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Bupe *New Suboxone film * official thread*

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No offense man, and I'm not trying to prove you wrong or anything, but I catch a high every day off my subs and like I've said before I'm on a maint program. Anyone else feel the same way?

i was on maint 4 years just stopped 17 days ago and the only way i could catch a high was when i brought my tolerance down to ~1mg/day..
You aren't gonna get many people saying "i take 8mg/day and catch a buzz everytime" it's almost impossible since it antagonizes itself.
And yes you were trying to prove me wrong, along with 3 other dick heads from last night about random shit.. trust me i know what i am talking about people.. stop fighting with me.
I never get high off suboxone or methadone, but my boyfriend does almost every time he takes either of them. It really pisses me off! I tried IVing the film the other day just to see if I would feel something but I didn't, unfortunately. Everyones body reacts differently though and I know my tolerance is ridiculously high. I just started IVing about two months ago with my friend who has been doing it for years and for some reason she gets so much more messed up than I do from the same bags and same amount. I don't understand how thats possible. Does anyone else have this problem or know why it happens?? It's really a bummer cause I don't even get high anymore, most of the time I do 3 or 4 bags at a shot just to not be sick. The other day I took some benedryl about an hour before I shot three bags and I felt amazing! Unfortunately it only has that effect the first time I take it, so I can only do that like once a week. Sorry I kinda got off the subject of suboxone..
The film was designed for two reasons:

1. Change the formula to a film so that it can be freshly patented and the drug company can keep profits high (pill patent runs out, genetics become available, not good for makers of suboxone)

2. Appease DEA and government by labeling each film package with unique ID code that is easy to track and trace back to individuals distributing the drug illegally (easier process of arresting, convicting and incarcerating criminals diverting narcotics).

It happens to have a better absorption rate and is easier to cut into smaller doses, which is the main reason I am using it. That, and the coupon can be used for a few months which helps a lot when paying the ridiculously high cost of a Rx out of pocket. And apparently you can shoot it easier, but why you would IV suboxone is beyond my comprehension.
^I also think that its become apparent that many people are snorting their suboxone pills (because you couldn't possibly shoot them!) and the strips are a thoughtfull way of further preventing insufflation. Of course you can just make a nose spray out of them, but it does take a bit more time I guess.

I've been wondering about the "unique" ID code on the back of these things though, I'm guessing the pharmacy enters your information connected to that code, but I never seem to see them do that when I pick up my strips. Of course they probably do it before or at some point, but sometimes I'm skeptical if its just another scare tactic.
On the other hand it really would make sense if they are real, because I'm sure they would get some kind of DEA props for it.
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the label on each box of the strips gets put into some kind of database for the DEA. They can tell what pharmacy a certain code is from, but not the individual unless the individual obtains the entire box. But if say someone picks up 14strips for 2 stips a day for 2 weeks and sells them and the DEA busts the person they were sold to, they can only tell which pharmacy it is from.. the rest relies on fingerprints on the package.
If anyone has anymore info than this on the "tracking" odds are you are a narc ;)
my experience with IV film..

This is my first time posting here, though I have used the site on a number of occassions over the years for informative purposes. My only intent here is to share my experience with IVing the sub film last night. I have been shooting suboxone (2mg or less at a time) for over a year now since i stopped doing heroin. It's nothing I'm proud of, but I am far better off than I was on dope.. I've never had a problem with it once. I am sure not to miss and I try to be as clean as I can about it. Hopefully I'll be stopping soon. So last night was the first time I had received the new film version of suboxone. I checked bluelight and someo ther sources and it seemed safe enough to shoot (as safe as pills anyways) so I followed the instructions I saw and gave it a shot. I scraped the white N8 off and cut out a quarter or a strip. I used a full syringe and it mixed up just fine in that much water. I put it in and could taste the lemon lime in my mouth a bit as per usual. All went well. I thought the film was going to be just great. Well about 3 mins after the shot I felt my blood pressure rising and rising. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and my face was bright red and my eyes were getting red as well. Before long I felt real hot and like I was going to explode. I was about to go get someone to bring my to the hospital or something when it stopped rising.... it still held steady for a few mins. I was splashing cold water on my face to cool down. I stuck it out for 5 mins or so and eventually the flushing went away and pressure dropped. At this point I got very nausous. I kept spitting in the sink feeling like I was going to vomit. Another few minutes and I felt good enought o exit the bathroom and I went and layed down. I continued to feel sick for another hour and a half or so. After a few hours i felt much better, but not like I normally do after my sub. When I woke up this morning I was fine. I'm not the type of person that gets sick off a lot of things. I never vomit from opiates or lack of opiates, i never even feel real sick in my stomache when I'm dope sick. This was not typical of me. My brother came over a few hours after episode and he had shot part of a strip the night before. He told me that same thing happened to him minus the blood pressure/flushing/hotness. He is prone to throwing up on opiates and when withdrawing and he told me he got very sick after shooting the strips. He was throwing up a lot. It's normal for him to react that way, but not for me. It seems that lots of people are having good luck with IV sub film, I just wanted to share my experience in case it might help any of you in your decision making. I shoot subs because they make me gag. I hate the taste more than anything because I associate it with being super dope sick i think. That being said I dont think I will ever try shooting the film again. Thats how bad it was. Thank god I didn't have to be at work or out with someone or anything... anyways thanks for letting me share and thanks for having this site to help people do what they're gonna do with as much knowledge as they can get. peace.
the label on each box of the strips gets put into some kind of database for the DEA. They can tell what pharmacy a certain code is from, but not the individual unless the individual obtains the entire box. But if say someone picks up 14strips for 2 stips a day for 2 weeks and sells them and the DEA busts the person they were sold to, they can only tell which pharmacy it is from.. the rest relies on fingerprints on the package.
If anyone has anymore info than this on the "tracking" odds are you are a narc ;)

Spot on... They don't track the individual users with the codes...

Wikipedia has a bit on this on the bupe article, I think...
This is my first time posting here, though I have used the site on a number of occassions over the years for informative purposes. My only intent here is to share my experience with IVing the sub film last night. I have been shooting suboxone (2mg or less at a time) for over a year now since i stopped doing heroin. It's nothing I'm proud of, but I am far better off than I was on dope.. I've never had a problem with it once. I am sure not to miss and I try to be as clean as I can about it. Hopefully I'll be stopping soon. So last night was the first time I had received the new film version of suboxone. I checked bluelight and someo ther sources and it seemed safe enough to shoot (as safe as pills anyways) so I followed the instructions I saw and gave it a shot. I scraped the white N8 off and cut out a quarter or a strip. I used a full syringe and it mixed up just fine in that much water. I put it in and could taste the lemon lime in my mouth a bit as per usual. All went well. I thought the film was going to be just great. Well about 3 mins after the shot I felt my blood pressure rising and rising. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and my face was bright red and my eyes were getting red as well. Before long I felt real hot and like I was going to explode. I was about to go get someone to bring my to the hospital or something when it stopped rising.... it still held steady for a few mins. I was splashing cold water on my face to cool down. I stuck it out for 5 mins or so and eventually the flushing went away and pressure dropped. At this point I got very nausous. I kept spitting in the sink feeling like I was going to vomit. Another few minutes and I felt good enought o exit the bathroom and I went and layed down. I continued to feel sick for another hour and a half or so. After a few hours i felt much better, but not like I normally do after my sub. When I woke up this morning I was fine. I'm not the type of person that gets sick off a lot of things. I never vomit from opiates or lack of opiates, i never even feel real sick in my stomache when I'm dope sick. This was not typical of me. My brother came over a few hours after episode and he had shot part of a strip the night before. He told me that same thing happened to him minus the blood pressure/flushing/hotness. He is prone to throwing up on opiates and when withdrawing and he told me he got very sick after shooting the strips. He was throwing up a lot. It's normal for him to react that way, but not for me. It seems that lots of people are having good luck with IV sub film, I just wanted to share my experience in case it might help any of you in your decision making. I shoot subs because they make me gag. I hate the taste more than anything because I associate it with being super dope sick i think. That being said I dont think I will ever try shooting the film again. Thats how bad it was. Thank god I didn't have to be at work or out with someone or anything... anyways thanks for letting me share and thanks for having this site to help people do what they're gonna do with as much knowledge as they can get. peace.

I could have written this post myself. Also a long time peruser of the boards when I have a question or just curious, and I had to register to share my experience with banging the strips. For some context, I've been off dope and on suboxone for 14 months (started at 8-10mgs daily, now down to around 6 mg daily). I've snorted the pills before, way back when I was also using, but since I got clean I have never snorted or shot them until a couple days ago.

This is my second month on the film, and after seeing some very realistic-looking IV drug use on a couple TV shows, I was getting "needle fever" and starting to think seriously about buying some dope, so I decided instead to try banging my strips to see if it would help kill both the cravings and the needle fixation. For my first try a couple days ago, I dissolved around 1/4 (2 mg) of the strip in a spoon with 7 or 8 units of water, heating and stirring with a knife just a little bit to keep it going. The solution was cloudy and maybe just ever-so-slightly orange tinted, but it didn't look like it had any visible particles in it so I assume it dissolved nicely. Unfortunately I have no micron filter so I used a cotton and hoped for the best.

So I found my main vein in the crook of my arm (I was pretty excited it grew back!), flagged, and banged the whole shot. Immediate effect: pretty substantial and dope-like head rush and euphoric feeling. So far so good. Then however I started feeling flushed, hot and skin-crawly, and a little short of breath -- I think I had cotton fever once before, and it reminded me of that except maybe a bit stronger even. I was in the bathroom and I had my shirt off anyways, so I could see that my entire upper arms, torso, head and eyes were beet red. I was still feeling OK from the initial rush, so I drank some water and tried to shake it off. Soon after, I started feeling the shits coming on and a really bad nausea like when you've shot a little too much dope for your tolerance level. I ended up taking turns at the toilet, shitting and throwing up rather violently (and unfortunately in one instance, both at the same time) until about 15-20 minutes later I started to feel OK again. After recuperating for a little while, I realized that despite all that I still felt pretty good, like feeling the effects a little bit more than I would sublingually, although my eyes were so bloodshot they were visibly red from a distance for a couple hours.

Since then, I've been banging 2 x 2 mg shots a day, one in the AM/afternoon and one later at night, without any of the problems I had the first time, although I also have not felt the head rush or euphoria really either; rather, it feels more like the feeling you get a little while after taking it sublingually, only it kicks in almost right away. And of course, I'm taking less than my prescribed dose, so for the first time since I've been on suboxone I actually have more of my prescription than I need, instead of less. All in all, it's been a mixed bag for me, so if you're so inclined I say go ahead and try shooting it as long as you're careful. As for me, my arms are getting a little bit beat up and track-mark-y from trying to hit (I've never been great at this), so my needle fever has worn of a little bit; I think I'll either go back to under the tongue or try intranasal tomorrow and see if that works better.
I could have written this post myself. Also a long time peruser of the boards when I have a question or just curious, and I had to register to share my experience with banging the strips. For some context, I've been off dope and on suboxone for 14 months (started at 8-10mgs daily, now down to around 6 mg daily). I've snorted the pills before, way back when I was also using, but since I got clean I have never snorted or shot them until a couple days ago.

This is my second month on the film, and after seeing some very realistic-looking IV drug use on a couple TV shows, I was getting "needle fever" and starting to think seriously about buying some dope, so I decided instead to try banging my strips to see if it would help kill both the cravings and the needle fixation. For my first try a couple days ago, I dissolved around 1/4 (2 mg) of the strip in a spoon with 7 or 8 units of water, heating and stirring with a knife just a little bit to keep it going. The solution was cloudy and maybe just ever-so-slightly orange tinted, but it didn't look like it had any visible particles in it so I assume it dissolved nicely. Unfortunately I have no micron filter so I used a cotton and hoped for the best.

So I found my main vein in the crook of my arm (I was pretty excited it grew back!), flagged, and banged the whole shot. Immediate effect: pretty substantial and dope-like head rush and euphoric feeling. So far so good. Then however I started feeling flushed, hot and skin-crawly, and a little short of breath -- I think I had cotton fever once before, and it reminded me of that except maybe a bit stronger even. I was in the bathroom and I had my shirt off anyways, so I could see that my entire upper arms, torso, head and eyes were beet red. I was still feeling OK from the initial rush, so I drank some water and tried to shake it off. Soon after, I started feeling the shits coming on and a really bad nausea like when you've shot a little too much dope for your tolerance level. I ended up taking turns at the toilet, shitting and throwing up rather violently (and unfortunately in one instance, both at the same time) until about 15-20 minutes later I started to feel OK again. After recuperating for a little while, I realized that despite all that I still felt pretty good, like feeling the effects a little bit more than I would sublingually, although my eyes were so bloodshot they were visibly red from a distance for a couple hours.

Since then, I've been banging 2 x 2 mg shots a day, one in the AM/afternoon and one later at night, without any of the problems I had the first time, although I also have not felt the head rush or euphoria really either; rather, it feels more like the feeling you get a little while after taking it sublingually, only it kicks in almost right away. And of course, I'm taking less than my prescribed dose, so for the first time since I've been on suboxone I actually have more of my prescription than I need, instead of less. All in all, it's been a mixed bag for me, so if you're so inclined I say go ahead and try shooting it as long as you're careful. As for me, my arms are getting a little bit beat up and track-mark-y from trying to hit (I've never been great at this), so my needle fever has worn of a little bit; I think I'll either go back to under the tongue or try intranasal tomorrow and see if that works better.

wtf? who told you to heat it man? I can guarantee that's why it hurt, you NEVER heat shit like this. Have you seen the inactive ingredients?

"polyethylene oxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, maltitol, acesulfame potassium, lime flavor, citric acid, sodium citrate, FD&C yellow #6, and white ink"

when you heat it you taking the bupe and adding in all this stuff. it's very water soluble, just mix it up.

Also, why did you only use 8 units? I shoot about 0.75mg at a time and I use 80 units of water. That's another thing, try shooting less.

sorry for being harsh but I've been shooting these for months and feel just fine, you just have to do it right
ive been films for about a week now... the taste is still terrible like tablets.. but they absorb better and are much more convenient..

I plan on to take sub along time and not relapse on other opiates...

I have no clue why the hell anyone would IV sub.. i mean the whole point of taking it is to stop iving and doing dangerous behavoir associated with addiction...

to each his own..

right now im on about 6mgs and doing alot better than when i was ivin oxy every 2 hrs jeesh
I live in VT...and according to every doc here the only way that you can recieve subutex is if you are pregnant, or have numerous documented allergic reactions to naloxone. I HATE the naloxone it gives me the WORST migraines in the world, and while I was on the subutex while I was pregnant felt great. So damn whatthe hell are you people doing that Im not??!! Would def love to be done with the migraines seeing as I have enough from screaming kids all day as is...can anyone explain??

How many doctors have you seen? I am in a different state and had no problem being switched to subutex. I have been a patient of two doctors over the course of my MT and never heard anything like that. There is no law or anything preventing them from prescribing subutex to you, so they must not trust you.

I switched because there was generic subutex on the market and I pay out of pocket. I walked into my docs office and told him about the generics which he didn't know about and asked to switch, it was as easy as that. He was actually happy I told him about it so he could switch other patients who were cash strapped.

When I switched docs, I told him why I was on subutex and he was also happy to hear about the generics. The only problem I had was finding a pharmacy that had them in stock. He directed me to a pharmacy that would order them for me and its been smooth sailing ever since.

Keep trying! Sorry that some docs are assholes. I never abused my meds or failed drug tests so I have earned their trust. I could see how they might have had a problem otherwise.
wtf? who told you to heat it man? I can guarantee that's why it hurt, you NEVER heat shit like this. Have you seen the inactive ingredients?

"polyethylene oxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, maltitol, acesulfame potassium, lime flavor, citric acid, sodium citrate, FD&C yellow #6, and white ink"

when you heat it you taking the bupe and adding in all this stuff. it's very water soluble, just mix it up.

Also, why did you only use 8 units? I shoot about 0.75mg at a time and I use 80 units of water. That's another thing, try shooting less.

sorry for being harsh but I've been shooting these for months and feel just fine, you just have to do it right

I have a feeling that by 7-8 units of water, the OP meant 70-80, since I cannot feasibly imagine even a quarter of a strip, or anything for that matter, dissolving in 7 or 8 units. As for the heat, I understand your point, & maybe it isn't the most intelligent way to prep these, but I too have been shooting these for months, and always add some heat for sanitary reasons, also because it appears to clarify the solution, & causes some of the inactives to dry in a ring around the outside of the liquid which I can avoid drawing up, and presumably avoid putting in my veins. perhaps I should cease doing that, but I tend to think it doesn't make a huge difference either way, and personally feel more comfortable heating it. Regardless, I have been doing this for quite some time, & have never had an adverse reaction to a shot, even when heating. I'm stumped by some of the reactions people claim to have when they IV these, most of which I would chalk up to an allergy to one of the inactive ingredients, i.e dyes ect. Let's face it, heat or no heat, unless you micron filter, you're not going to get a shot of pure bupe either way, & even then you'll never be able to remove the dyes.
While I myself have not shot sub, I think you are probably correct, subox0wned. My ex-bf would shoot the tablets all the time without having an adverse reaction, even when he would take it as directed or intranasally before or after. He also always would heat it a bit just for the sake of sanitizing the solution. I think you nailed it with the adverse reactions. Just as some people experience migraines, while others don't, I think we all have different reactions and those who have had problems are likely just reacting to something in the solution itself.

On a side note, I kinda would like to experience what sub feels like through IV. I am a snorter, even with the strips. I go back and forth between either sniffing a bunch of cut up pieces and sniffing a dissolved piece of strip in a few drops of water. And I swear on different days I come to different conclusions, but it seems like it works better for me when I dissolve the strip in water, then snort.

I have a feeling that by 7-8 units of water, the OP meant 70-80, since I cannot feasibly imagine even a quarter of a strip, or anything for that matter, dissolving in 7 or 8 units. As for the heat, I understand your point, & maybe it isn't the most intelligent way to prep these, but I too have been shooting these for months, and always add some heat for sanitary reasons, also because it appears to clarify the solution, & causes some of the inactives to dry in a ring around the outside of the liquid which I can avoid drawing up, and presumably avoid putting in my veins. perhaps I should cease doing that, but I tend to think it doesn't make a huge difference either way, and personally feel more comfortable heating it. Regardless, I have been doing this for quite some time, & have never had an adverse reaction to a shot, even when heating. I'm stumped by some of the reactions people claim to have when they IV these, most of which I would chalk up to an allergy to one of the inactive ingredients, i.e dyes ect. Let's face it, heat or no heat, unless you micron filter, you're not going to get a shot of pure bupe either way, & even then you'll never be able to remove the dyes.
While I myself have not shot sub, I think you are probably correct, subox0wned. My ex-bf would shoot the tablets all the time without having an adverse reaction, even when he would take it as directed or intranasally before or after. He also always would heat it a bit just for the sake of sanitizing the solution. I think you nailed it with the adverse reactions. Just as some people experience migraines, while others don't, I think we all have different reactions and those who have had problems are likely just reacting to something in the solution itself.

On a side note, I kinda would like to experience what sub feels like through IV. I am a snorter, even with the strips. I go back and forth between either sniffing a bunch of cut up pieces and sniffing a dissolved piece of strip in a few drops of water. And I swear on different days I come to different conclusions, but it seems like it works better for me when I dissolve the strip in water, then snort.

I feel like you would have better results, absorption wise, by dissolving your dose in water before insufflation, if nothing else because it is already available for absorption when snorted in liquid form, as opposed to it having to dissolve itself in your nasal mucous. These strips take a bit of agitation to dissolve in a spoonful of water, & I imagine your nose is considerably less moist than that spoon, so I'm not saying that snorting cut up strips wouldn't be effective, but most likely take a bit longer, & presumably be less efficient. I imagine you'd be left with a lot of left over garbage in your nose afterward when snorting the strip as is, not that you wouldn't by dissolving it first, but I feel like being in a liquid solution would at least allow the residual to drip out of your sinuses. Of course, if you are dissolving, and then insufflating, you could always filter the solution as you would a shot to avoid this. Also just to be clear, I inject the sub strips, not the tablets. I have injected the tabs in the past, but never again, not that it isn't possible, but I find IVing the pills to be a lot more risky & difficult to prep than the film for many reasons, a big one being the cornstarch contained in the pills, plus I'd much rather be injecting the clear solution I get from the film, than the orange one I end up with cooking up the pills. In fact it actually is better to not add heat when cooking the pills, just to avoid as much cornstarch getting in your final shot as possible. If you would like to hear a more detailed explanation of my opinion on IVing the film vs. pills, or the preparation method that I use, let me know, I'd be glad to talk about it, but in conclusion, if you are thinking about, or choose to inject your sub, I would without a doubt recommend that you do so with the film.

EDIT: Just FYI, "what it feels like to IV sub", is not very much different than what it feels like to take sub in any other ROA. The biggest differences for me, & the reasons I choose to administer this way are a faster onset, 100% BA, & being able to use less than my prescribed dose/making the most out of the sub I have. That's half of my reasoning, the other half is reasoned by my addictive personality that likes to use needles. In the long run the health risks probably outweigh the benefits, I say probably because I don't know, I've been doing this for quite awhile with no issues whatsoever, however there may be long term effects that remain to be seen. All in all, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but if you are going to do it, learn how to do so as safely as possible.
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What is the validation for production of Suboxone, when Subutex clearly is a superior producs (in terms of side effects)?
so Reckitt Benckiser can make more money by telling doctors their product has naloxone i.e. it is abuse-proof and people prescribed subutex will abuse it

it makes me wonder about doctors. I mean, they went to school and studied for yeeeeaars and they can't even do a little research on what they are dishing out
What is the validation for production of Suboxone, when Subutex clearly is a superior producs (in terms of side effects)?

The brutally honest answer is that big pharma cares more about exploiting your addiction to line their pockets than they do about your well-being. An addiction that they no doubt helped to create. And these "doctors" are either ignorant or playing along with the scheme so that they can get their piece of the pie.
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