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Harm Reduction OD Social v12 - Zero Tolerance

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it's imperative at least one OD mod has to be an addict, and usually their poison opioids. trichomb is on PM so that's reason enough to be classed as the group junkie. "and back in my day as OD mod, all but one of us were junkies and even then we all got strung out each weekend with each other, walking 15miles in the snow and rocky mountain terrain just to score our dope"

i've just awoken from a nice slumber/nod out session for a few hours. feelin' good and hungry for dinner. cook up time soon!
so i'm a little excited, guys! *gigglz*

i'm getting some heroin shortly and should be acquiring myself some cocaine as well. and well, am looking forward to engaging in some good ole speedballs :D the heroin i'm getting it supposedly really good; has an ex user who's been clean for a while high as shit, though expensive. but totally worth every penny to me considering how often this drug pops up in my life.

coke i can get but choose not to because of the price. but when there's heroin in the equation...well...ya'll junkheads know what i mean, right?
it's imperative at least one OD mod has to be an addict, and usually their poison opioids. trichomb is on PM so that's reason enough to be classed as the group junkie. "and back in my day as OD mod, all but one of us were junkies and even then we all got strung out each weekend with each other, walking 15miles in the snow and rocky mountain terrain just to score our dope"

i've just awoken from a nice slumber/nod out session for a few hours. feelin' good and hungry for dinner. cook up time soon!

Ahaha, indeed. These days me and ZNegative just walk the streets of Brooklyn until all fades to white only to awaken the next day to the freezing cold salty high tide on Coney Island. Rinse, and repeat, for best results.
the Sr Mods and Admins need to sort out some kind of respite/detox/rehab behind the scene's for you guys (and all the other mods struggling with addiction). that way you guys can work on your addictions while still keeping your jobs around here without any fear of losing it because you're damn junkies :p;)

seriously, hit them up. see if they'll do an all expenses paid rehab stint for you at your choice of centre! demand it, i tells ya!

how are you tri? been having a good break i assume, keeping low in here lately. what'd santa bring you? and how'd you bring in the new year?
Ahaha, indeed. These days me and ZNegative just walk the streets of Brooklyn until all fades to white only to awaken the next day to the freezing cold salty high tide on Coney Island. Rinse, and repeat, for best results.

Since when did you move to NY? I thought you lived in California.

I'm gonna be in Brooklyn this week and my friend lives there.
^Lolz.... So OD crewwww how did y'all's year start off? Mine started off hungover as they get, and has turned into a mighty fine hash session as I blaze away each day closer to starting the new semester. Agghhh! Evil thoughts of class fill my head!
@tentram yeah I know how to make homemade pipes/bongs and such but I'm sick with pneumonia and everytime I try and take a puff I cough more than the high is worth. so iv been trying to make edibles but it seems like so far I have done nothing but waste pot. ohhhh well.
whats up people that remember me.. and if you don't remember me than... what up to you too lol., took a while off of BL but I'm back (i think) it depends how many things i can juggle at once.
i hate to have to brag about it but i just had such an awesome bowel movement. i've started eating proper 3 meals a day, maybe a snack or two throughout the day. still hasn't constipated me despite my morphine regime. i got up with the urge to shit; so i prepped my minimal shot, had a shit and shot up while on the toilet. splendid. huh?

i've been letting out huuuuuge farts which feel so damn good afterward, like they've been knotted up in my gut.

good morning all, anyway! :D

took some valium as well so am having my first cig of the day with some juice. am going to get the french press out in a moment and brew up some delicious coffee to get kickstarted.
indeed. exerting that gas built up inside of me had me feeling like a brand new person; it was as if everything bad inside of me whisked it's way out leaving me empty of my sins; the devil was inside me i tells ya and he didn't want to come out for a couple days.
I really want some temazepam right now, but today is my day off. My tolerance has sky rocketed where 30mg is such a cock tease when a month ago it 30mg had me drooling!
So, uhhhhhh what's up OD? mr.scaggnattie? tentram? captain heroin? tricomb? laCster? tokenname? ErgicMergic? Any of you guys around?

also, holyshit, HOOD! you're back wtf? I don't know if you remember me, but we talked on here back when I had just started BL.

Speaking of starting BL, for some reason a lot of good friends of mine have started bluelight in the last few weeks. Most of them didn't even know I was on here, but one of them just made an account because I took him to a kickback at another BLers house and after seeing said BLer(idk if i'm allowed to say who specifically, idk if it's against the rules, and also idk if this BLer would be comfortable with me sharing all this info about him)'s drug stash (every GABAergic substance known to man, sheets of acid, unorthodox opiates, and every cannabis extract I'm familiar with, plus super dank regular weed) and after receiving free pharmaceutical drugs left and right, he has suddenly developed a heightened interest in drugs (he's not an experienced user, the only drugs aside from weed that he's taken are acid and shrooms (neither of which had any effect), various weak prescription drugs like concerta, adderall, codeine, clonazepam, and MDMA which I had indirectly sold to him before I had ever met him: i sold a bunch of acid and ecstasy pills to my friend liza, and she went to coachella, and shared the drugs with her friends. A year or two later, this kid started going to my *new school, and this girl i used to get high with knew him from middle school, so we all hung out and eventually came the question, "what drugs have you done?" and he told me about his coachella experience, and he mentioned liza, the girl i originally sold the E and LSD, and then he described the pill he took at coachella, and it was the very same pills that i sold from 9th-10th grade. And now he's here on bluelight wreaking havoc.

another friend of mine who started bl was actually my meth buddy, although I forced him to get an account because he had a habit of staying up for 5-7 days snorting meth without eating or drinking, although so far his only post here was a thread about fentanyl, which I told him was a bad idea, and that he should resell it, although what ended up happening was we called my buddy who works at st. john's hospital, and I had him aquire the necessary materials to convert the gel into a solution and put it in an oral syringe, and we would take about 20µgs nasally. Originally, my friend wanted to smoke the fentanyl patch, yet the responses from his thread convinced him not to, and now he is fairly pro-HR with his use. That's just one example, though. almost ever other person that I know personally who recently joined BL has started either using harder drugs than they were before yet in a responsible manner that is conducive to harm reduction, or have changed their current drug use habits that is pro-HR. Most of these people are in the first category, and that kinda makes me happy that these guys are taking new substances and EDUCATING themselves first. I wish I could've been introduced to hard drugs by an HR-enthusiast. I'd probably never have shot coke or dope either. I didn't care about HR when I started those drugs, I just snorted them, and then when I wanted a stronger high, I started smoking it, and then shooting it, because that was just what everybody around me was doing. I only discovered HR this year, when I was introduced to meth (perfect timing too) and joined bluelight. Thank god too, had I not started BLing, I'd still be taking amphetamines and cocaine daily, and I'd probably be dead by now. Which is why I'm encouraging my friends who have just started taking hard drugs (but were introduced to these drugs with an HR mindset, as well as my warnings of what any given substance can do through sharing my own experiences). Lol they're like my soldiers in the war against stupidity lmao. Just gives me a little more faith in HR, that's all.

This post that contains absolutely 0 useful information was brought to you by buprenorphine, clonazepam, cannabis, and dextroamphetamine. Reminds me of those cocktails laCster always seems to be on.

And since I'm really high, I kinda wanna chat with someone, so anyone who has my screenname, hmu. If you're down to get on aim and chat but don't have my screenname, just PM me your screenname.
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What's up ch? I want some acid, care to share?

Lolol bigfan you learned well ;)
what's up fuckers?

had a big glass of milk before having a shot of morphine not long ago...i came so close to hugging the toilet bowl for a while emptying out my guts.

remember to drink up milk after shooting up opiates!

how much meth have you had today, bigfan;)
if only I could find some psychadelics in my area! literally you can't find SHIT, I found mushrooms once and ate a whole quarter ounce (which I paid WAY to much for) and felt bare minimal effects! needless to say I was a tad upset.
were they even the right kind which are psychoactive? i've heard so many stories of people being ripped off in regards to mushy sales. dodgy bastards just handing them a bag of whatever species they might be. potentially dangerous shit.

know your source and most of all know your mushies and how to identify them!
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