itself surrounded and desperate to the whimsy of a population it once regarded as a mere nuisance.

It is the dialogue of a failed regime.

The reality is that we have never been more cohesive in our intentions. We have never been more resolute in their necessity, and we have never been more certain of the victory that awaits our great and growing and insurmountable march toward the triumph of a people that have never and will never know the definition of defeat.


From The Citizen's Office of Oppression,

^ This triumphant post and Comrade Commissar of Propaganda Batmanplaybaseball deserves The Hero of the Office of Oppression Medal


Marx would be proud