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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(NRG-1 Naphthylpyrovalerone Naphyrone) - New Experience

I gut 5 grms of what was advertised as NRG-1 and to be honest i dont think it is,iv had none of the side affects that were posted and what ever i got it feels like coke but with a paranoid edge to it,i dont no what to do with myself on it,the gaff is nice and clean though and i hung out a wash lol.

its white in color and has kinda crystals stuff in it.what is it lol ?

sleep is easy on it too.

it aint to bad whatever it is,its defiantly not NRG-1 STUFF
well, which idiot got 2g of this first, and then read bluelight 2nd? I started off with way-too-big lines, which was lovely at 1st, but horrible later. Didn't sleep last night, then had thoughts all morning which can only be described as despairing. Then went through the 'my heart is about to pack in phase', and happily i'm now at the 'still wired, but settled with it' phase. Crazy stuff. Just cannot believe this was being marketed as a meph replacement
Experience of pure NRG-1.

Ok guys this is my first post and my sole purpose of going through the effort of registering and confirming email and then typing this out :? is because i got a gram of this nrg-1 and i want to help bcuz there is alot of unsure people (if i remember correctly it was when the number 1 site for mcat had starting to get it in stock for selling)
Back dating to june time when i was living in Loughborough, Leics....

1. the appearance was clumpy like and not coke white but like whitish creamy colour.
2. i smelt the bag and it smelt quite a bit like mephedrone (sorry about spelling, basically i mean the don 1 of legal highs that got banned in UK)
3. i racked a santas eyebrow up normal line of about your middle finger plus a little bit more taken nasally (ofc best way).
4. makes your eyes stream immediatly coheoring to what nostral you take it up
5. arm pits start to sweat a bit like m
6. from this stage its nothing great so far so i take another line same size
7. start rushing speakin fast unsure of whats going on whatsoever, at this stage i think right this is prettty dam sweeet and fukin strong shiz lol, there is no fiending for a redose either i think this is because its that strong mixed with all the comotion about the dangers etc
8.i take a much muich much smaller line bcuz im thinkin this ISNT the mephedrone i thought it was until now, btw by this stage i must of taken say a 5th of the contents maybe bit less..
9. you get chatty on it like m everything seems to be going so quick when it actually isnt same as the rushing effect of m, clammy hands as always, mates are telling me to not do anymore what so ever bcuz they said i looked mashed already, so i chill (as much as u can whilst on this which aint gonna be much)
10. the m quality of it being a ''truth serum'' comes out i go into the same conversation and feels like i must say whats on my mind, i get locked on to certaiin things and drift away from the main conversation basically chatting shit.
11.i take another smallish line about the size of my little finger but no way near as thick as my finger
12.start to get ready to go out rushing still, my mate rings me to organise going out, i cant think straight or even think at all, my speech is patchy, i say erm alot between words then i forget completly what i was trying to say, general head fuck 1000% im like a tard or something unable to get my words out
13. i say to my mates that i actually dont need to take anymore so i give them the remaining .4g between the 2 of them, i go down to echos my local night club, it feels as if every1 is staring at me (im not dancing at this point im just walking around whilst taking strong note of my actions like if im guerning or not or twitching anything like that) i actually would of loved to gurn my tits off but cant bcuz the bouncers are about !
14. i cant get into the music completly the opposite of m in that manner, my feet feel heavy and stuck to the ground i forget all moves that i can bust out on the floor everybody looking thinking what is this guy on 8o8o8o hes fucked i swear, im still pin point aware of everything around me so i can see in the side of my head people gettin a glance and discussin with their mates, dont no if this bit was paranoia or what but i swear they were talkin about me, i try to dance again and then give up and walk home, to find my mates are how i was a bit ago when i was rushing and head fucked, i explain to them whats happend, the best way to describe how i was speaking was low toned and id proablly say 8 words every 30 seconds or so it was crazy, and im a very seasoned taker of m having the pure stuff (potatoe white coloured pure glistening crystals) everyday at least 3-8 grams every day or 2 for about a month and half. i didnt get to sleep that night and i was fucked, unable to think or talk it was like my brain wasnt functioning, reminding me back to when i read that its a cerebral burn out and makes your brain turn to water (something similar to that, read online in newspaper about the creator of mephedrone) i was actually worried that the effects would be permenant and i wouldn’t be able to speak again, its like i had gone from a (estimated) a IQ of 150 for example to 15 in space of half hour to a hour. I don’t really have much else to say except i learnt that this was the supposed deadly drug nrg1 that your supposed to do like .01g doses it was a verryyyyyyyyyyyy bad mistake to dose how i did and i don’t recommend anybody doing it, i wouldn’t take more than .5 of the pure authentic stuff ( cut stuff iv done about 2g and not been rushing just wide awake and gurning and caining all my fags and budda) i cant explain the come down throughout the early hours of the morning and next day i was a cabbage on the couch like steven Hawkins (no disrespect just purly comparison) it was soo bad worst ever i have ever felt and iv been in hospital before for like a week and a day unable to walk in the past (nothing to do with drugs, medical condition i got in 2007) and i can say i felt better then than when i did on the couch!! Seriously guys if your wacking the pure stuff into you of nrg1 then seriously if you don’t feel anything after doing a medium ish line , then don’t think its crap, wait 30 hour AT LEAST if not 45-hour because what i did was get it all to hit me at once and i kept climbing up the fucked ladder by the minute i was a right state in my head twisted and mashed.
I would people to comment on this and aknowledge what i have put bcuz i know its not how everybody has been posting on here but i don’t have the time and effort to do it, iv just explained my experiences on the night of when nrg1 was first being sold mrno1 and i dosed stupidly thinkin it was 4mmc (mcat) feel free to ask questions cause it will help with memory of the night.

^^^If you want to make a report, you need to create a new thread. I'll leave this here for now so you can copy and paste. Please add some paragraphs for easier reading. Also, welcome to bluelight.
potent but fun

Many of your guys report are not on the right substance from my experience. I can guarantee that I tried the right product and it is more than "4 cups of coffee", would last longer than "2.5 hours", takes at least half hour to kick in etc. I took 50 miligrams and was going for ten hours. the high really started kicking in after 45 minutes and the peak lasted for around 4. The comedown lasted for a couple hours, but wasnt too unpleasant. Just have to be careful due to the fact that the effects dont start kickin in for awhile and continue to rise for a much longer time after that off of only a small amount. Stay safe, stay up
I just think its hard for people to find the right stuff and things get banned so fast they dont really know what dosage with something new. add this to the pissing contest that comes along with drug culture and people are taking too much.
I wrote about NRG 1 some time ago after dosing daily over a period of 3 months....

Read my previous post here

Its definitely not Naphyrone, its more like MDPV, its not a nice high at all, and the side effects are seriously damaging.
I have just started back at work after having six months off sick with depression and anxiety most certainly due to my constant use of NRG1 this time last year.
I can also say 100% that my short term memory has NOT returned to normal and is still fucked.
I also have serious problems now with anything that needs instant brainpower ... adding up in my head and quick thinking especially (previously very good at this)
My overall mental health as been seriously affected by my use of NRG1.. even leading up to suicide attempts with my anti-depressants.

This is not a nice drug, and a year later I still cannot believe that people still buy it.
I wrote about NRG 1 some time ago after dosing daily over a period of 3 months....

Read my previous post here

Its definitely not Naphyrone, its more like MDPV, its not a nice high at all, and the side effects are seriously damaging.
I have just started back at work after having six months off sick with depression and anxiety most certainly due to my constant use of NRG1 this time last year.
I can also say 100% that my short term memory has NOT returned to normal and is still fucked.
I also have serious problems now with anything that needs instant brainpower ... adding up in my head and quick thinking especially (previously very good at this)
My overall mental health as been seriously affected by my use of NRG1.. even leading up to suicide attempts with my anti-depressants.

This is not a nice drug, and a year later I still cannot believe that people still buy it.

Im sorry for what has happened to you. I just read you're trip report. I'm glad I didn't try nrg1 after the mephedrone ban here in the UK
Its okay to try out I guess, just in moderation like all drugs.
I have no will power when it comes to drug use and have an addictive personality unfortunately :S

If you like MDPV then you'll probably like it, just go careful on how often you have it. ;)