NASADD Social v It's HOL's birthday! Any day is better than shitting yourself in jail

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also i haven't posted in like, probably almost 2 years, and i still have a 5.5 post per day average. my BL-penis is so big.
Whatever happened to...? Thread vs. OD/OCD social

this is like a lounge TTYS thread.

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wouldn't it be nice if google just automatically didn't save porn searches in your history?
off to drug class again

got a lunch packed, should be good

wanted to get barred out for the thing but also want to come home n roll so not gonna do the benzo thing tonight maybe tom

ill let yall know how this molly is tom

btw c'mon thunder, dont let the heat get one.... please dont let the heat get one
outta droogs class

man i tell you this class is bullshit

most of the people in there are in there for meth and weed

only one other Opie addict but he gets scripts and apparently still does, Alls a class like this does is developes connects for people, teacher starts talkin bout Oxy and this guys like 'shit i get 90 blues a month, who needs some'

and im sitting right next to the fucker and drove myself crazy thinking bout whether or not i should hit him up on em, im mean i was so fuckin anxious thinkin bout it. i didnt say nothin to him but he is sittin there makin deals with others on break and im strugglin to stay opiate free in this class

shit really pissed me off tonight thinkin bout the fact that drug classes just bring a bunch of druggies together for this sorta thing

anyways just got hom 31-29 heat this should be a damn good game
he said tonight he was 22 years clean

but he acts like he hit the pipe right before he came in
Just cuz he is clean doesn't mean he ain't pocketing money. I've met people that said they had a lot of clean time and were shady as hell. But I've also met some that totally changed there life around too.
^^ im not saying cuz he's clean that he is 100% straight n narrow

but i also thought you were kidding bout the kickbacks

i doubt he is, but i guess you never really now
I met my best heroin connect at my TASC probation forced rehab. he got raw and he liked me so he gave it to me for free a lot. win win win.
I was joking about the kickbacks. I forget sometimes that some jokes and sarcasm don't come across real good on the Internet.
i wish i could quit dope..i just dont have anything to fil that void right now

and maybe not quit but to go back to chippin and using once a week, once every other week
The boredom gets me everytime. Especially when it is too easy to get or your guy is calling wondering why you haven't called in a few days.
FUCK it is so oppressively hot here, even at fucking 1am these last two days have been retarded.
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