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Health New to DMT ??

Dec 8, 2019
My physeledic dealer has dmt but I never even heard about it I’ve only done a bunch of different types of acids and shrooms so any new drug I’m clueless about , how long does it last ,any chance of bad experiences with it ( don’t wanna be stuck),,what form does it come,,I seen something mentioned about Tyson smoking it……
In ,and how do you measure an average dose,I probably should be asking more questions then this but I just started researching this with google and search thing here on bluelight
Hi there! I have tea with my grandmother now, and don’t really have time to get deeply involved with a long post, but I might help you better out later.

Recently some guy was asking something about dmt on discord and I gave him a long and good reply, only for him never to see it and I watched it go down the drain. So I screenshotted it and we’ll, I might just post what I wrote here now:

psyduck — 07/27/2022

I'm just confused about smoking it cuz it's not on crystal form and the all said that I have to use a jet lighter but mine will be a fine powder

And a crystal pipe too
[3:03 AM]

affa — 07/27/2022

5 meo dmt products are not similar, there are several formulations which differ so drastically, that questions regarding proper administration needs to be narrowed down to the given formulation in question.

How does the powder look, and smell? From what I gather by your way of talking, you are dealing with the most common type, which is extracted from seeds, typically the yopo-seeds, which are rich in 5-MeO-DMT.
PS: I saw you mentioning the term ‘’smoking.’’ 5-MeO-DMT cannot be smoked in this sense, you need to vaporize it. A common way of doing this is by putting the extract in a glass bottle with doble ventilation tubes at the cap and heating the underside of the bottle until the container is milky white. After this is done, all you need to do is keep sucking the straw till you fall backwards (preferably on pre-set soft pillows and mattresses…
[3:07 AM]

affa — 07/27/2022

Because it needs to be mentioned; Do NOT mix MAOI-inhibitors with 5meo-dmt as one could often think of with n,n-dmt, as in the case of changa or ayahuasca. This is very very dangerous, and you can risk actual death.
[3:38 AM]

affa — 07/27/2022

Below I cited a slice from available research concerning the issues regarding the combination of MAOI-inhibitors and 5-MeO-DMT:

''As a fast-acting drug, 5-MeO-DMT induces many physiological and behavioral changes in humans and animal models, such as visionary and auditory distortion, hyperthermia, head-twitch, and stimulus control, which involve the actions of 5-HT receptors.

It is readily inactivated through the MAO-A-mediated deamination pathway, while a small portion is transformed to the active metabolite bufotenine by polymorphic CYP2D6.

Receptor binding studies have revealed that 5-MeO-DMT is more selective for the 5-HT1A receptor, while bufotenine mainly acts as a 5-HT2A agonist.

The apparent non-selectivity of 5-MeO-DMT may be attributed, at least in part, to bufotenine produced from 5-MeO-DMT, which is dependent on CYP2D6 enzymatic activity.

5-MeO-DMT is often co-abused with an MAOI such as harmaline to enhance hallucinations.

There are two levels of interactions between harmaline and 5-MeO-DMT, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic.

When deamination metabolism is inhibited by harmaline, the systemic and cerebral exposure to 5-MeO-DMT, as well as to the metabolite bufotenine, is sharply elevated and prolonged.

Meanwhile, harmaline and 5-MeO-DMT both act agonistically on the serotonergic systems. As a result, coadministration of harmaline potentiates 5-MeO-DMT drug responses and sometimes leads to severe or fatal serotonin toxicity in animal models.

Several cases of intoxication or even death have also been reported in humans associated with the abuse of 5-MeO-DMT and harmaline.

In addition, depending upon the dose combination, an influence of CYP2D6 genotype/phenotype on harmaline-5-MeO-DMT DDI may be seen, despite the fact that the CYP2D6 enzyme inactivates harmaline whereas it activates 5-MeO-DMT.

Therefore, CYP2D6 may serve as a marker for bufotenine production during pharmacokinetic interaction between 5-MeO-DMT and harmaline.''

Sourced of PubMed Central (PMC)

affa — 07/27/2022

In any case, it would really help your cause with some additional information, if you have it. The place that sold these substances, is there any potential information on anything other than ''synthetic 5meo-dmt''?

It’s always ''synthetic'' unless you eat the yopo seeds, or some of the other containing plants, but I don’t really recommend eating them due to toxic dosages of other stuff but either way: you prolly do got regular crystalline 5meo-dmt even though its more like a fine grounded powder, yeah.

affa — 07/27/2022

You don’t have to smoke it either. Snorting works great too. Apparently. I have never heard of anyone doing this other than reading about it though but be careful with dosages. From what my friends tell me, 5-meo-dmt can be in a way more intense in terms of bodily highs then the ''regular'' rubber smelling n,n-dmt.

affa — 07/27/2022

Also, to be honest- they have all said its scarier. But it’s hardly facts, just anecdotes. But I do remember how shulgin had this insane moment in thikal then he smoked 5meo- and called it horrible ruthless love, but scary and he kept screaming inside his head ''you killed yourself! you killed yourself!''. But I think there were nicer trips too. Like calm loving ones.
[4:12 AM]

affa — 07/27/2022

[Affa]@Psyduck[/USER] -> info above

July 28, 2022

[4:12 AM]

rusin — 07/28/2022


July 29, 2022

WoahMan — 07/29/2022

Yo if i bought tabs that were 25
Thank you for that , I’ll be honest most of that is over my head ,grade school grad here , but it definitely answered one of the questions , trips can be bad on it ,although I’ve never had a bad trip to date , I think that’s mostly due to me going into it with a positive outlook on how things should go,

I’m meeting her Saturday for it and I’ll ask her too about how to measure a normal dose
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I just asked her about it and the smallest anount she sells of it for [PRICING NOT ALLOWED], what amount on a scale should i expect from that amount

I know theres a rule about sourcing but im not trying to do that im just checking so i dont get ripped off, hope thats ok to ask regarding the mods and the rules….
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I just met with her for some weed and she explained how hers comes and it comes in avape cartridge thats why she csnt sell sample amounts but she said im welcome to try it in front of her this way she can monitor me especially since its my first time which i think is cool…..
I met her on kink site ( shes a mistress) and in our conversation she informed me she has weed, physedelics) for sale all the time and i asked her if dhe could use a photographer and shes interested but she’s gotta check with her clients if they’re cool with it … fingers crossed 👍👍
Yup I love making people smile , just a tip if you make yourself the butt of the joke your guaranteed to get a smile,or doubled over with a belly laugh…

I'm not sure i understand your comment. My post wasn't directed at you. Sorry for going off topic.

To answer some of your questions, i recommend not being afraid or anxious since the high is very transient and friendly despite being so strong. But that being said, some respect for it seems appropriate. What do you mean by "being stuck"? Is it something specific that happened to you body/mind wise or do you mean like stuck in a permanent trip?

Btw that is a good tip for sure 😁
I'm not sure i understand your comment. My post wasn't directed at you. Sorry for going off topic.

To answer some of your questions, i recommend not being afraid or anxious since the high is very transient and friendly despite being so strong. But that being said, some respect for it seems appropriate. What do you mean by "being stuck"? Is it something specific that happened to you body/mind wise or do you mean like stuck in a permanent trip?

Btw that is a good tip for sure 😁
Yeah I meant to say being stuck in an altered state for life , I love tripping but when someone gets fried Syd Barrett comes to me all the time when thinking about a bad trip to the extreme..

I’m not sure what the first sentence you sayed referred to ( I’m not sure I understand your comment “ ) but I’ll gladly explain if I knew what I said 😬, my text don’t always come out what was going on in my mind at the time ,no offense was meant.
It wasnt a joke with a setup - mjall just said "I can smell my brain" while talking about something else.

If you can get 4aco-dmt thats oral dmt with no nausea. Ayahuasca without the gutsache
Yeah I remember that ,I know it wasn’t towards me but I thought it was funny that’s why I replied to it,,,,,👍 Plenty of funny shit to read here if you search DMT, it was like comedy hour with some of the descriptions givin….

She’s only has it in one form which is cartridges ,now I understand why she won’t make smaller pieces for sale ,but she was totally cool with me trying a hit of it out of her stash , she made a good point of me trying it for the first time while she was present this way she can keep an eye on me ,until yesterday reading it on her profile I had no clue DMT even existed so I’m more comfortable trying it with someone that knows more than me about it…
Loved it Mjall!! Still laughing!

You'll laugh until the day you can't smell your own brain anymore from laughing away the brain's spirit membrane

Now how's that for jokes

Yeah I meant to say being stuck in an altered state for life , I love tripping but when someone gets fried Syd Barrett comes to me all the time when thinking about a bad trip to the extreme..

I’m not sure what the first sentence you sayed referred to ( I’m not sure I understand your comment “ ) but I’ll gladly explain if I knew what I said 😬, my text don’t always come out what was going on in my mind at the time ,no offense was meant.

No offense taken at all. I just read your post like you seemed to think i was quoting you and not Ismene2.

Not sure i quite understand but i'm sure it's cool anyway.
You'll laugh until the day you can't smell your own brain anymore from laughing away the brain's spirit membrane

Now how's that for jokes

Should’ve quit while you was ahead😬

No offense taken at all. I just read your post like you seemed to think i was quoting you and not Ismene2.

Not sure i quite understand but i'm sure it's cool anyway.
Very cool..
I screwed that reply up somehow