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NASADD Social - bringing back oldskool bankai style

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It's a wormhole that bends across the universe and then returns to itself so that you're almost fucking your own dick in an infinite loop.
yea dude mars chicks are totallt like asian chicks

oh herro prease earthlings

LOL I was gonna comment on that. It was so depressing to leave middle school only to learn that even asian pussy faces the same way. I'm still on that quest to find a sideways one some day though, maybe mars has got some.

It's a wormhole that bends across the universe and then returns to itself so that you're almost fucking your own dick in an infinite loop.

glad you knew what meant by that

i remember the 1st time someone told me asians were so tight b/c the had sideways pussies, i was like "it all makes sense now"
So ive been wondering and its been hard to find an answer one way or the other but i suspect the answer is no

for people in WA or CO who are on probation for marijuana possession (much like myself here in TX), what happens to them

what if someone is in my exact situation but living in one of those states, say they have 8-9 months ( i forget exactly when i get off) of probation for possession left

to they get off probabtion? i mean it seems only fair if something they did that was once illegal is now legal that they should not be subject to the punishment for a law that no longer exists, i mean i assume the answer is no and its one of those SOL kinda situations were the state still fucks you but does anyone have any information regarding this?

i mean i know ill be long off probation before anything of this nature happens in TX but i cant help but wonder what it would be like if i were in my exact situation in CO or if a similar thing occured here in TX

anyone have any insight or answers?

like i said i assume the state would say too bad but at the same time that just doesnt seem right/fair
i quickly skimmed the last two pages.

I think I read somewhere that someone in this thread is a MtF transgender person but I could be wrong?
i quickly skimmed the last two pages.

I think I read somewhere that someone in this thread is a MtF transgender person but I could be wrong?[/QUOTE
Ywa his names bombaclat. The tranitoon to a woman was finalized when he made the thread about ways to get back at his roommate.. any way except approaching him in person like a man that is
^ He sounded pissed. :) I can't get the space aids posting here can I?

Just dicking around again.

Does anybody watch Burn Notice on USA network? New episode tonight

We will all be getting the space aids soon enough. The Mars rover is named "Curiosity" for a reason. It's all about that alien pussy

you simply cannot escape the space AIDS.


edit: yes, i used to watch burn notice quite frequently. however the later in the seasons it gets the less i care.
^ I used to have my pill dealer next door to my job, and then I ended up working at the same place as him. It was pretty bad since almost all my money would go to buying vikes, percs, or xanax. On the work calender there it had the amounts I owed him, and he paid me so he would just take what I owed him out of my pay so there was no way around it.
^ Our guy would front us shit all the time too. He knew what day we got paid and that we had good jobs so he would let us rack up a hefty coke bill. That is such a vicious circle to get into. I'm glad I'm not that reckless anymore.
^ I used to have my pill dealer next door to my job, and then I ended up working at the same place as him. It was pretty bad since almost all my money would go to buying vikes, percs, or xanax. On the work calender there it had the amounts I owed him, and he paid me so he would just take what I owed him out of my pay so there was no way around it.

That is pretty ballsy of him to post your bill up on the work calender lol

*edit* Well either ballsy or just plain stupid
^Well I'm sure it didn't say for what, probably just had his name with a number next to it. Could be anything really

Heh, I always used to end up in these drug triangles at work. Several different jobs I've had the only people who I still stay in contact with are the drug friends.

I remember one particularly crazy job, this salvage company I worked at was almost unreal-

Back when I used to sell pills at one point my supplier worked with me, but I used to help him find shit too when he was in need.

There was another guy at the same company who I used to buy and do lots of coke with. We got our connect through a guy that also worked there who used to be good friends/ business partner/ fellow skier who worked there for years before this guy started there and didn't even realize it was him until like a few days after he started. Shit, we'd be up till 5am blowing lines and realize that we had to be at work in 3 hours and I was dude's ride to work that day.

If I worked Saturdays there was a dude that we'd have each other's back if one of us forgot to bring our own booze that day.

Another guy that I had previously worked with about 2 years earlier at a different yard got a job there a few months after I started. One of the last times I saw him before I stopped working there we had just finished smoking a joint on lunch break when he got pulled over and arrested on an old warrant and I had to drive his car back to the yard without him and explain where he went. We didn't keep in contact after I left. Then he shows up to work at this new place not knowing I worked there and I gave him a good word so he could get the job lol

You'd always catch someone doing something behind any corner or hiding in a car. I walked up on a dude (that didn't work there long) shooting up in a car out in the lot once and before he knew it was me he ripped his arm pretty bad trying to gank the rig out and hide what he was doing. He ended up leaving early that day cause he told the boss he cut his arm on a rusty piece of metal. Two of the guys in the garage used to keep lines cut up in the top lid of their toolbox and you could usually just walk up and take one or two as long as you informed them later and found a way to hit them back in one way shape or form (one was coke the other was OC, the OC guy was kind of stingy but he still hooked me up, the coke guy pretty much anyone who wanted some could). The owner had cameras out in the garage that he could view from his office so the guys just positioned their boxes just past where it was hard to see what was actually going on but not completely out of sight to avoid suspicion, just looked like you were looking for tools. He actually mentioned once that it was great that we trusted one another enough to share our tools so freely, it was damn funny.

There was a spot that a few of us would meet up at the reservoir down the street on lunch break and get high or just do deals.
Sometimes you'd run into someone else from work at the liquor store on lunch.

Man what a crazy place to work that was, pretty much only like the owners and 2 or 3 office workers, and one older operator were straight edge. Other than that everyone else was cool. And of course there was the VP's Nicaraguan husband that worked there too, on Sunday nights we'd go out to the casino or this hispanic club (I never saw even one other white guy there, it was nuts) and he ended up hooking me up with 3 or 4 hot latina chicks.

It was unreal, like just one big drug binge that lasted months but actually you were at work some of the time. Started off just being a regular job but as time progressed it got crazier like we all fed off each other. Idk why the fuck I left that job. Well, I do but damn I shouldn't have. That was the place that begged me to stay and paid for my first/last month rent and security deposit on a new apartment, gave me a big raise and offered to help me out with a car because I told them I was quitting due to homelessness and them not paying me to survive. I could get away with anything there lol.

Heh, sorry for the ramble, I guess the bankai is showing itself ;)

TL;DR: Just reminiscing about some drug fueled good times at work. Man my new job just got so fucking boring when I thought of it like that. fuck
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what'sup fuckers? here's some copy pasta of my last few days.

i've had an interesting last few days to say the least. my cousin took off to brisbane and ended up being detained into a mental health ward and was released. we picked him up, booked a room to stay in overnight before we would drive back the next day - to get some rest - before he snuck out in the middle of the night in his car being and having been detained again. so he's going to be down there for a week or two at the minimum after having being assessed by the psychiatrist.

poor uncle had to get his car out of the impound twice in 2 days that was the least of the worries, though, as his sons (my cousin) mental health was getting worse and worse. it was pretty nerve-racking seeing him all doped up on IV antipsychotics in the hospital bed, making no sense, trying to get out saying he was fine. he was telling his dad on the phone, as we were trying to find which hospital he was in, that he'd seen the psych and was fine to go which was an obvious lie.

then to top things off as i was about to drive his sons car back there was overheating issues which we thankfully got fixed! we got home just before 2pm yesterday morning so it's great to be home and knowing my cousin is in good care and will be getting the help he needs from one of the better mental health services in the state. bless his soul.

and another interesting thing - i hadn't dosed in near 2 days so was getting pretty sick and decided it was a good idea to prep up and blast away in the hospital car park. so i can add that notch onto the belt. shooting up in the royal womens brisbane hospital. in a way it was probably one of the safer places to do it. certainly safer and easier than it was when i pulled over at a petrol station and did so half way back on our drive home lol.

i just woke up and had my bankai so am feeling so damn good. i'm gonna need a coffee refill in a moment.

so kc or ohline, get of yo' asses and make me a fresh brew, NAO. and a rub down would be splendid.

how ya'll been?

kc said:
tentram (idk if that's even how you spell your name but I can't be bothered to look): TEH SEX.

oh you<3 *blushes* yeah you got the spelling right:) well done! you get a star

ohline said:
aww, don't you look adorable, you filthy fucking bogan

you should take that vibrator out of your mouth, though.. it's really unbecoming of you.

oh you, too <3 it's my ecig, though, i'm sure i could rig it up and turn it into a vibrator and make millions. we could partner up, ya know? you could fine tune the vibrating side of it so we get it perfected and then start marketing and selling the shit out of it!

Until the Feds get involved.

Federal law overrides state law.

yeah, this; still, a move in the right direction, you lucky fucks.
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fuckers, the lot of ya'll

except, wiggi. he cool. we spoke for a good while today organising whether he should practice his right to bare arms. you'll have to catch me up on how that situation panned out next time we speak, brother.

but still, the rest of you can SUCK MY DICK. preferably ohline and kc. one can tend to my balls and the other suck me off, rotating back and forth between each other, using lots of those beautiful luscious lips and mouths yall got.

^ Situation turned out pretty well, I walked up to the guy and he promptly left, no drama whatsoever.
^ Situation turned out pretty well, I walked up to the guy and he promptly left, no drama whatsoever.


nice one, man.

but did you end up sweeping the lady from under her feet and taking her home?
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