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Harm Reduction OD Social v11 ~ Pour your 40 on the ground for the homies that aint around

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just pierced both my ears with a clean rig and pushed my earrings in after that. swagggg haha

for some reason, when I'm awake for more than a few days, at the middle-end of the second day, I start to become uncontrollably sarcastic, and I'm incapable of saying anything without joking to some extent.
Surprisingly I didn't see any cops out on my ride to score today. Alot of the time I don't see any cops when I go into the hood (its right next to the highway thankfully), but in my city I always see a shit ton of cops. Surprisingly today I didn't see like any
Hai guize, finally on my way back to Athens where 7 grams of funky weeds await me
Athens, Greece > Athens, Georgia

i c wut u did ther LOL

but you are making me mad, and im already annoyed because my weed dealer is running on niggah time and so i still dont have pot
he said he will come to me within the next 15-20mins though?
like many many many years ago? or just many many years ago??

if i guess where you lived, do i get a prize?
!!!!!! zomgawds!!!!

hmmm, ok i am guessing virginia, but which town? hmmm... can i get a hint?? there are sooooooooooooo many towns in birdginia. but amiright with virginia? i have the ESP i think
!!!!!! zomgawds!!!!

hmmm, ok i am guessing virginia, but which town? hmmm... can i get a hint?? there are sooooooooooooo many towns in birdginia. but amiright with virginia? i have the ESP i think

I used to live in Virginia yes, but that's not close to Georgia. ;)
ohhh, then auburn, fairfax, charleston?

finally the weed man came !!!
waiting for my Iso hash to dry... there's a big white blob in the middle... dafuq?
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