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Netherlands - Alleged drug lord on world's most wanted list arrested in Amsterdam


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
Alleged drug lord on world's most wanted list arrested in Amsterdam
The Guardian
January 23rd, 2021
Dutch police said on Saturday they had arrested the alleged leader of an Asian drug syndicate who is listed as one of the world’s most wanted fugitives and has been compared to Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán.

Tse Chi Lop, a Chinese-born Canadian national, was detained on Friday at the request of Australian police, who led an investigation that found his organisation dominates the $70bn-a-year Asia-Pacific drug trade, Dutch police spokesman Thomas Aling said.

Tse is expected to be extradited after appearing before a judge, Aling said, adding that his arrest by national police took place without incident at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport.

“He was already on the most wanted list and he was detained based on intelligence we received,” Aling said.

Dutch police were unable to provide details about the legal proceedings and it was not clear whether Tse had a lawyer.
Read the full story here.

“ One of world’s most wanted alleged drug barons – a billionaire dubbed Asia’s El Chapo – is set to finally face justice in Australia after federal police carried out a covert plot to arrest him after he was deported from Taiwan.

Tse Chi Lop, 56, was arrested after departing on a flight to Canada on Friday in a stunning coup for the Australian Federal Police, which has tracked his suspected involvement in multiple billion-dollar drug importations into Australia since at least 2008. They will push for him to be extradited to Australia to face trial. He was arrested during a stop over in the Netherlands in response to a request from the AFP.

Tse is the most important alleged drug importer to be nabbed by the federal police in two decades, with police intelligence sources estimating his syndicate is allegedly responsible for up to 70 per cent of all narcotics entering Australia.”

See link for full and extensive article.
finally they got the fucking cunt. I hope they chop off his balls and feed down his mouth but alas we live in a western world and will give him a cosy cell where he become even richer smuggling meth into the prison's. This asshole is responsible for destorying NZ and australia by flooding them with meth..
you cant blame the supplier for individual behaviours

its the people that choose to take it that are as much to blame

i drink too much

its not the corner shops fault or the brewers or the distillers

get some fucking self autonomy and stop acting powerless people

this whole attitude is pure prohibitionist which never really works, what would be better is legalisation and frankly better alternatives and health services that could help wean people off

the real problem is not meth, its the abscence of easy to get better alternatives that dont fuck your life up as much

people want to forget reality one way or another and yes ive been addicted to amphetamine and no its not the suppliers fault, it was my choice and eventually i saw it was a terrible one and never went back
Sam gor this guy heads 5 triads is behind endless murder across the world and the supply of tons of meth the rape and murder of many villages in Burma. You dont seem to know what goes on when they make meth in the golden triangle.
He may have ruined Oz with meth but I'm pretty sure this bloke was involved in the damn good E pills we used to have around here 15 years ago. Bless his heart.
nah he was not he was in prision then. he got out of canadian prison in 2009 and formed an alliance of triads when the chinese cracked down on meth production in 2010.
I'm seriously trying to back off here but cannot help but post on this.

No offense is meant to anybody I assure you. But this thread is starting to remind me of one or two posts made on another thread (the one about the effects of the criminalization of Coke in Latin America). Possibly even my own thread about that BZP shit. And I'm sure I can find one or two more applicable threads to make my point if I had the inclination to do so.

I guess I'm trying to understand the mindset that allows for one to celebrate the capture of this particular individual (or any other key individual involved in this business for that matter) but while at the same time being a user and complaining about a supply or quality problem. And on the Latin America thread there was a post (still is) where it was pointed out that some individual had no problem buying Coke because his Coke came from an Argentinian source and was therefore ethical and not tainted by blood (my rough translation from memory anyway).

By definition (unless you're sourcing legit pharmaceuticals) (and even THEN I'd not be so sure) the production and supply of illegal narcotics is a criminal activity and, as such, comes with the associated risks and involves any number of choice individuals throughout the chain. Seems a bit disingenuous to me for users to be happy when some or the other kingpin has been nailed while using not? Oddly enough just yesterday there was a documentary on Al Jazeera covering the drug trade from everywhere from South America to Mexico to Europe etc. If they've made it available on YouTube I'll post a link (interesting because it was up-to-date but also nothing earth shattering either in that it's the same old same old thing and always will be). I'd go so far as to say that there's no such thing as a savory or clean illicit narcotic when it comes to violence or somebody getting shafted somewhere along the way especially when it comes to the usual suspects i.e. only thing that may (possibly) differ is the level of depravity or the scale.


Here you go. And I see below the feature video there's a few more that have been broadcast earlier on pretty much the same overall topic.

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@dalpat077 - I don’t see any inherent contradiction in wanting drugs legalised but celebrating the capture of murderous drug lord foreigners who subvert the sovereignty of one’s country in the meantime.

I mean half the reason for wanting drugs legalised (in my view) is eradicating the violence, corruption, and untaxed supernormal profits that these foreign triads/cartels dominate.
I hear you.

And I understand where you're coming from.

Unfortunately I don't believe (well: I no longer believe) that the legalization of drugs is going to have the desired outcomes. As you know: when I first started my escapades around here I championed the concept. But after going down dozens and dozens of rabbit holes: I doubt very much that legalization of drugs is going to change much if anything. MAYBE it'll make things better for addicts in the sense that (hopefully) there'll be money made available for rehabs. and result in better care and facilities. But the rest? I don't see it. Not with the usual suspects (narcotics) anyway. I guess that's a win in and of itself let's face it though. But to think that the legalization of drugs is going to put these dudes out of business or clean up the business? I'll have to see it to believe it.
i personally believe ritalin and adderal should be OTC for everybody to boost their daily activity much better stimulation than caffeine idk if i would ever support legal meth though.
I hear you.

And I understand where you're coming from.

Unfortunately I don't believe (well: I no longer believe) that the legalization of drugs is going to have the desired outcomes. As you know: when I first started my escapades around here I championed the concept. But after going down dozens and dozens of rabbit holes: I doubt very much that legalization of drugs is going to change much if anything. MAYBE it'll make things better for addicts in the sense that (hopefully) there'll be money made available for rehabs. and result in better care and facilities. But the rest? I don't see it. Not with the usual suspects (narcotics) anyway. I guess that's a win in and of itself let's face it though. But to think that the legalization of drugs is going to put these dudes out of business or clean up the business? I'll have to see it to believe it.
i think it would help the producers of these drugs. if coca and opium farmers can sell their product directly (such as over the internet legally) then they no longer have to be held hostage to the cartels
@dalpat077 - I don’t see any inherent contradiction in wanting drugs legalised but celebrating the capture of murderous drug lord foreigners who subvert the sovereignty of one’s country in the meantime.
Your problem with drug lords is that they are foreign? A murderous drug lord is all fine and good as long as he's a local?

But to think that the legalization of drugs is going to put these dudes out of business or clean up the business? I'll have to see it to believe it.
Why wouldn't it? Is alcohol mostly sold by criminal cartels, or corporations?

Look at Canada... within two years of cannabis legalization, the size of the illegal market has been cut almost in half and has been overtaken by the legal market.
Why wouldn't it? Is alcohol mostly sold by criminal cartels, or corporations?

Look at Canada... within two years of cannabis legalization, the size of the illegal market has been cut almost in half and has been overtaken by the legal market.
Honest opinion: those two examples are not in the same league as Cocaine and Heroin when it comes to the issue.

Oddly enough: this topic seems to be coming up on different threads all at the same time right now.

Would love to give examples and debate this but just don’t know where it’s appropriate?
The most violent purp in the war on drugs is the government. They fuel it to push back and forth with what they can gain and how they can sell you to their belief. Liberty is contagious. Drug lords will always have an exit route in prison, or another to fill the void. Conspiracy sucks and we can confront the drug trade with legal markets.
Honest opinion: those two examples are not in the same league as Cocaine and Heroin when it comes to the issue.

Oddly enough: this topic seems to be coming up on different threads all at the same time right now.

Would love to give examples and debate this but just don’t know where it’s appropriate?
Quoting myself here for continuity of my previous post.

I realise with alcohol there’s the prohibition argument. But it wasn’t alcohol in and of itself and in isolation that gave rise to and funded the criminal element at the time.

As for the rest of the illicit drug trade: if I’m honest the only one that I feel qualified to make an argument against total legalisation would be Cocaine. The rest is all arguable and would probably be more conjecture on my part than anything else but figure it’s worth a decent debate. Bearing in mind that on this thread we’re ostensibly talking about the elimination of drug kingpins such as this poor sap and the criminal element. Well that was the idea anyway but maybe I strayed into full legalisation (including production and supply) vs. decriminalisation (for possession) prematurely.

Maybe there’s an argument that only certain drugs could be fully legalised and that would eliminate or reduce the criminal element and the rise of kingpins like this. But I think that a whole lot of other things would have to fall into place as well.

Could be a decent and worthy productive debate really. Just have to box the ideas nice in my head for logical presentation.

All I do know is that it is a far more complex issue than I initially thought and hence my 180 on full legalisation.

Some very elegant posts on the other threads where, as I say, almost simultaneous similar arguments are being put forward (albeit that in some instances the threads have progressed to being off topic but are nevertheless still productive).
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Leave it homegrown if they can extract cocaine from raw coca then go for it but at least open the floodz
Leave it homegrown if they can extract cocaine from raw coca then go for it but at least open the floodz
Kinda exactly one of my points. Bearing in mind the topic and what started this thread i.e. the arrest of this guy. And which then led to a partial discussion encompassing criminality and violence etc.

Your argument if I understand it correctly is like saying well as long as it’s legal for the end user to use and posses that’s fine but whatever takes place in the rest of the supply chain is irrelevant. In which case dudes like this will exist always and which is the point I was trying to make.

Not any part of this is simple though.

Unfortunately it’s bed time this side and I need to be firing on all cylinders when it comes to this in order for any of it to be worthy of comment and debate. Apologies.
There’s no such thing as double jeopardy in the states. So see through the proceedings. @dalpat077
Your problem with drug lords is that they are foreign? A murderous drug lord is all fine and good as long as he's a local?
No. The emphasis was on the issue of sovereignty not the issue of foreigness. I don’t like the non-domestic drug lords taking control of other countries like an invading power. But I see your point.