• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

NMI Social - The Make-out party!

edit i just found out that brixton isnt a city lol:)
Brighton is not far to the south of London, and I'm not far to the south of London too, so yes, but that helps you no more than saying I'm near to London.
i've come to the conclusion you live in a row boat or a cardboard box floating in the channel. :)
carsick we just located your place, dont even try to run away, mi6 is on the way!!
T'is ok, the most interesting thing in the house is some paracetamol mush.
Have fun with it, I think there's about 30 grams in the box behind me.
may i ask what the hell are you doing with 30 g of apap:)
Nothing now, but previously I was making sure there were no impurities in it.
i googled brixton and looks like its a cool place:)
oh you know i'm a big fun of jack higgins and he tells so much about london in his books:)

*gets his calculator out*

"And it certainly isn't 128,747 metres from London..."

How's that? :D