NASADD Social - We Live on the Cusp of Death Thinking it Won't be Us

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yea i have eatin off this batch before ~2.5 mgs it was a good solid trip but they arent extremely potent

i only had a stem left (big stem albeit) but i was thinkin the stem was like .7 n was gonna eat it before work the other day, today i weighed it out n its 1.5 so its definately a dose i wouldnt have wanted to go to work on so im glad i didnt assume it wasnt much n just ate it

but by micro doses im talkin .15 of a gram

i hope i get positive results, after the 10 days or so if things are good ill take some time off n then see if i cant achieve the same effects with 1-2mg doses of 4 AcO DMT or other 4 sub tryptamines, i got a fair amount just lying around n while i have wanted a good trip lately i just havent been in the mindset to let myself go all out on a trip

also it would suck to have lost all that money but i think giving mushrooms n the like away is a really good feeling, for awhile when i was buying up the 4 AcO DMT often i would sell a little of it but the profit margin was soo high i only had to sell maybe 3 doses to pay for the entire sack n then i was left over with >75% of what i paid for that was essentially free at that point n i would give it away to friends n even strangers at a few events, im not sure why but i really loved the feeling of giving it away n it made me feel as tho i was doing something good. having said that i gave some to an old neighboor and she just set it aside for another day, well aparently she had a friend over drinking n the girl just saw a capsule with white powder in it and decided to take it (terrible idea on girls part) after being fuckin hammered drunk but yea a few days after my neighboor was appologizing if her friend woke us up cuz she just started freaking out outta no where n was climbing into peoples back yards n was making a shit ton of noise, my neighboor almost called the cops/medics cuz she didnt know what was wrong til the girl admitted to takin the capsule on her kitchen counter.

in my mind hearing this story im just like FUCK im glad the cops didnt get called, all she woulda had to say was yea she was drunk n then just took this unknown capsule of this unknown drug my neighboor right over there gave me
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I have about a four sentence attention span.

Does anyone else on here live in CA? :)
thats kool cuz i wasnt necessarily talking to you

nice of you too assume everything posted on bl is for your eyes only tho

nope no regular socialists outta CA

door is that way
It's 2 degrees out right now with a "reelfeel" (with windshield factor I guess) of -18. I almost froze to death pumping gas this morning.

The Box Tops-The Letter


Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter
I don't care how much money I gotta spend
Got to get back to baby again
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter
Well, she wrote me a letter
Said she couldn't live without me no more
Listen mister, can't you see I got to get back
To my baby once-a more
Anyway, yeah!
Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter
Well, she wrote me a letter
Said she couldn't live without me no more
Listen mister, can't you see I got to get back
To my baby once-a more
Anyway, yeah!
Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
Ain't got time to take a fast train
Lonely days are gone, I'm a-goin' home
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter
My baby, just-a wrote me a letter

The Box Tops-The Letter

a lot of you probably dont like old 50s-60s music but the box tops were the shit.

interesting story....The Box Tops are from memphis they have atleast 4 songs that made the top 10 and the founding member of the band (forgot his name) was good friends with my dad in grade school and went to a catholic school here in memphis.

i HAD several autographed pictures, and at one time a real cheap guitar signed by the whole band. im pretty sure my dad still has some of the pictures but the guitar got thrown out when we moved back in '01

they are a really good band if you are into the 50s-60s feel. my dad was born in '48 so i heard this shit all the time while i was growing up. makes me think about riding in the car with my dad
It's 2 degrees out right now with a "reelfeel" (with windshield factor I guess) of -18. I almost froze to death pumping gas this morning.

Damn and I thought I had it bad in NY with it being like 8 degrees out. Fuck that's cold. Supposed to snow here tomorrow though.. at least it means some fresh powder for boarding but with it being so damn cold they might have to chisel me off the mountain.

This was part of my night last night

Word to your mothers
well i got everyone wasted drunk so the one im making out with in that picture got sick. then the girl taking the pic I got down with and the other girl is my homeboys gf but I had my tongue down all their throats and much ass grabbings. That girl is fucking banging but I cant do it to my homeboy.
HoL how the fuck do you measure boomers precisely? I remember back in the day when my brain could handle tripping without imploding I bought a half pound of shrooms and took a lot everyday for a couple weeks with a buddy and a changing supporting cast. Everyday after work we'd dose up. You get used to it/build a bit of a tolerance pretty quick. Tripping always put things in perspective for me though at least for awhile.
^^ i bought a mg scale awhile ago when i started buying a lot of RCs. it didnt last long, cuz i mostly bought 4 sub tryptamines, mxe and 6apb, maybe i bought some other stuff but thats most of what i remember but anyways after you buy so much of those kind of substances they begin to accumulate faster then i could use em, sell em n even give em away so i stopped buyin em but i still have the scale.

so yea i just weigh out ~150mg of mushroom matter, cap it up n thats that.

so you were tripping daily for a couple weeks? how'd that treat you?

i have been wanting to trip to gain that perspective you speak of but i just cant bring myself to do it really, i just havent been in a great mind frame really n its been so back n forth, some days are good while most arent n even then some days are good at certain points n then negativity just takes over.

like i said im over the heartache but i feel like i never dealt with how to live after dope n now it just got thrown onto me and its been rough

The Box Tops-The Letter

i like the song

well i got everyone wasted drunk so the one im making out with in that picture got sick. then the girl taking the pic I got down with and the other girl is my homeboys gf but I had my tongue down all their throats and much ass grabbings. That girl is fucking banging but I cant do it to my homeboy.

but you were still kissin on her n grabbin her ass, while im sure your buddy is glad yall didnt fuck i doubt he'd be particularly happy bout what went down, maybe im wrong tho

oh yea,


I mean like I said about the tolerance thing it definitely becomes less and less profound the more you dose back to back. By the end of the two weeks I could feel the shrooms physically but, it had no noticeable mental effects. I remember feeling a little off for a coupe days after it was all said and done but, more of am after glow than something negative.

You know I've read that men process break ups differently than women. Women will typically "mourn" the loss right away while men can take months to really get into it. This might explain what you're going through but, idk.
i like the song

but you were still kissin on her n grabbin her ass, while im sure your buddy is glad yall didnt fuck i doubt he'd be particularly happy bout what went down, maybe im wrong tho

oh yea,



He was pretty much down for all of it cause he was getting to do it to all the other girls too. And he knows his girl is fine and shes crazy so it was no problemo. But nah i wouldnt fuck my homie's girl thats just bad business.

And yes The HOOK'EM HORNS shirt gets lots of negative attention from the cowboys up here. But fuck em 2 bad bitches at the same damn time hoe.
I mean like I said about the tolerance thing it definitely becomes less and less profound the more you dose back to back. By the end of the two weeks I could feel the shrooms physically but, it had no noticeable mental effects. I remember feeling a little off for a coupe days after it was all said and done but, more of am after glow than something negative.

You know I've read that men process break ups differently than women. Women will typically "mourn" the loss right away while men can take months to really get into it. This might explain what you're going through but, idk.

yea idk maybe you're right but i dont even think im dealing with the breakup anymore so much as just dealing with everything that led me to my addiction that forwhatever reason i didnt really evaluate much after i got clean, it was like i got clean im bettering myself i got a girl who wants to spend forever with me n everything about that seemed good enough that i didnt feel any need to look inward, tho even while we were together i often felt things in my life were missing/ were still not right, which caused some problems cuz it prevented me from truly being happy tho i was content.

well now im not content n im def not happy n i feel like i am having to deal with who i am and am trying to do it without substance tho that has been an abysmal failure over the last few months. but yea so i feel like i got clean but didnt do all the follow up work that staying clean requires n now i got thrown into this situation of having to do all this work at a time were im just not in a good mind frame. but all is good so far cuz i am still conscious of what i have to do and am still making attempts to accomplish this, i will start to worry once i have said fuck it n stop trying

He was pretty much down for all of it cause he was getting to do it to all the other girls too. And he knows his girl is fine and shes crazy so it was no problemo. But nah i wouldnt fuck my homie's girl thats just bad business.

And yes The HOOK'EM HORNS shirt gets lots of negative attention from the cowboys up here. But fuck em 2 bad bitches at the same damn time hoe.

well if he was there n was kool with it then no harm no foul, sounds like a good night

really people in Montana are hating on Texas? pfft, fags.

are you a UT fan? i know you said you had family in Tx but i guess i woulda just assumed you were a razorback.
i got my texas hoodie on right now..

dub whos your buddies chick? the one facing the camera right?..i would totally give it to that chick

and we had the coldest weather in 2 years the last couple days here in chicago but we pretty much got lucky cause we dont have any snow and they said if we had snow on the ground it would have been like 20 degrees colder. so it could have been -15 with out the windchill
damn it was 70 somethin here today, fuckin lovely, was out just soakin up the vitamin d earlier

thats why u cant mess with texas ;)
i got my texas hoodie on right now..

dub whos your buddies chick? the one facing the camera right?..i would totally give it to that chick

and we had the coldest weather in 2 years the last couple days here in chicago but we pretty much got lucky cause we dont have any snow and they said if we had snow on the ground it would have been like 20 degrees colder. so it could have been -15 with out the windchill

yea dudes girl was the one giving the O face but the other 2 i was making out with were straight as a gate for real.
But nsh es not down for her dude and knows wha tim workiing with so it s only a matter of time before her and all her frriends are getting it.;l Im wasted as fuck asd if you dont liek it jump off a clifff.
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thats kool cuz i wasnt necessarily talking to you

nice of you too assume everything posted on bl is for your eyes only tho

nope no regular socialists outta CA

door is that way
Hmm thats weird... Wasn't talking to you either :)
Maybe cause you obviously don't live in CA
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