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NPS Act V1. Blankets? Just Say No!

As frustrating as it may be, I'd sooner repeat myself and inform someone than, "use the fuckin search engine" that ive seen some people do..

Ask Shambles, hes got 1209 responses pasted to clipboard, each one its own sticky key :)

you're right to be honest because even though it's annoying, new members don't realise that it's been asked lots of times and it's basic harm reduction. I find it rude when people say use Google or use the Search engine - what's the point in coming into a community if you're gna use Google or a forum SE may as well just do that to begin with. Besides the SE isn't very good. Yes I know certain members of staff get annoyed when they hear that but they moan at me about not taking criticism. I do not find it easy to use at all. For instance yesterday I typed in "Bluelight User Agreement," and also "BLUA" with basic and advance search. Came out with complete the wrong results. It's a good job I had the link saved. Thing is, I feel I cannot talk about certain things without having certain staff jump down my throat it's like walking on eggshells. Hearing criticism should be a good for them to improve on things yet when I'm unable to take criticism they let me know about it lol

WOW I've gone off on a ramble there sorry.

Does Shambles really have a sticky for everything? That's ace if he does. He's a good person though, knows his stuff and cares. He also encourages people to discuss things which I like.

Sorry I'm going off topic here.

On topic: What's everyone's thoughts on the delay of this ban? Do you think it'll still go ahead or will be thrown out?

Evey .
I too cherish opportunities for reiteration - everyone learns from it whether consciously or not and it helps to bridge some of the gaping holes in our search features.
Another bonus being if the same topic appears repeatedly then it is of sufficient demand to warrant a dedicated BD/MT/SH, no matter how much one views their posts as individual it cannot be escaped that we are all contributing to a global, evolving, educational resource regarding a societal niche and we are saving lives in the process.

Those who post little more than "UTFSE!! n0oB!!1!" really do not understand the Bluelight Organisation in the slightest.

[P.S. certain staff have put in a lot of work to revive and evolve the Good Ship EADD - critique is welcomed as always, whether it's a shit idea or not it will be addressed].
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When I made some criticisms towards to search engine once, feeling it not user friendly I was told bu one ex staff "we can't spoon feed you" i found that highly disrespectful since I was trying to help them by giving them feedback.

Its not as simple as a "Google" search, you have to be specific within the search terms. Its not perfect, what is?

If you found that highly disrespectful, you'd be knocked sideways hearing things I've had directed at me. MrsMist can be vile=D
Its not as simple as a "Google" search, you have to be specific within the search terms. Its not perfect, what is?

If you found that highly disrespectful, you'd be knocked sideways hearing things I've had directed at me. MrsMist can be vile=D

Awh x

Wow. Some people get so touchy because I asked a simple question. I typed multiple things in the search engine and couldn't find what I was looking for. So sorry I asked a fuckin question. Gessh.
Wow. Some people get so touchy because I asked a simple question. I typed multiple things in the search engine and couldn't find what I was looking for. So sorry I asked a fuckin question. Gessh.

We weren't getting touchy with you, We were moaning about people who are not helpful with new members and tell them to use the Search engine, instead of interacting. Sorry you felt we were being funny with you. ScotchMIst did answer your question.

I reckon it'll get thrown out.
Usually when MPs try to pass a drug law it was because all the newspapers were going "Boooooooo! Legal drugs, my friends uncles brother's sister's mother's friend twice removed died that way!
So madam CuntNipple (Theresa May or whatever her name really is, I find CuntNipple fits better) comes up with a downright silly law that is opposed by about anyone who has done History in school.
Then all the papers go Booooooo! Oppressive law that stops us from researching this, this and that while not getting to the root of the problem
So all the MPs who are officially clueless are simply led by the nose by the papers. If this does get passed I pity the person who has to write in the tens, if not hundreds of thousands of substances (I'm pretty sure a rollercoaster, in it's most basic form qualifies as a substance and with that smiler accident at Alton Towers just shows that the engineers in control of it don't care about user safety, they just want to get them high), personally I think it'll keep getting 'pushed back' so headshops and online headshops can't buy in any large amounts and the UK government will try to force China to make laws forbidding them to sell NPS to the UK while this keeps getting pushed back a month. However wherever there is a want and it isn't fulfilled it creates a vacuum. India will most likely take over this vacuum and if they somehow do manage to ban NPS I can see the people working on LSD analogues (because they will have the knowledge to make LSD) flooding the market with acid so potent tabs are like £2.50 again.
With helicopters and drones on the rise I can see a drop in potent strains of weed (except for places using proper heat ventilation) and the people who previously had grow rooms in the attic now having tub after tub of P.Cubensis growing in multiple semi-automated monotubs.
Personally, those who know how to grow mushrooms (once people start getting helibusted and dronebusted) going around old grow rooms, setting everything up and teaching people how to grow oyster mushrooms with the equipment they have there, what the person who has just had his mushroom grow room installed for about 2x the price of doing it him/herself does with it after a successful oyster mushroom grow isn't the problem of the 'tutor'.
The thing that has kept mankind alive all these years is our ability to adapt. MPs don't think that applies to drug users however drug users are some of the most resourceful people I've ever met (for example I needed fire to dose my taper of flubro by dissolving it down in PG, there wasn't a lighter in sight, the grill has a grille protecting the elements in it and due to my mother's silliness she set the grill on fire once knocking out the electrics in the gas cooker, meaning the gas has to be lit by a lighter, rather than a button. So I did the only thing I could think of, grabbed a candle, put it in a long glass, soaked the wick in methylated spirit and used a flint and steel to light it, voila I could heat the f-lam to a point where it dissolved and then put it up nature's back pocket;)) but from poppy pods to legal highs delivered by your postman to the darknet, drug users are leaps and bounds ahead of the people who want to stop them. It's usually just the young and inexperienced ones who get caught and have their lives ruined.
Personally T May should be tried in the EU court of human rights for trying to ban freedom of expression (and if we can get a religion up) religious freedom.
Plus, its Global Drug Policy at the UN soon. The last time the UN addressed global drug policy was 10 years ago, under the laughable banner "a drug free world; WE CAN DO IT" Prats...

I believe they've made a U-turn on that stand. Its meant to be about the health of the world population, a blind man on a galloping horse can see that the "war on drugs" is a war on people. Drug use has skyrocketed, infectious disease also and so on and so on. Don't forget harm caused to others by proxy demand. Cartels cutting heads off, life sentances for essentially moving a plant that is becoming increasingly legal in America.

If May were to implement NPS, just as these talks are about to proceed and Ireland about to scrap the failed policy NPS was based for a more progressive program like Portugal. Which is working. She'd be the biggest dick in a house full of massive cocks.

Won't happen. Reform is on the way, IMO...
When I made some criticisms towards to search engine once, feeling it not user friendly I was told bu one ex staff "we can't spoon feed you" i found that highly disrespectful since I was trying to help them by giving them feedback.


I really don't think you have a clue how annoying you come across do you?
Parents shouldn't take drugs while looking after young children. Discuss.

Well for one, it would depend on the drug.The word "drugs" represents a very wide range of substances. Some are much more benign, others much more impairing.
Yes you're right - During the 3-FPM times drinking doesn't interest me, for a start it sees to counteract its affect. So if quite a few people are stopping alcohol when taking *legal highs* then yeah I guess they're losing money. It must be money over health as you say, or why else would they continue to allow cigarettes to be sold when they've been proven to have so many negative effects such as lung cancer, becoming less fit etc, and more fights are caused by drink. They only have to check out the casualty departments on a Friday and Saturday night to see this.


I have to agree 100 percent with the 'real' motives behind this madhatters tea party. RC's must have had a more than significant effect on the alcohol in take of this nation. In addition 'BIG Pharma' must be losing out big time too. We've been left with GP's prescribing crap for conditions that they neither understand nor care about and the innovative have not had to go begging for their shite. WHO ever decided to name Prozac "the sunshine" drug?...It all about money, the State worships money and citizens that don't are deemed miscreants.
All benzo powders bar the monster Benzo powders like Flubro (I'm not risking ordering any amount of that in powder form, that literally would be a disaster waiting to happen, not to mention the effect on tolerance) seem to have sold out. I checked the other day and they had more than 20 items available in each category. It seems strange that they have all been snapped up in a couple of days. I'll contact the vendors to inquire whether they anticipate re-stocking.
All benzo powders bar the monster Benzo powders like Flubro (I'm not risking ordering any amount of that in powder form, that literally would be a disaster waiting to happen, not to mention the effect on tolerance) seem to have sold out. I checked the other day and they had more than 20 items available in each category. It seems strange that they have all been snapped up in a couple of days. I'll contact the vendors to inquire whether they anticipate re-stocking.
Cant ya just take one single grain of the powder?
you can, but that's not really the right way to go about it. Its not a powder that separates easily into single grains like sugar or sand anyway, so good luck trying that with a benzo powder. A single 'grain' might not be possible to separate with human hands and eyes, and therefore wouldn't amount to enough to be worth taking in the hope of any effects.
The only way to dose powders consistently (besides mixing thoroughly with an inert binder and pressing into pills) is by dissolving a weighed-out amount in a known quantity of some solvent which is just poisonous enough to kill off any germs that might think about taking up residence in it, but not likely to do you any harm in the amount you are going to be taking. Then you shake it well, so that the drug is dispersed evenly throughout the solvent (this tends to happen by itself anyway, just because of normal liquid behaviour -- the molecules are all moving around); and then you know, from the initial amounts, exactly how much of your drug will be in each millilitre of the mixture. For instance, 250 mg. powder in 500 ml. mixture => 0.5 mg. powder in 1 ml. mixture.
Yep, I put Propylene Glycol to exactly that use with benzo powders.

I gather that PG will not work well with some Bupe pills that I am thinking of crushing so that i can accurately take it in sub 2mg doses, because it will be too viscous, and that i will need 'bacterostatic water'or '40% grain alocohol'. Does that sound right about the bupe and the required liquids? If so what is '40% grain alcohol' and is it easy to obtain bactereostatic water off ebay or amazon etc? What do you think would be better/cheaper?
40% grain alcohol basically means booze (vodka, Bacardi, whiskey etc.).

All medical water for injection is bactereostatic and i think is provided by needle exchange services however usually only comes in one or two mill amps so I'm led to believe (although we have 10ml plastic amps of it at work I don't think needle exchanges would give these out) so you'll need a few.

As to whether any of these dissolve bupe or not I don't know but bearing in mind it's designed for sublingual use and dissolves in saliva I'd say bactereostatic water (aka water for injection) would be best. Don't see why youd need alcohol as a solvent. Its not like youd be storing it for long periods anyway for the purpose of splitting a 2mg bupe tablet.....a couple of days at most.

As long as your not shooting it I recon tap water would work in these circumstances.