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new Florida law, blanket ban bans any RC that can be made inspired by a known RC

I mean it kinda is.... look at Iowa vs Illinois.

Iowa's conservative government let an AIDS epidemic break out earlier a couple times during my lifetimes because Mike Pence "had to pray" for god to give him the right to had out clean needles in epicenter of the outbreak.

Illinois has Chicago, huge dope problem but less ODs per Suspected Users than DeBuque, Iowa.

I see progressive states as far less likely to adopt a blanket ban than conservative states lead by the religious rite (Look at Montana if you want freedom, haha)

My point is that I don't see the blanket ban passing to more educated states.

i have to disagree. Getting high is a bigger sin than just about anything to mainstream society.
Yes, prolintane will be illegal under the new Florida law. It is one oxygen away from the now notorious flakka.
Looked up "flakka"... see, this is why we can't have nice things. :\ Irresponsible proliferation of stimulants and (far worse) fentanyl analogues. The good ones are getting all lumped in with the all this bullshit. AHH! RESEARCH CHEMICALS! DESIGNER DRUGS! BATH SALTS! FLAKKA! ZOMBIIIEEEEEZZ! OMG RCS MAKE YOU EAT SOMEONE'S FACE!!

I miss the old days where "research chemical" meant something from PIHKAL or TIHKAL. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited by some of the stuff that's come out, particularly the dissociatives. I'm not saying pushing the boundaries is bad. It's just gotten out of hand with all these stimulants and opiates. Really bad shit going on, but unfortunately no one who is not specifically inclined to see the difference is going to see the difference between this and, say, ALD-52, or 2C-E, or 4-HO-MiPT, or whatever.
Yeah, to the vast majority of people "ALD-52, or 2C-E, or 4-HO-MiPT" sounds like a freaky bunch of chemicals. Why would anyone take those weird designer drugs!? Now gimme my carcinogenic beer and smokes.

Even people who are perfectly comfortable putting randomly cut street coke up their nose, or pop untested molly usually look at the Pihkal and Tihkal set as a bit weird.
I guess I'm just more hopeful for harm reduction to be come a thing people take as much pride in as thier drug use.

For example: you go to a club everynight on a stim and someone asks for some. You don't share an unknown unresearched with a bunch of people cause you got a good high (this is what I think happened with flakka/mephdrone)

I also believe that personal freedom should extend to any terrible chemical I want to hurt myself with as long as it doesn't hurt others directly.

Because I am kinda idealistic, I guess I choose to believe a blanket ban won't come. At the same time, I hope to not live in the US for the remainder of my life.... so maybe I am just a dreamer. Who really just doesn't want politicals getting in the way of science. Even if the science isn't great... it's being conducted. All these human trials of unknown drugs might lead to something good.

I'm sorry if I went into a whole rant. If it ends up being too off topic from the "blanket ban spread" feel free to delete this.
I also believe that personal freedom should extend to any terrible chemical I want to hurt myself with as long as it doesn't hurt others directly.

It should but sadly it doesn't. The war on drugs has cost such an unimaginable amount of money, ruined countless lives through death, imprisonment and destruction of communities (whole countries, even) and demanded such strong rhetoric that it would absolute political suicide to turn around and say 'oh turns out we were wrong about that, sorry guys'. It's like when you prove someone wrong in a heated argument or catch them out in a terrible lie and they double down on the falsehood because psychologically it's easier than admitting the mistake/wrongdoing.
Aren't they often cut to make measuring much less unsafe than pure product? Doesn't seem like 'not touching' to me.

Did you mean cutting fentanyl or did you mean lacing heroin or misadvertising? Cause cut fentanyl definitely seems like a pretty minor problem compared to the bad therapeutic index, especially with e.g. furanyl-fentanyl - read the latest erowid report. So it seems that a lot of other serious problems are indirectly a result of the therapeutic. Other than that I can think only of tolerance development issues really..

But anyway, categorically off-topic esp in PD.

I meant cutting heroin. There are so many people dieing all over the US from fent/heroin. It has to be comming from pretty high up the supply chain.
Looked up "flakka"... see, this is why we can't have nice things. :\ Irresponsible proliferation of stimulants and (far worse) fentanyl analogues. The good ones are getting all lumped in with the all this bullshit. AHH! RESEARCH CHEMICALS! DESIGNER DRUGS! BATH SALTS! FLAKKA! ZOMBIIIEEEEEZZ! OMG RCS MAKE YOU EAT SOMEONE'S FACE!!

I miss the old days where "research chemical" meant something from PIHKAL or TIHKAL. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited by some of the stuff that's come out, particularly the dissociatives. I'm not saying pushing the boundaries is bad. It's just gotten out of hand with all these stimulants and opiates. Really bad shit going on, but unfortunately no one who is not specifically inclined to see the difference is going to see the difference between this and, say, ALD-52, or 2C-E, or 4-HO-MiPT, or whatever.
This. I miss those days when all that China was exporting were PIHKAL and TIHKAL compounds, with the ocasional novel compound from time to time (as bk-mdma, mdpv or mephedrone. Hell, I was even able to import high quality 2cb cheap as fuck without worries.
Now, chinese catalogs are an 80% of dirty untested new stims and opiates. I love the new dissociatives and lysergamides by the way, more than anything that has appeared on the scene on the past...
But RC's becoming mainstream and even appearing on TV and newspapers can just be a bad thing, and we are starting to see the consecuences like the China, UK or Florida recent bans.
Stock while you can because this can only go down the rabbit hole.