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OBE/Astral projection erection?


Dec 31, 2014
Hey all, this is my first post on BL, but I've been lurking a couple months. I was wondering, as the rhyming title suggests, if you guys have experienced this? Every single time I have an OBE it is accompanied by an erection, and as I leave my body it becomes straight up throbbing, rock hard. I've searched the net and can't find hardly anything relating this physical occurrence to OBEs. It's completely nonsexual, and it seems like it has a mind of its own. Every time I begin my deep breathing and begin to center myself, the blood begins flowing and it starts growing. I've experienced the exact same thing sober and on entheogens, although it does seem to be easier to induce the experience whilst using the sacred tools.

I want to add that while I try to keep an open mind when it comes to metaphysical concepts, and have a deep interest in many philosophies such as nonduality, Sufi mysticism, hermeticism, and Zen Buddhism, I am a skeptic by nature and try to keep myself grounded in empirical evidence and believe science must form the foundation of one's worldview. This is also a vitalism debate, a discussion on the potential existence of a metaphysical part of the human being (ie soul, vital force, spirit, etc) and whether or not OBEs are just the result of brain chemistry or if the body is literally exited by some metaphysical component of being.

Any and all discussion on the above topics welcomed!
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People can get erections when they're asleep to prevent them from urinating.
Are you, typically, quite hydrated (for whatever reason) when you have out of body experiences?
Yes, it has to be the same physiological effect, because your brain is in the same state that you're in when you dream. I have had some success lucid dreaming as well. Seems like I've read in some corner of the internet that the penis acts as a sort of antenna for the soul.

I am properly hydrated, but not excessively. I can just take a few deep breaths and concentrate (imagine) stretching my spirit body, and it begins. Even driving down the road. I don't have to have my eyes closed. Just a still mind and deep breaths.
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The link doesn't work. Women don't have souls? Lol what? I think the sexual organs of either gender would be stimulated. Something to do with being able to generate human life.

I've experienced it driving home after working outside all day in the dog days of summer in the deep south, I don't think hydration is a factor.
The link does work, your penis just needs to be erect to receive the transmissions.
Get hard and try it again.
:( My first post and I'm already being harassed. Sorry man, but I didn't say anything sexist, it seems as though you think that. Perhaps a projection of your own psyche? I'm trying to understand the psychosomatic effects astral projection/forced projection/OBEs have, I know I can't be the only one.

I was just having a bit of fun...

If you post "the penis acts as a sort of antenna for the soul" on a public forum, you've got to expect some kind of a reaction.
I've got a thread going at the moment about my trans-racial issues. (I'm a Laotian midget in a full-sized Caucasian body.)
The thread has generated some unusual reactions. But, that's to be expected. I wouldn't say I'm being harassed.

If you go down to your local shops and repeat that sentence (about the penis antennae) to anybody that happens to walk past, they'll either laugh or run away... Does that mean everyone who lives in your neighborhood is harassing you?

Chill... and, welcome to Bluelight.


PS. I don't see how you can totally dismiss the hydration thing. I've had tons of OBEs and NDEs and I haven't noticed any erection phenomenon, nor have any of my journeymen/women or trip-sitters... I've also sat in on many drug induced journeys, as a trip sitter, and never noticed men having erections...
Sorry brother, bad choice of words. Thanks for the welcome! Seems like a nice community.

I should specify, when I say OBE, I don't mean the kind incurred in a blast off DMT experience where it's not self-induced. I have these experiences during meditation and moments of stillness/no-mind.

So you think it could just be a result of my body protecting me from pissing myself while I'm dreaming? Kind of like how sleep paralysis prevents you from acting out you dreams? Because I do slow my brain activity to the same level you enter when you go to sleep to project. But I don't have to lie there for several minutes I do before falling asleep; in meditation I can be there in a state of no-mind, then decide to project. As soon as I begin to focus on where the third eye supposedly lies, it begins reacting.
It makes sense that the scientific explanation could be a psychosomatic result of entering the dream state, but how am I the only person experiencing this?
It's instant though, as soon as I begin to imagine rising up toward the ceiling....a part of me really does.
I have also had OBEs naturally and have never noticed any erections.

So you think it could just be a result of my body protecting me from pissing myself while I'm dreaming?

Yes, I do.
This function varies, from person to person.
I'd suggest that you are simply particularly prone to unconscious arousal.
But it's not when I dream. And I'm not unconscious. It's only when I begin to picture myself floating upward. Even on an empty bladder. I don't think I can chalk it up to just purely biological preventative dreaming measures.
Whether or not you're technically unconscious is besides the point.
You're out of your body, so your body goes on autopilot.

One of the biological functions of autopilot is erections to prevent urination.

I get that you don't want to accept this as an answer, but I don't understand why...
Other than you wanting a different, more extraordinary answer that will satisfy your curiosity.
That makes sense. I thought you were denying the vitalist explanation of OBEs. Sorry I misinterpreted.

On a quasi-related note, you seem to be knowledgeable in this area, love to hear your opinions. Do you think we are purely mechanical beings? Is there a metaphysical component to human beings? Does the "soul" or "spirit" exist?
I have just attempted my first projection with no luck yet. But I also experienced this. I thought it was strange considering I hadn't read anything on that being a possible side effect. I wanted to see if this was normal and it lead me here. Not really sure if it is normal still but at least I'm not the only one. Have you successfully projected yet?
Since I've been off opiates every time I begin to fall asleep I get one. So it may just have to do with your body thinking its sleeping but your aware.
One morning a few days ago I woke up and turned around and looked in my night table drawer. Then I realised I hadn't turned around. But you need to be really quick to catch it as you normally re-attach yourself at the moment of waking up.
One morning a few days ago I woke up and turned around and looked in my night table drawer. Then I realised I hadn't turned around. But you need to be really quick to catch it as you normally re-attach yourself at the moment of waking up.

That's pretty much the extent of the OBE's I've had. A sense of slowly spinning with my own body with "vision" adjusting accordingly. When you shift to look with your real eyes out of habit it stops. Sort of fascinated by this kind of experience but never intentionally sought it out. Didn't notice any erections so can't comment if this is normal but doesn't sound weird to me, though I guess a raging hard-on could be distracting to experience.