Mental Health Narcissism( and other personality issues) start from continued childhood traumas

You have fallen into the insecurity loop. Ive been there myself. As pathetic as this sounds, if you aim to better and think positively you will notice changes.
Mind control techniques are your minds creation. You are not a targeted invidual. Trust me dude. Some mental health problems also have those same things, but nevertheless the answer is to find strength in you and not take things too personally.
I find life a big fucking joke myself, but I will never let it beat me down. In fact the joke that is life is a funny one when you decide to start enjoying it.
Stay strong
You have fallen into the insecurity loop. Ive been there myself. As pathetic as this sounds, if you aim to better and think positively you will notice changes.
Mind control techniques are your minds creation. You are not a targeted invidual. Trust me dude. Some mental health problems also have those same things, but nevertheless the answer is to find strength in you and not take things too personally.
I find life a big fucking joke myself, but I will never let it beat me down. In fact the joke that is life is a funny one when you decide to start enjoying it.
Stay strong
Thank you so much. That is an interesting theory. I do think life is a joke also and a game and it's like the game has turned very dark for me right now.
can i tell you just a little funny thing, please please please ?

Two blondes fell down a hole. One said, "It's dark in here isn't it?" The other replied, "I don't know; I can't see."

All I am trying to say is try what you think will help.
It's just how you want to see things and the way that you want to try to strive to feel. And being in situations that you want to be in, no matter where you get dumped, go to that place that you want to be 'so to speak.'

block them away, they are nothing to you. but you have to focus on yourself for what is best for you so you can in turn not hurt others.

treat others the way you would want to treat yourself and if you cannot then just leave the situation.

but be kind the same way you would like to feel from someone else.
your family is probably very very koo koo.

But that was NOT you fault ! ♡♡♡
So, are you going to be alright !?
Hey check this thread, it might explain why you feel more targeted when you have just taken your pain meds.
Opioid-induced anxiety?
Thank you for this. I am reading it now with interest. It definitely can affect me differently every time (opioids) and sometimes it reduces anxiety and other times I get a strong fear/anxious response.

I also had another theory where I was listening to a TI called Bryan Tew and he claims they send these people out to trigger our negative emotions so they can do remote neural monitoring on us. I have a theory whereby when I am on opiates it covers up or makes my remote neural monitoring inaccurate so they are sending out more people and stalkers to harass me to get an up-to-date reading when I am on the pain meds. I honestly know it's a thing.

I was listening to this yesterday. It's long but worth listening to:
